Chapter 46: Caught*

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      Spencer and I had a fairly uneventful weekend with the boys after the zoo. Sunday afternoon JJ and Will returned and they let us leave and said they would keep Jack until Hotch and Killian came to pick him up. Spencer and I get in the car and breathe out sighs of relief. I chuckle and ask him "why don't we go get an early dinner at a place with a bar and then go home and go to bed early?" Spencer looks at me and says "I don't think I've ever loved you more." I giggle and say "you know the city better than I do, you can pick." Spencer smiles and nods. He tells me "I have the perfect place in mind."
        We drive about 5 minutes away from JJ and Will's to this nice bar and grill place. It's fairly casual. We walk in and ask for a booth. We take a seat and I immediately look at the drink menu. Spencer chuckles and says "I hope our future kids don't make you drink this much." I nod "me, too." Spencer laughs. I then feel the need to defend myself and say "to be fair I don't usually drink much. I'm more of a social drinker than anything. The occasional glass of wine after work or on a weekend is not indicative of a drinking problem. It's far from it." Spencer nods and says "you are correct. I was really just kidding, Annie."
       I start to feel shy and say "I know. After a weekend of taking care of two kids under five who aren't ours I just need to release some tension." I end up ordering a rum and Diet Coke with lemon and an order of boneless wings while Spencer just gets water and a burger with fries. While we wait for our food Spencer asks me "why don't we plan to celebrate Valentine's Day the weekend after due to the fact that Valentine's Day falls on a Monday this year?" I smile and nod "yeah that sounds like a great plan." Spencer says "do you want to go somewhere on a trip or stay here and just have a weekend in?"
       I bite my lip shyly before saying "why don't we go to New York City? It's only like 4 hours from here. I'm sure I could take Friday off and we could drive up that afternoon?" Spencer smiles and says "I would love that. However, I would hate to make plans and then have them fall through because I got called away on a case." I give a sad smile and nod. I tell him "I'm sure we can figure it out as we go. We've gotten pretty good at that. You also just took off a lot of time from work for the holidays and when you were sick with your headaches." Spencer grabs my hand from across the table "thank you for understanding. You know if that happens I will make it up to you." I give him a soft smile and nod.
        The rest of the dinner is uneventful. We spent a good portion of it silently eating I think because we were both just happy to have a mental break. I lean back against the booth, hand on my stomach and say "I definitely ate way too much." Spencer chuckles "to be fair I think we mainly ate the scraps from the boys for the last few days. The only full meals we had for ourselves were when we ate at the zoo and when we ordered in pizza last night." I nod "yeah I was definitely more focused on the boys than on eating." Spencer pays the bill and we leave, he guides me to the car with a hand on my lower back.
       We just decide to get Ryder tomorrow morning like we originally planned. I have the 10-6 shift tomorrow so I have some time to pick him up before I have to be in for work. We slowly make our way up to the apartment, I'm very happy we now have a working elevator because climbing those stairs every single day is exhausting. We walk back into our apartment and I sigh with happy relief. Spencer smiles at my happiness as we make our way back to the bedroom with our bags from the weekend. We start unpacking and putting clothes in a laundry basket to get put in the washer.
I'm busying myself getting everything done that needs to be done like laundry, cleaning, putting the grocery pick up order together. I put our dirty clothes in the washer and get sheets and towels ready to go in their own loads after the washer is available. I then go to the kitchen and pick up some things that were left out before we left for the weekend. I then start writing down things we need on a sticky note as I look through cabinets and fridge. As I'm looking through our yogurt situation I feel Spencer's arms wrap around my waist and pull me the last couple inches to him. He says quietly in my ear "you've been going all weekend. You need to sit down and rest. The Kroger pickup can wait."
I place my hands over his and say "the spots will fill up if I don't get this done, Spence." He shakes his head and says "if they do I will personally go to the grocery store and go grocery shopping for you." He punctuates his statement with a kiss to my temple. I smile at the sweet sentiment behind it. Spencer tells me "at least let me finish this. If you think of anything else you want to add while you are resting. On the couch. Over there. You can tell me and I'll add it to the list." I reluctantly move towards the couch, Spencer lightly pushing me in that direction. I go sit down on the couch and literally just lay down and close my eyes. I doze off for maybe a minute and I hear the washer beeping, signaling it's done. I jump up to move the laundry over.
