Chapter 53: Buckle Up*

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The next morning, Spencer and I pack up everything before walking down the street to pick up some breakfast and coffee to take back to the room. Check out is at 10 so we are having an early breakfast before taking our suitcases to the car and spending a few hours at the Museum of Natural History before starting the drive home. As we are eating our breakfast, I ask Spencer "so what are you most excited to see at the museum today?" I smile widely as I say it, genuinely excited for his answer. He smiles and blushes just a bit as he says "I'm excited to see the planetarium and the current exhibit they have on sharks. I think it will all be very interesting."
I smile and nod. I tell him "I'm excited, too. You'll still dumb everything down for me that I don't understand, right?" Spencer chuckles and shakes his head at my question. He answers "I'll rephrase everything as necessary. I never have to 'dumb' anything down for you, Annie. Sometimes you want more information and that's perfectly okay. Sometimes people don't know how to explain things well and that's not your fault." I smile and nod. I know he's just trying to lift me up, but I know that I am not smart enough for the planetarium stuff and all that. He can tell me all he wants that it's just about the phrasing, but I call bullshit. If it's not about speech or Taylor Swift or tv and movies or nerdy stuff then I don't know a lot about it. Sorry not sorry. I've slept since high school and physics was not marked important in my memory.
We double checked with the hotel when we checked out that we can leave our car in the parking garage until this afternoon even though we are checking out. They were more than accommodating, ensuring us that the parking garage was safe and secure with security. We are putting our suitcases in the trunk and out of sight, we had cleaned out the car specifically to prevent against the car getting broken into before leaving DC. Nothing is in sight besides some random napkins and some gum, that I can see anyway. Still, we can't be too careful. Spencer and I triple check that the car is locked before we leave the parking garage to take an Uber to the museum.
We get to the museum quickly, the drive wasn't long from our hotel to the museum. However, the museum is packed, most likely because it's Saturday. I follow Spencer around and let him lead the way because I could care less if we see the African mammals or the Asian mammals or the gem stones or the planetarium. He's just done so much that focused on me this trip that I want him to spend a few hours doing something he loves and is excited to do. Watching him walk around with excitement and fascination, brown eyes shining with joy, it warms my heart and I know that I love him so much it hurts.
As we are walking through the ocean life exhibit, Spencer asks me "the Hayden Planetarium is doing a space show and there's also a show in the Big Bang theater. Which one do you want to do?" I smile at his eagerness, he's seriously like a kid in a candy shop here. I respond "how about both?" Spencer's eyes grow as wide as saucers. He asks me "are you serious?" I smile and nod "yep, as long as we won't get our car towed and you can explain the stuff I don't understand then I'm on board with anything and everything you want to do."
He smiles so wide I'm sure it's hurting his cheeks. He nods and says "okay, well the shows are back to back and one is about to start so we should head that way." I smile and loop my arm through his and tell him "you have the conn." Spencer looks at me in shock and says "if you start quoting Star Trek now after telling me we can do whatever I want in a museum then I am not responsible for my actions." I chuckle at his implication and shake my head as we walk, Spencer leading the way. We make our way to the Hayden Planetarium to the 12 pm show and find our seats. This is included in the general admission to the museum, however, we did splurge and pay extra to see the different special exhibits that are on right now, like the sharks exhibit.
        I watch the show with Spencer, kind of following some of it, but I am definitely not enjoying it as much as Spencer is. Seeing him happy makes me happy. Now I can see why he didn't mind doing stuff I wanted to do this entire trip. Well, I did let him do what he wanted on Thursday night, but that's different. I'm sure Spencer wanted to go sight seeing and see Times Square, the parade, the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, and all that. He did tell me he'd never been to New York City before which shocked me. I've been a couple times before, but I was so young I don't remember it very well.
        Spencer whisper explains different things to me like about supernovas and the different galaxies and asteroids, but honestly I still don't get it. I'm just happy to be here. The show ends and Spencer looks mind blown. I've honestly only seen this facial expression on his face after we've had sex. I smile at him and ask "did you like it?" He nods happily. I ask him "do you want to get something to eat? The next show isn't for another 30 minutes." He nods and we both move to get up and exit the theater. He's raving about the show as we walk to the food court and I'm just smiling, knowing I'm marrying one of the biggest nerds in the world. I couldn't be happier.
