Chapter 7: Ponte Vecchio

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      Spencer pulls up to the valet service of the restaurant. Before he gets out he clears out the GPS history on his car and sets some kind of passcode lock on it. He pulls out an extra key from under the dashboard and gets out of the car jogging to the passenger side to open my door for me. I take his hand and get out of the car, steadying myself on the cobblestone drive. He hands the valet his spare key and a generous tip before walking us towards the entrance. He holds the door for me and tells the hostess "I have a reservation for Spencer Reid for 7:30." The hostess smiles and says "right this way."
      The restaurant is named Ponte Vecchio. It's gorgeous, there are enchanting water features placed throughout the restaurant. We are led to a private room in which there is a table for us and a large water fall cascading down the entire length of one wall, eliminating the need for background music. I ask Spencer after we sit down "why did you lock your screen up on your car and give the valet a different key?" He smiles lightly and says "I'm not too fond of the idea of a stranger being able to access my address or your address based on my past driving and GPS history. I also don't want a stranger to be able to make any copies of my keys, I'm honestly anxious just giving him a spare key to my car." My mind is blown. I nod along and realize I hadn't even thought of that. Although I usually don't use a valet because it's cheaper. Also I don't usually go places nice enough to have a valet anyway.
      I tell Spencer "I love the restaurant you chose. I love the water features especially since the restaurant is named Ponte Vecchio after the bridge in Florence." Spencer's eyes widen and I can tell he didn't expect me to know what the Ponte Vecchio was. I laugh lightly and say "my grandmother sings opera, mostly Italian opera, and trained me in it as well when I was in high school." His eyes widen even more, which I didn't realize was possible, and he says "and why did you decide on speech language pathology instead of pursuing opera?"
      I smile and respond saying "I guess I enjoyed singing, but when I was singing opera it wasn't for me and it became like a chore and not something I really enjoyed anymore. Now when I sing it's what I want and I have fun with it. I did, however, enjoy singing in other languages because nobody in the audience would know if I mixed up the words." Spencer laughs in response and says "you are just full of surprises, aren't you?" I laugh and say "oh you have no idea."
      I can see Spencer's eyebrows furrow with intrigue as the waiter arrives with our water glasses and takes our drink order. I order a glass of Sauvignon Blanc while Spencer orders a glass of Merlot. The waiter leaves to fill our wine orders and I hope I'm in the clear from Spencer's questioning. I was wrong. He says "what did you mean by that?" I decide to play dumb and say "by what?" He shakes his head and laughs slightly as he says "you said I have no idea. I have no idea about what?" I laugh and say "that's for me to know and you to find out" as I sip my water. Thankfully, he drops the subject and instead turns it to work.
      "I'm surprised I haven't been called away on a case yet. They haven't let me travel too much yet since my, um, exposure, so I should be getting to go back to normal any day now," says Spencer. I nod solemnly. He cocks his head to the side and says "what's the serious face for?" I let out a small sigh and say "it just worries me that every day you're at work you put yourself in danger." He nods in understanding and then says "well in terms of putting ourselves in danger, every time we get into a car we put ourselves in a high probability of being in a car accident." I laugh as I roll my eyes and say "great now I have to worry about you every time you leave your apartment."
      He notices yet another slip of mine and says "you worry about me?" I decide to not play dumb and say "Yes. Yes I do. God, you don't miss anything do you?" He smiles smugly and says "Nope. The sad thing about my job is I know way too much about the evils of this world and I also worry about you" as he grabs my hand. The butterflies in my stomach come to life again as our waiter brings our glasses of wine. The waiter takes our orders, Spencer orders the filet and I order the chicken Alfredo.
     "I couldn't decide between the filet or the shrimp scampi if I'm being honest," says Spencer. I chuckle and say "Well, it's a good thing you didn't because these lips," I gesture to my lips "would be off limits." He gives me a curious look and says "do you have a shellfish allergy?" I nod in confirmation as I take a swig of my wine. He nods as well and says "duly noted."
      After a comfortable silence, Spencer says "my colleague, David Rossi, actually recommended this place. His friend owns it. I turned to him for recommendations after you told me you wanted pasta." I smile warmly and say "well you did a great job, Dr. Reid." I see his eyes darken slightly at my statement as our food arrives.
     We eat in comfortable silence for a moment before Spencer asks me how the food is. I respond saying "it's amazing. Best chicken Alfredo I've ever had, Spence." He smiles and says "you know only one other person has ever called me Spence." I stop eating and say "oh should I not call you that?" He shakes his head no and tells me "oh no please continue. I actually quite like it coming from your lips." Good lord, does this man know just what to say to make me blush.
     As the check comes, Spencer pays the bill, again, and refuses to let me even see it. I'm slightly frustrated as I say "you know I make money, too, right?" He chuckles and says "I know." I let out an exasperated sigh and say "will you at least let me pay next time?" He hesitates before he gives in and says "okay, deal." We go to leave the restaurant, Spencer placing his hand on the small of my back and guiding me through the restaurant, and we wait for the valet to return Spencer's car.
      The valet returns the car and the key to Spencer as Spencer opens the passenger side door for me and then walks the other side of the car, getting in the driver side. As we drive the short drive back to my apartment, Taylor Swift playing in the background, he grabs my left hand with his right and rests them together on the center console. I think to myself how I don't want the night to end yet.
      I turn to Spencer and say "you know, if you want, we could go back to my place and watch a movie or something." He chuckles and says "if I want?" I bite my bottom lip and nod as I hum my response. I feel the need to add "no funny business though." He let's out a hearty laugh saying "I understand, after our conversation this afternoon I wasn't expecting any funny business to take place tonight."
      As we get in to my apartment I take my heels off at the door and go to get Ryder out of his crate. After I get him out I turn to Spencer in the doorway and ask "do you mind if I change? This dress isn't very comfortable to lounge in, and please make yourself at home." He nods in response as he shuts the bedroom door and I hear his footsteps retreat to my living room.
      I change into a sweatshirt and Nike shorts quickly before re-emerging in the living room only to find Spencer reading one of my coffee table books. I sit down on the couch next to him as I turn on the tv and search for something for us to watch. We decide on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I start to readjust and get comfortable as Spencer pulls my legs into his lap and asks "is this okay? You just didn't look very comfortable." I blush and nod my consent to him. He stops me and says "I need words, Annie." I am effectively shocked as I say "yes, this is fine." After a minute I say "you know only my grandfather has ever called me Annie before." Spencer stiffens and apologizes and I say "no I like it," with a smile as I snuggle into his side and feel his arm wrap around me.
      I quickly drift off to sleep as the comfort and security his embrace provides allows my body to relax for what feels like the first time ever. His heartbeat serving as a lullaby to my ear on his chest. Spencer contently watches the movie for some time but also falls asleep in the comfort of our embrace before the movie ends.


