Chapter 17: First Time*

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We make our way back to my apartment from Rossi's. On the drive home I'm happily reminiscing over the night. Everybody was so kind and they were all so much fun; they didn't make me feel like an outsider to a clique or secret club even though the FBI is literally a secret club. I especially loved seeing Spence with Jack and Henry. I had never seen him with an actual baby before today but watching him expertly hold Henry like a pro made my heart flutter. Believe me I don't want kids any time soon, but I can still enjoy watching him talk to and play with the kids of his coworkers.
Spencer squeezes my hand as he notices I've spaced out a bit and says "you okay? You've been a little quiet." I smile sweetly, squeezing his hand back, and respond "I'm just thinking about how much fun I had tonight." He returns the smile and I continue saying "I also didn't know before tonight how good you are with kids of all ages." He chuckles and says "well to be fair, I had a similar revelation about you. Seeing you handle Henry at an expert level not only impressed me but it also impressed JJ and the rest of the team." I smile to myself with pride at his comment.
I say "yeah Morgan made a comment to me about how you and I should talk about them. I know we kinda did on the patio, but I want to be sure we are on the same page." He glances at me before returning his eyes to the road and says carefully "okay, what exactly are you thinking about it?" I chuckle and say "Spence, I want kids one day but not any time soon." He laughs lightly and says "yes, I'm on the same page. I want you all to myself for a while," and squeezes my hand.
We make it back to my apartment complex and make our way up the stairs to my apartment in a comfortable silence, hand in hand. I unlock the apartment and quietly walk in, putting my purse and keys on the table by the door. I walk over to Spencer and put my arms around his neck, leaning up to give him light kisses. I say "thank you for bringing me tonight. I really did have a great time." He kisses me back saying "thank you for coming with me. It was the best team dinner for me in a while."
We stand swaying in each others embrace for a bit before I lean back to look him in the eye and say "Spence?" He hums his response before I say "I think I'm ready." He gives me a quizzical look in response before saying "ready for...?" I smile and say "I, Anneliese Winters, am ready to have sex with you, Spencer Reid, for the first time." He stutters briefly and circles his thumbs gently on my hips and says "are you sure about this? I don't want you to feel pressured or obligated to do this."
I smile softly at him, saying "watching you with Henry and Jack tonight just took my love for you a step further. Also, the way you check in with me mentally and emotionally like you just did also furthers my love for you every time. I don't think I've ever been more sure about anything in my life. I love you, Spencer. I know you will take care of me." He smiles softly and says "you know to use your words with me and you know you can stop me at any time and I won't be upset or disappointed or anything," as he gently caresses my cheek with his thumb. I look him in the eyes and say "yes, I know."
I take him by the hand and lead him back to my room. Ryder is asleep in his crate due to the late hour and merely looks at me before going back to sleep in his crate even after I open the door to it. I stand back up and turn around to Spence. He kisses me before trailing his hands under my sweater and lightly gripping the hem. He pulls back and says "is this alright?" I nod my head and say "yes, it's alright."
He pulls the sweater up and over my head and I start to work on the buttons of his button up while he slowly walks us over to my bed. I get the final button undone on his shirt and push it off of his shoulders. He gently pushes me to lay down on the bed and I sit back and marvel at his shirtless body for a second. He leans down and kisses me, softly caressing my sides. He trails his hand down my legs go my shoes, unzipping and removing each one and tossing them to the side.
He moves his hands back up my body, intentionally missing where I want him most, before dancing his hands around the waistband of my jeans. He looks up to me for my permission and I nod my head in response. He undoes the button and the zipper trailing his hands to the side of the waist band, lightly tugging my jeans down. I lift my hips off the bed to help him pull them down. He quickly kicks his shoes and socks off and leaves his pants in the puddle of fabric growing at the floor by the foot of the bed.
I gently move back on the bed so my head is on the pillows. Spencer climbs over me in only his boxers and I feel my heart rate start to pick up in anticipation and anxiety. He leans down, kissing me gingerly and lightly trails his hands to my sides. I arch my back so he can unhook my bra which he swiftly does so, removing it and tossing it to the end of the bed. I moan lightly as he takes a hand to my left nipple, gently tugging and pulling on it. After a minute he switches his hand to my right nipple and takes my left nipple into his mouth, sucking lightly.