        We both get sandwiches and water from the food court, quickly sitting down to eat them before the show at the Big Bang Theater. Spencer is raving about the show, I'm not too sure he that wasn't actually talking in tongues at one point. He asks me "what did you think about it?" I smile and nod enthusiastically "I thought it was great! Very detailed and the graphics were awesome." Spencer narrows his eyes "you didn't understand it." I hum and look away, not wanting to face him so he can know how stupid I am. I tell him "I got everything that you explained to me in the show." Spencer chuckles "Annie, if you aren't enjoying this stuff we can leave." I shake my head, adamant, and say "no, Spencer, I'm having a wonderful time!"
         Spencer narrows his eyes again, but believes me. I bet he believes me because it's actually the truth. We finish our food and clean up our trash before heading to the next theater. Spencer tells me as we walk that I can ask for more explanations if I don't understand something. I nod, fully knowing I probably won't ask him many questions because the Big Bang is going to go way over my head. Well, it'll go over my head unless it's just a super detailed showing of the tv show, because I will understand that. This program is just like the last one. I do ask Spencer questions, but only when I'm really lost. A lot of the more specific stuff goes over my head but as long as I understand how we got to the next point I don't ask for more help.
         Spencer is just so happy with all of this, and that makes me so happy. Once the show ends, Spencer and I leave to go to the last exhibits on our list: the dinosaurs and then the sharks. These are the ones I've been most excited about. We walk through the dinosaur exhibit and I'm excited the whole time. I fully understand how excited Spencer was all day because I knew I would nerd out over the dinosaurs and sharks. Spencer is also enthralled, giving me even more facts about the different dinosaurs and sharks as we walk through and look at each exhibit.
When we look at a bull shark Spencer tells me "did you know that the shark from "Jaws" was based on a real shark? It was actually a bull shark, but they chose a great white for the movie because it 'looked scarier.'" Spencer does the little bunny ear air quotes around "looked scarier." When we've come to the end of both exhibits it's nearly 4 pm and we need to get on the road back to DC, sadly. We've been here a few hours longer than we originally planned to be, but that's okay because we have both had a great day. We do make one last pit stop at the gift shop before leaving the museum for the day.
When we enter the gift shop, I look at Spencer and ask him "wanna do something fun?" He raises an eyebrow "what's that?" I smile giddily and tell him "we both buy something for the other person and surprise them, $20 limit." Spencer smiles and nods in response, "deal." I tell him "we've got 10 minutes to pick it out,!" Spencer doesn't miss a beat and we both start frantically looking around the gift shop to find a gift for the other. I look around and eventually decide on a pair of nebula socks that are about $20 and go to get in line to pay for it. As I'm standing in line, I hear someone walk up behind me and clear their throat. I turn, half expecting it to be a strange man hitting on me. I'm relieved when I see it's Spencer who asks "want to see your gift now or after I pay for it?" I hum and say "after you pay for it, I want it to be official."
We wait in line for about 10 minutes, talking but still avoiding showing each other our gifts for the other. I quickly buy the socks and keep them in a sack. Spencer walks up to pay for whatever he got me and I walk away, not looking while she rings it up. About two minutes go by before Spencer walks back up to me and smiles "ready to exchange?" I smile back and nod. We exchange bags, I notice the bag Spencer bought is bigger which makes me feel self conscious. I open it to reveal a stuffed brontosaurus that's stiff enough to stand on its own, but still soft enough to cuddle. Spencer opens his bag and lets out a little excited squeal, I'm happy knowing I made the right choice. We thank each other and hug, I think we are both satisfied with our gifts and also satisfied we picked the right gifts for each other.
We Uber back to the hotel after we are finished perusing the gift shop. We are both pretty tired from our exciting day at the museum and I'm a little nervous Spencer will fall asleep at the wheel. When we get to our car, thankfully noting it wasn't broken into, I tell Spencer "we need to stop at a Starbucks and get coffee once we get out of the hustle and bustle of the city." Spencer nods "that wouldn't be a bad idea." Once we make our way out of the city, we hop on I95 and find the first Starbucks on our route. We both order a coffee with extra shots of espresso. I tell Spencer as we drive out of the drive through with our coffee "we are so old. We are too tired to drive four hours back home after spending the day at a museum." Spencer chuckles "are we old or are we nerds?" I laugh "both."