Spencer says "Annie, stop, please sit back down." I turn to him and say "if I don't move over the laundry now and hang up what needs to air dry then it'll get mildewed." He relents, letting me hang up some stuff to air dry and then I start what doesn't have to air dry in the dryer and start the sheets in the washer. Spencer raises an eyebrow at me after I turn around and I just give him an awkward smile. He says "okay now sit." I say "yes sir" and lie back down on the couch. His facial expression has a dark flash before switching back to normal and focusing on the grocery list.
Spencer's phone starts ringing on the coffee table. I pick it up and yell to him "it's Morgan!" He says "can you answer it for me?" I hum an affirmative response and answer, putting it on speakerphone, "Dr. Spencer Reid's phone?" I hear Morgan's trademarked chuckle on the other end. He says "hey mama I was actually calling to talk to you?" I look to Spencer and say "oh you were actually calling to talk to moi? Color me intrigued." Spencer raises his brows at me with a shocked and laughing expression. Morgan says "yes so I was wondering if you wanted to get started on that self defense training we've been discussing for months now? We always talk about it but never actually do it." I look to Spencer who is nodding.
I chuckle and shake my head "you know I can't say no to you. When do you want to start?" He says "how about tomorrow morning? I can get you clearance into the FBI gym in our building, it will be much more secure and less crowded than any other gym." I nod and say "that depends." Morgan asks "on what?" I say "will I get to beat you up in this fancy gym?" Morgan chuckles "you can try. I'll pick you up in the morning at 5:30 am. Be ready!" He hangs up before I can protest the time. I put the phone down and look at Spencer "that was totally planned wasn't it?" Spencer does that thing where he covers his teeth with his lips and tries not to laugh.
I groan and say "you finish the laundry and grocery stuff by yourself then since I now have to be ready for an FBI level workout tomorrow at 5:30 am thanks to you and your scheming." Spencer says defensively "it wasn't scheming! He just wanted to know a good time to call us and what your work schedule was tomorrow." I glare at him as I walk back to our bedroom to get ready for bed even though it's barely 9 pm. I change into comfortable pajamas and then go to do my skin care routine and my other hygiene routines.
Once I'm ready for bed I leave the bedroom to get some water and a light snack before bed. Spencer is in the kitchen area finishing up the chores I was trying to do and I refuse to make eye contact with him. He sighs and says "don't be like that, Annie." I just glare at him and leave the kitchen to get in bed. I turn on a comfort show on the tv and I hear Spencer finishing up stuff around the apartment. Hearing him do all of that work does remind me that he was offering to let me rest instead of just not helping with stuff around our apartment. I sigh and get out of bed and walk back into the kitchen. I walk up to Spencer and silently wrap him in a hug. I say into his shoulder "I'm sorry." He hums and says "sorry for what?" I say "I'm sorry for being mean."
Spencer chuckles and says "you were being very bratty, Annie." I hum and don't say anything else. He says "are you going to go workout with Derek in the morning?" I hum and nod my head. Spencer says "are you going to be nice and give it your best effort even though it's 5:30 in the morning?" I hum and nod my head again. Spencer says "okay well your brattiness tonight has earned you 3 days without orgasms." I lean back and look at Spencer in shock while he laughs evilly. He says "it was going to be a week but then you apologized and changed your attitude. You can't just be a brat like that and not have consequences. If you try to argue with me it'll go longer."
I nod and don't argue because I know he isn't bluffing. He says "good girl. Now go get in bed. I'll be back there in a bit." He kisses me on the forehead as I go to leave the kitchen. I get back in bed, finish my little snack I made, and get comfortable before pulling out a book to read to try to make myself sleepier. Spencer starts getting ready for bed shortly after that. Once he's ready for bed he joins me between the sheets. I'm a little salty with him but I know being even brattier won't help. He turns to face me and pushes my book down lightly and just enough so he can give me a sweet kiss.
He pulls back and smiles softly "I love you." I return the smile and nod "I love you, too, Spence." He asks me "you mad at me?" I nod and chuckle "just a little bit." He hums and says "if you take your punishment like a good girl I will reward you." I smile and nod "yes sir." He chuckles in response. After a few minutes of reading he's already asleep next to me so I put my book up on the nightstand, turn off the lamp and snuggle up to his chest to sleep for the night.

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