Chapter 39: New Year's Eve*

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      I work all day New Year's Eve until about 5 pm before I come home to Spencer who has had a day at home with Ryder catching up on paperwork. I come home and Spencer is in loose grey sweat pants, a white t shirt, and his normal mismatched socks. I smile at the sight as I walk in and Spencer looks up to lock eyes with me when he hears me open the door. He smiles and gets up from his seat on the couch, as does Ryder, and walks over to greet me. I hang up my jacket and put my bags down to hug him and give him a kiss before bending down to pick up Ryder.
      I look up and ask him "so how was your day with Ryder, Spence?" He smiles and sits at a chair at the kitchen island while I go to the kitchen to get something to drink. He says "it was good, pretty boring compared to what I'm used to," as he sits down. I hum in acknowledgment as I look for something to drink. Eventually I just settle on a glass of wine. I pull the chilled bottle of white wine out and turn to get a glass. I ask Spencer "you want a glass?" He says "uh no thanks, I'll probably not drink tonight in case people need a designated driver from JJ and Will's."
       I hum as I pour a glass of wine, a big glass of wine. Spencer chuckles and asks "bad day?" I chuckle back "just a long day. I think it's a full moon or something because people were just crazy." Spencer laughs "how so?" I hum "they were just noncompliant across the board. Claiming they didn't know the chicken in the cafeteria was a solid food. Stuff like that." Spencer hums "that does sound frustrating." I take a long swig of the wine as I nod. He asks me "do you still want to go tonight?" I give Spencer a shocked look "of course I want to go! Just let me finish this glass of wine and take a nap and I'll be ready to go in a few hours!"
        Spencer smiles and nods. "Sounds good, is it okay if I nap with you?" Spencer asks a bit shyly. I chuckle and nod "of course, Spence. Are you tired, too?" He shakes his head "no, I've just missed you while you've been at work. I'll just read while you sleep." I smile warmly at the thought of Spencer missing me this much. I say teasingly "you know this little bit of loneliness and longing you feel? I feel that every time you go on a case." Spencer gives me a sad smile "I know, Annie, I'm sorry." I give him a sad smile back as I brush his hair out of his face. I say "it's okay Spencer, I understand. All I ask is you come back to me in one piece every time." He nods "I do my best." I give him a kiss on the cheek and say "I know you do, bubs."
      His cheeks turn pink and he gives a shy smile in response. We walk back to our bedroom, Ryder's claws tapping on the hardwood floor of the hallway at our heels. I tell Spencer I'm going to change out of my scrubs and into some comfy clothes. He nods and climbs into his side of the bed, Ryder following and curling up at Spencer's feet. I smile to myself at the sight. Spencer turns on the tv to find a comfort show for me - I have him so well trained, don't I? - as I change into Nike shorts and one of Spencer's shirts. Spencer smiles as I walk towards the bed. I get a bit shy and ask him "what?" with a giggle. He shrugs and smiles as he tells me "I just think you look so beautiful in my clothes."
     I feel my cheeks warming up at the compliment as I look down. I say in a shy tone "Spencer you always tell me I'm beautiful." He leans forward and lifts up my chin "because you are, Annie. I will spend the rest of my life making sure that you know that every day." I shyly nod at him as I crawl into bed with him. I nuzzle into his left side and wrap my left arm around his waist. Spencer wraps his left arm behind me and picks up the book he's been reading. It's not even in English so I have no idea what it is or what it's about.
      I would ask but I know I would fall asleep during his explanation due to how tired I am so instead I just say "Spence, I'm too tired now, but will you tell me about what you're reading when I wake up. Maybe when we are getting ready?" Spencer smiles and his eyes light up at the question and he responds "of course, baby, now go to sleep. We've got a big night ahead of us." I nod and feel myself drifting off as Spencer punctuates his statement with a kiss to my forehead.


      I wake up in bed by myself. I wonder where Spencer is until I hear the water running in the shower. I check the time and see that it's a little past 7. I get out of bed and go sit at my vanity to brush out my hair and just make sure I look presentable before the party. I just touch up my makeup from work, adding extra concealer to different spots and refreshing my blush, mascara, and lipstick. I change into a cute set of pajamas that's both pants and long sleeves, because Jack will be there I don't want to be too revealing. I do put on a tank beneath the pajama top in case I get hot and need to remove a layer.
       It doesn't take me near as long to get ready due to the fact that it's a casual pajama party. I go to the kitchen to quickly whip up some party snacks. I make some Buffalo chicken dip, Hawaiian roll sliders, and make some cheesecake brownie batter and go ahead and put the batter in a greased pan so it can be baked at JJ's. Spencer comes out to the living room in his pajama set, drying his hair with a towel. He looks impressed and says "wow you've gotten a lot done." I chuckle "to be fair I had some things prepped so it would be easier to mix up later. Before work I layered the sandwiches in and just added the butter glaze on top and baked them really quick while I whipped up the dip and the brownie batter. Took maybe 10 minutes."
      He walks around the island and says "well I bet it tastes amazing, baby," and gives me a quick kiss. I smile and ask "can you take Ryder out one last time and then I'll be ready to go?" Spencer nods and happily fulfills my request as I pack up everything to go. For Christmas Alison gave me a basket that holds casserole dishes so they're easily transported and I will definitely be using it tonight. After I've gotten everything settled I put on my uggs and my jacket since it's pretty cold outside and wait for Spencer to come back. He and Ryder return and I happily greet Ryder and love on him for a minute before having him get in his crate. Spencer carries the bag of food and I lock the door behind us as we leave.
       The drive is calm, Spencer tells me about the book he's been reading now that I'm awake. The drive is a short one. We arrive at around 8:45 pm and Spencer knocks on the door before walking in, just like at Rossi's. You'd think FBI agents would be more sticklers for security than they are. We walk in the front door and everybody that's arrived turns in the living room to greet us. JJ, Will, and Henry are obviously there along with Hotch, Killian, Jack, and Rossi. Jack notices our arrival and gasps loudly and dramatically before screaming our names and running to greet us. I giggle and pick up Jack since Spencer's hands are full. Jack excitedly says "you're in your pajamas, too!" I nod and giggle. I respond "it's a pajama party, Jack so everybody will be in pajamas!"
     I look to JJ and tell her "I have brownies ready to bake. Is it cool if I use your oven?" She hops up and responds "absolutely. Let me help you!" I smile and nod, putting Jack down. I take the food from Spencer and tell Jack to go see uncle Spencer. I follow JJ into the kitchen, leaving Spencer in the living room with Jack and everybody else. JJ preheats the oven and I start unpacking all the food I brought to add to the spread. JJ chuckles "wow you always bring the best food!" I smile proudly and just say "I love to cook and was taught to never come to a party empty handed." JJ drinks a sip from her glass of wine and says "well I am grateful. You want a glass of wine? I know Spencer is driving tonight so you can go a little crazy."
      I laugh at her statement and tell her "okay 1. You saw me drunk like once and should know from that that I don't need to be drunk ever. 2. Jack and Henry are here and I don't need to be a bad example. 3. I will never live it down." JJ laughs and says "just have fun, let loose, and see where the night takes you." She shrugs and takes another sip before continuing "maybe you'll get lucky tonight." I laugh "Spencer is such a stickler for consent I cannot get much past tipsy before he won't want to do anything." JJ awes before saying "that's actually really sweet. He's such a good guy." I blush and nod "he is. I love him to pieces. Sometimes I hate it when he can be a stickler for certain things, but I know it's just because he cares."

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