We spend the drive listening to music for a little while. I quietly sing along and Spencer gives me encouraging smiles and hand squeezes. He is keeping his right hand on the wheel a bit more than he normally would just because the traffic is picking up a bit on the interstate. We discuss the wedding a bit more, we've previously discussed venues but we've decided to have the wedding in a church - so my extended family doesn't throw a shit fit - and take the reception back to Rossi's in the back yard. His mansion is so big, it can be easily moved inside if need be. His backyard is very nice and it will not be a backyard barbecue or anything like that. Honestly it won't be a huge wedding, the majority of the people will be my family or FBI agents. It's gonna be a weird and wild wedding.
We stop at a drive through for food a couple hours in because we just wanted to get home and didn't want to have to go in and eat at a restaurant. Once we are about an hour from home, I start to get really bored. We've listened to practically every song I have downloaded on all of my playlists, we've played every car game we can think of, and everything for the wedding is covered for the most part with nothing left to discuss tonight. This is when I get myself into trouble because when I get bored, I like to tease Spencer. I turn to Spencer and ask him "hey, how good is your focus and like multitasking when driving?"
He gives me the side eye with confused brows before responding "I'd say pretty good, better than the average person, I think." I hum and nod "that's what I thought. Can you move your seat back a tad?" Spencer does what I ask, still not keeping up with me, bless his heart. I give him a devious smile and begin to palm him over his sweatpants he had changed into at a gas station a few hours back. His eyes grow wide and he looks over at me, telling me "Annie, no, this is too dangerous." I give him a pouty lip and ask innocently "you want me to stop, daddy?" I knew full well that would work.
He groans and hesitates before he says "no, don't stop. Just be quick." I smile and nod, happy to see how much of an effect I have on him with just a few light touches and some suggestive language. He lifts his hips up briefly and I tug his pants down. I leave his underwear up because I know the germaphobe in him would absolutely hate to have his bare ass touch the seat of a car. I reach my hand into his boxers and pull out his hardening cock. He groans as I pump my hand on him a few times before wrapping my mouth around the tip, swirling my tongue around it. He sucks in air through his teeth and says "Fuck, Annie! Yes, just like that." I smile to myself, knowing I'm causing that reaction.
I decide to quit teasing him and bob my head faster because the less time I'm endangering our safety on the interstate the better. I feel him tense up and I hear his knuckles crack as he grips the steering wheel with all of his might. While I'm still bobbing my head, I take my hand and massage his balls. He tells me "fuck, Annie, I'm going to cum." Right after he says that, I hear a siren behind us and see the hue of blue light illuminating inside and around our car. Spencer was too far gone and he cums in my mouth before signaling to pull over to the shoulder. After Spencer parks, he quickly fixes his pants while I rebuckle my seat belt and try to look as inconspicuous as possible.
Spencer is getting his license, proof of insurance, and FBI credentials ready when he looks up at me and quickly swipes his thumb across my chin, gathering the spot of cum I missed and sticks his thumb in my mouth to wipe it off his finger before drying it on his pants. I'm honestly incredibly shocked at his actions and just swallow that last little bit before the officer walks up to the window. Spencer gulps and hands the officer everything, asking "is there a problem, officer?" The officer looks through everything and asks Spencer "do you know why I pulled you over, agent?" Spencer wisely chooses now to not correct the officer that it's actually Doctor.
Spencer gulps again and shakes his head, saying "n-no, I don't, officer." It's now I realize he's still in a bit of a post orgasm haze and I have a feeling I know where this is going. The officer asks "have you been drinking tonight?" Spencer shakes his head "not a drop, officer." He sighs looking down and says "listen, I pulled you over because you were driving a bit fast and erratically, but the real kicker is you appeared to be driving in the HOV lane. Alone." Spencer gulps, seeing the point the officer is making. I sit stone still, looking at the console of the car, anywhere but the two men in front of me. Spencer tells the officer "I wasn't alone, officer, my fiancée is here with me."
