Chapter 27: Vanilla Treat*

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     I wake up Monday morning to Spencer's alarm. He's wrapped around my body, limbs entangled with limbs. My limbs are still pissed at his limbs though, but I know acting out will get me nowhere. Spencer groans and gets up as I roll over and stretch "what time is it, Spence?" He shushes me and says "it's 6:30. I know you have a late day today, so go back to sleep, baby." I nod and quickly roll over and pretend to go back to sleep. I hear Spencer dress, he doesn't shower after we had quite a long bath last night. After he's ready he comes around to my side of the bed and leans down and kisses me on the forehead and says "I love you, Annie, I'm going to work. Have a good day." I hum and say "you, too, Spence." He chuckles as he leaves the room and heads out the door. He should honestly eat breakfast. That's probably why he's a literal pool noodle.
      I get out of bed and go to get coffee. I couldn't even enjoy my late day to sleep in because my body was on fire after Spencer's punishment last night. It was enjoyable, but it would've been better if he let me finish. I wait about 30 minutes, until I know Spencer has made it to work before I call him. He answers on the second ring "hey, Annie, I just got to work everything okay?" I bite my lip and say "yeah, Spence, I just couldn't get back to sleep." He sighs and says "I'm sorry baby I shouldn't have woken you." I say "no it's okay, I didn't sleep well last night in general." He hums "so what's up why are you calling?" I hum and say "if you're around people you may want to step away."
     He chuckles "I already stepped away when you called. What's going on?" I bite my lip, suddenly very nervous. I finally ask "I was just um wondering if I could have um...permission?" Spencer laughs and says "I guess your punishment last night was effective, huh? Usually I would probably say no so you'd have to wait for me to take care of that, but I feel generous after last night. So the answer is yes, but you can only finish once." I nod to myself excitedly "okay, thank you!" Spencer chuckles and says "one more thing, Annie." I say "yes, Spencer?" He chuckles "leave your panties there for me for when I get home. Understand?" I nod to myself and bite my lip "yes, I understand." He chuckles "okay, have fun, princess" before he hangs up.
     I practically skip back to our bedroom and I decide I'm not in the mood for a slow burn. I run to the closet and get out one of Spencer's vibrators that he's used on me before. I lay down on our bed and I take the vibrator and turn it on a low setting, barely touching it to my clothed heat. I moan out in pleasure at the feeling. I turn the setting up a notch and start to move it in circles on my clit on top of my clothes. It doesn't take much before I quickly feel my climax coming on and I kick the vibrator up a notch and pick up the pace. I come hard and finally feel relief after days of nothing and one day of intense edging.
     I lay there for a second, breathing hard and coming down from my high. I feel much better after that. I hum as I get up to shower, now that I obviously need to after that. I leave the panties in the bathroom and send him a text telling him where he can find what he asked for when he gets home. He responds with a single text.

Spence 💜
Good girl. Have a good day, see you at home tonight. Love you!

I feel myself smile and butterflies flutter at the text. Damn, I do have a praise kink, don't I? As I shower I think about ways to avoid running in to Killian. I know if I run into her I'll accidentally call her ma'am or give myself away somehow. Of all people this had to happen to me. I had to accidentally overhear one of my best friends give my boyfriend's boss head in a fancy restaurant bathroom. I kind of want to yell at her because that was the domino that caused Spencer to go from 0-100 and punish me hardcore last night. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it. I was just afraid of what Spencer would say if he knew just how innocent I really wasn't. Sure, I'm physically inexperienced but my mind isn't.
I get dressed and put on makeup and leave my hair down to air dry as I take Ryder for a walk. It's probably not a good idea because it's November in DC, but now I'm in a time crunch after adding in my fun and my shower. We just go for a quick walk around the block and I bring him back home before I leave to go to work.
I get in the office around 10, still with wet hair and sit down at my desk to get my patients' charts together and organized for the day before I start my rounds. As I'm getting all of my stuff ready when Killian comes in and sits down and says "Girl I had the best sex last night." I hear a commotion and then Alison pops her head in from her office next door to mine. She says with a sly smile "did I just hear what I think I did?" I chuckle and tell her to come in and shut the door.
The girls sit down in the chairs in front of my desk and Alison goes "tell me all about it!" I hold my breath and grind my teeth because I don't want to know about Hotch's sex life. Killian giggles and says "well this hookup I've been seeing on again off again took me out to dinner last night because he's been out of town and he said he missed me. We went to Maestro's in DC. When we got home he made me finish 4 times before I had to pull him off of me." I chuckle and say "I've had one of those nights." The girls turn to me with wide eyes Alison says "both of these guys need to talk to my husband because he is obviously not doing something right."
I think to myself that maybe it's just the men of the BAU team and chuckle. Killian says "wait a damn minute I want to hear about that night you just mentioned." My face flushes and I sip my Diet Coke and don't say anything. Alison says "come on, Annie, spill. We won't judge you, you know that." I nod and say " Spencer's birthday he was so happy with everything I had done and with his gift that he took the day off after his party and we went home together." Killian sighs with impatience "girl if that's all the dirty deets you have to give I'm going to be pissed."
I chuckle and shake my head "that's not all...he uh kinda slammed me against the car in the parking garage before we left and he said he wanted to take my clothes off right there and didn't want to wait until we got home. We did get home before he did that, but he teased me the whole way there." The girls are smiling big with wide eyes like this is the juiciest gossip they've heard in their entire lives. I continue "he told me when we got home to strip to the set I had gotten him for his birthday. He also pulled out a...toy...that he got himself, or me I'm not sure who, for his birthday. He also cuffed me to the headboard with his work cuffs." Alison goes "what in the world, Annie?" At the same time Killian goes "atta girl!"
I hide my face out of slight embarrassment as we all laugh. Killian says wait "how many times was it?" I raise an eyebrow "how many times did we have sex or how many times did I finish?" Alison says "both!" I chuckle "2 and 7." In unison Alison and Killian say "what?!" I chuckle and hide my face again. Alison said "wow just imagine what he's going to do for you for your birthday." I chuckle and nod my head "he is full of surprises." Killian says "who knew Dr. Daddy Long Legs actually had daddy energy?" We all laugh at the question before dispersing to actually work while at work.

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