      I wake up to the sunlight streaming in through the living room window and immediately find that odd as my bedroom has blackout curtains. That's when I notice the body breathing softly beneath me and the arm around my waist. At first I panic before I recognize the large hands and curly brown hair of Spencer and immediately feel safe again. I look around and notice Ryder is curled up asleep on the big chair in the corner. He probably didn't want to sleep in the bed without me.
      I can see on the tv screensaver that it's 7 am on Sunday. We must have both fallen asleep watching the movie. I lay as still as possible and listen to the rhythm of Spencer's heart beat and the sound of his breathing. I drift off again, lulled to sleep by the sounds of Spencer.


      I wake again, this time to the sound of a phone ringing. I stir slightly on top of Spencer as I hear him answer the phone with a serious "Reid." I can't hear what the other person is saying, but I hear him say "okay, Hotch, I'll be in in about an hour," and he hangs up the phone. He lightly pushes hair out of my face and behind my ear as he says "Annie, baby," in a sing song voice causing me to stir and fully wake up. I turn to look at him and yawn as I say "morning." He smiles and says "morning, pretty girl. I hate to do this but I just got called in to work today to work on some paperwork." I sleepily nod and rub my eyes as I sit up and move away so he can get up.
      He puts on his shoes as I realize he slept in his nice dress clothes. "I'm sorry I didn't try to offer you a change of clothes," I say to Spencer. He laughs and says "well I know neither of us planned on my sleeping over. I don't mind at all. I slept great." He puts on his jacket and grabs his keys and I slowly pad to the door behind him. He stops and pulls me in for a kiss. He deepens it quickly, his tongue begging for entrance which I grant without hesitation. After a minute he pulls away and says "I gotta go, but I'll see you later okay?" I smile and nod as I say goodbye and shut the door behind him.
       I go to the kitchen to make myself coffee and fully process the events of the night before. I have a lazy Sunday at home with Ryder as I get some chores done around the apartment and catch up on some work later in the afternoon. All day long my thoughts drift back to Spencer and when I can see him again.

AN: their first sleepover and we've established nicknames! But prob not the kind of sleepover everybody was hoping for lol we are getting closer!

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