The officer nods and chuckles "I can see that clearly now. However, about 30 seconds before I pulled you over, there was nobody sitting up in that seat and the seat belt was clearly unlatched. So, the only logical conclusion is she was laying down in the back seat, getting some sleep, while you drove home, trying not to fall asleep. Does that sound right?" I look up and Spencer looks relieved, nodding. The officer gives a quick wink and says "I'm going to go run your information, I'll be right back. Sit tight."
The officer walks back to his car. As soon as he's out of ear shot, Spencer and I both let out a collective sigh. He glares at me immediately and says "you are so in for it. Just you fucking wait." I gulp and look down, averting my gaze from his. He goes to say something again, but the officer walks back up. The officer says "alright, kids. Before I can let you go, I have to breathalyze you, agent. Just to cover all my bases so I don't get called in for negligence." Spencer nods, opening his mouth for the breathalyzer. Before he puts his mouth on it he asks, "has it been sanitized?" The officer chuckles and nods "yes I just did, but if it will make you more comfortable, I can bring you the cleaner and you can clean it yourself before putting it in your mouth." Spencer looks relieved and nods "if you don't mind, please."
The officer nods and leaves to get the cleaner. Spencer is still pissed and I'm still silent in fear for what's to come. The officer returns and Spencer gladly takes the cleaner and the breathalyzer, cleaning the mouth piece thoroughly. Once it's clean, Spencer hands it back to the officer who is careful to not touch the mouth piece. He visually inspects it to ensure it wasn't tampered with to give a false read before moving the mouth piece closer to Spencer. Spencer takes the mouth piece in his mouth, blowing with all his might until the reading reads 0.00 BAC. The officer smiles and nods and tells us he will be right back before he walks back to his squad car. Again, we sit in deafening silence, waiting for the officer to return.
       When he does return, he hands Spencer all of his information back and also a piece of paper. The officer says "now, I'm not going to ticket you, but this is a formal citation, a warning. It will be documented in your record." He looks at me and says "keep your mouth to yourself," and then he looks at Spencer and says "and keep it in your pants. Have a good night, agent, ma'am. Drive safely." Spencer stutters his words, thanking the officer who is enjoying the mortification on our faces as he laughs to himself, walking back to his squad car. Spencer merges onto the road, silent with a stony expression.
        I turn to Spencer and start to say "Spencer, I'm so sorr-" before he cuts me off. He says "hush, Annie. Not right now." I nod, knitting my hands together and staring at my lap as he continues driving. At the nearest exit, Spencer pulls over and stops at a gas station. He tells me "stay here, don't move." I nod barely, not saying anything or moving. He goes around the back of the car and I hear him pop the trunk. I hear the sounds of him rummaging through the luggage, unsure of what's to come. I'm also unsure whether I should be scared or excited because I'm a bit of both right now. He comes to my side of the car, handing me a loose sundress. He tells me "go inside, go to the bathroom, and change into this." I nod, going to follow his instructions. He tells me "and don't put your panties back on, bring them directly back to me." I nod, and go to follow his orders.
       It's a nice gas station, at least he didn't stop us somewhere sketchy. I go to the bathroom, pee, and follow his orders, changing into the sundress. I hide my underwear in the bundle of clothes I had been wearing. I put my uggs and coat back on because it is still rather cold on the east coast and he didn't tell me not to put them back on or hand me different shoes so I assume this is okay. It's not stylish, but I don't care. I walk out and find Spencer buying a water for himself and a Diet Coke for me. He gives me a half smile and says "didn't want to use the bathroom here and not pay for anything." I nod, taking the Diet Coke from him when he hands it to me. We walk to the car and Spencer asks me "did you follow my orders?" I say softly "yes, sir." He says "give them to me." I do as he says, giving him my underwear. He puts them in his pocket before taking my clothes to the trunk and putting them in my suitcase.
     I go to sit in the passenger seat and notice he's placed a towel down on the seat to make cleanup easier. When he returns to the front, he has a box with him. He opens it to reveal a vibrating wand with a bulb on the end of the wand. It's battery operated and the box even says batteries included. Spencer opens it fresh out of the box and hands it to me. With his hands free, he reaches over and pulls my dress up, revealing my bare core. My breathing's picked up as Spencer gently runs his fingers through my folds, but I try my best to stay as still as possible. He asks me "do you like that? Does it feel good?" I nod and say breathlessly "yes, fuck, yes it feels so good." Spencer hums and says "good, enjoy it now because it won't in a few minutes." I gulp at his words, knowing he never makes idle threats.
       He's rubbing circles into my clit and gently dips his fingers into my folds to gather my wetness that's growing, using it to lubricate my clit. It makes me more sensitive and I gasp at the heightened pleasure. He hums and says "that should be good," removing his hand from me and sucking his fingers clean. He starts to merge back on the road and here I am, still holding the vibrator. I readjust and start to close my legs. He tuts and says "uh uh, keep them open. They stay open until we get home or until a safe word comes out of your mouth." I gulp and nod "yes, sir," understanding the need for a sundress now. At least he put me in something more comfortable in which to endure the punishment. He reaches his right hand over, spreading my labia open. I take a shuddering breath at the feeling.
       Spencer tells me "turn on the vibrator and hold that to your clit until I tell you to take it off." I nod, saying "yes sir," as I follow his instructions. I turn it to a medium intensity, hoping he will at least let me warm up a bit, then place the bulb on my clit. The vibrations rattle through me and I'm unable to contain the whorish moans that leave my body. I'm rolling my hips into it, loving every little feeling. I completely have forgotten this is meant to be a punishment, the only thought in my mind now is that I need to cum so bad. I ask Spencer "please can I cum?" He shakes his head "not yet." I groan, trying to hold back my orgasm.
I try to sneakily remove the pressure of the wand, but Spencer is quick to stop me. He tells me "nice try, but I can hear the difference when you take it off. Turn it up to the highest setting and put it back where it's supposed to be." I gulp and nod, following instructions immediately. Spencer tells me without looking up from the road, "if you cum before I change lanes again, then I will ruin every orgasm you have for the rest of the trip." I have no idea what he means by that exactly and try to hold on tight, begging the universe or God or whatever deity was listening to put a slower driver in front of us so Spencer would have to change lanes. Much to my surprise, that actually happens, but Spencer just lowers his speed to match theirs.
My eyes widen in horror, I know I'm not going to make it. He shoots me a look, knowing full well I'm going to break. At that look, I lose it. I come apart, trying to ride out my orgasm as much as I can and enjoy it before he "ruins" the rest of them for the night. He chuckles and shakes his head, removing the vibrator from my hand. He tells me "take a minute to recover." I nod, thanking him. I start to close my legs, but realize it before he says something. He tells me "good girl." I feel butterflies in my stomach at the praise, desperate to feel anything other than anger and disappointment from Spencer.
Spencer then quickly places the vibrator back on my clit, still at the highest speed. I'm still so sensitive from the last one, I grab on to the handle above the passenger window and grip the seat with force. Spencer then gently wiggles it side to side on top of my clit, pressing down just a bit harder. I'm about to lose it again and ask him "please, can I cum?" He seems utterly unimpressed and uninterested, humming an affirmative response, not taking his eyes off the road. I breathe out a sigh of relief as I fall over the edge the very second he removes the vibrator from me. I have a rather disappointing orgasm, just squirming a bit, feeling the contractions of my walls but no real pleasure from the orgasm.
Spencer gives me a sickeningly sweet smile and asks me "how was that? Was that good for you?" I groan and shake my head, still jerking in the uncomfortable aftershocks just slightly. He hums and asks me "how do you think I felt cumming down your throat with sirens behind me?" I look down and say "worse." Spencer nods and says "you're right. What's your color?" I say "green, daddy." He hums and says "okay time to go again." My jaw falls, but I oblige. He turns it on high again, rubbing it against my clit. I'm a squirming mess within minutes, close to another orgasm. I ask Spencer "please, can I cum?" He gives the same uninterested response and I cum right as he removes the vibrator. His timing is perfect, it's too late for me to stop myself or turn back from the orgasm, but he removes the vibrator right as it starts, making it very disappointing and frustrating.
Spencer continues this torture in a pattern, regularly checking in with me. I'm starting to recognize my surroundings now and know we are only about 10 minutes from home. Spencer hums and says "I'll make you a deal, Annie. I'll let you have uninterrupted orgasms until we get home, but if I hear that vibrator leave your clit before the car is parked and turned off, then you'll be punished more when we get home." Again, I know he doesn't make idle threats, but I'm so in need of a normal orgasm, an unruined orgasm. I look at him and say "deal." He smiles evilly, handing me the vibrator. I immediately turn it back on, leaving it on the highest speed, rubbing it against my clit like he did repeatedly to get me to the edge over and over again. I ask him "fuck, please, can I cum?"
Spencer nods, and says "remember the rule." I nod as I fall over the edge. It's intense and I enjoy the feelings and sensations of an orgasm that I can finally ride out. I'm not given a chance to recover after the aftershocks end. The overstimulated tears run down my face as the vibrator continues to roar against my clit after the aftershocks have passed. Instead of pleasurable, the vibrations become painful instead. I'm noticing different landmarks in a haze as we get closer and closer to our shared apartment. I feel another orgasm coming and I don't even have to ask. Spencer says "cum," without prompting. I nod and cum against the vibrator again. I look at Spencer with pleading eyes "I can't, it's too much." Spencer doesn't say anything, he just reaches over and holds it against me. I grip onto his arm as he presses the vibrator into my clit in a steady rhythm.
I cry out as I cum once again and Spencer continues to hold the vibrator against me as I ride it out. Once again, the sensations become overwhelming and I tell Spencer "please, I can't handle it." Spencer doesn't stop and in that moment I know I can't anymore and, for the first time ever, I fully safe word. I tell Spencer "Red! Red, Spence!" He immediately stops the vibrator and parks the car. He pulls me over the console of the car and I try to straddle him, but just fall into his embrace, no energy to hold myself up. He shushes me as I cry out of overstimulation, rubbing my back softly and giving me soft kisses. He tells me sweet nothings all the while, practically rocking me.
Eventually, after I've recovered mentally, he says "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I hum and I ask him weakly "why are you sorry?" He tells me "you shouldn't have to skip yellow to go to red like that. I should've known better, should've been able to read you better." I shake my head and tell him "no, I like to push myself, Spence. That's the first time I was convinced I couldn't do it. I know you can usually read me better, but you were distracted by driving us home. I'm not mad, I feel safe. I used the safe word and you immediately listened. I'm happy and I'm relieved. I'm not angry with you at all. You did the right thing. If I wasn't enjoying it I would've colored out long before that." Spencer hums and nods, but I can tell he's still beating himself up inside over it. I ask him "how far are we from home?" He huffs out one laugh "we are in the parking lot. Can you walk?"
I nod, moving to open his door and stand. Spencer grabs my purse and the dirty towel, he hands them to me and asks "can you hold these and I'll grab the suitcases?" I nod, carrying them and strategically holding the dry spots of the towel. Spencer grabs both suitcases and we walk inside, making our way upstairs to the apartment. Once we get inside Spencer asks me if I want to take a shower. I tell him "yeah, that would be nice." We take the suitcases back and I grab our shower stuff from them. He walks back to the bathroom with me and turns the water on, finding the perfect temperature for me. I remove my sundress, bra, shoes, and socks before getting ready to hop in the shower.
Spencer goes to leave the room and I ask him "hey where you going?" He looks down, not facing me. He says "I was just going to get everything ready for bed." I shake my head and say "no, please, come shower with me? I think we both need the aftercare." He reluctantly nods, stripping quickly and climbing into the shower with me. We embrace under the steaming water, and he kisses my forehead once more before saying "I'm so sorry." I hum and tell him "I'm not. It was a good experience because you listened and I'll look back in this punishment and know we both learned from it. I also enjoyed it. So much. I love it when you push my boundaries because I know I'm safe with you. I'm not mad in the slightest. I love you, with all my heart. Please, cheer up, bubs?" He gives me a half smile and nods, embracing me again. We stay like that for a while, Spencer needing the aftercare more than I did, for sure.

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