My breathing picks up a bit more and I let out small satisfied moans. He pulls back and says "I honestly wonder if one day I can make you cum just by doing this. However, I will save that for another day. You still doing okay, sweetheart?" I smile and nod and say "I'm doing okay, Spence." He smiles and starts to kiss down my stomach, causing my stomach muscles to tense under his gentle touch.
He trails his hands and mouth down to my aching core and lightly rubs his hands over my clothed heat. My breath hitches in my throat. He notices, chuckling, and says "I need you to relax. You will enjoy this so much more if you calm down your breathing a bit and let your body enjoy itself." I nod my head and take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. He smiles at my efforts and says "good girl." I smile in response before I feel him trail his hands over my underwear again.
He continues the same action and I can feel the wet spot in my underwear growing at the same time. The next thing he does is unexpected by me. He lightly pulls the front of my underwear up so the crotch of my panties lightly tugs against my heat and clit as he lightly moves it up and down. He only does this briefly before pulling the underwear down my legs and off my body, leaving me totally bare to him. He smiles, taking in the sight of my body, caressing my hips lightly with his thumbs and says "you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," before trailing kisses back down to my heat.
He hooks his arms around my legs, pulling them even further apart, my entire body on display for him. He softly says "so beautiful," before taking his tongue, licking a slow stripe up my folds and to my clit. I throw my head back on to the pillows and moan out in pleasure. Spencer takes my actions as encouragement before picking up the pace with his tongue. He takes his thumb, rubbing slow circles on my clit, the pace almost torturous. I beg him "Spencer, please go faster," he makes eye contact with me, keeping the same pace.
After a minute he switches his mouth to my clit and takes a finger, lightly pushing it in and out of my throbbing heat. After my body puts up little resistance to his actions he adds another finger, scissoring his fingers apart, stretching me out. He adds a third finger, the first time he's ever done that, after my body is used to the second finger, stretching me out even more.
He picks up his pace with his mouth and fingers and I feel my orgasm fast approaching. I try to hold off so it will last longer, but my body betrays me as it succumbs to Spencer's actions. I feel the tension building within me snap as I orgasm intensely around his fingers. Spencer doesn't stop until he's sure he's worked me through my orgasm, my legs shaking lightly.
He leaves a light kiss on my clit, making me jolt from the sensation. He smiles and says "you did such a good job, baby. Are you sure you want to continue? There's no pressure if you want to stop here." I smile and say "I am sure Spence." He leans up and gently kisses me before reiterating "if you change your mind you can always stop me." I nod my head as he stands up and removes his boxers, his hard dick immediately hitting his stomach.
I lean up a bit and look at him as he slowly starts to make his way back over to me and say "I know I am on birth control, but would you mind wearing a condom?" I immediately feel bad for asking and start to ramble saying "I just really don't want to get pregnant right now and I want to be able to enjoy this without the thought eating away at me, I'm sorry." He smiles softly at me and nods before saying "you have nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart. If it makes you feel more comfortable then I'm more than happy to wear one."
I lean over to my night stand, opening the top drawer and he walks over to it, picking the box out of the drawer. He looks at me with a smirk and says "when did you buy these, Annie?" I smile sheepishly and say "I bought these after getting recommendations from Killian and Alison. And after seeing how big you are. I um also bought lube after seeing that, too."
He chuckles lightly, grabbing a condom from the box and the lube from the drawer. He says "The point of our last activity was to try to ensure we wouldn't need the lube and that you'd be relaxed, do you still want to use it?" I bite my lip and nod before asking "is that okay?" He chuckles and says "yes, baby, of course it's okay." I watch him put the condom on his hard length and add some lube on top of that before looking at me and saying "is that good?" I bite my lip and nod. I have no idea what is normal or abnormal. He chuckles, crawling to hover above me and says "don't get shy on me, now, Annie."
He pushes some hair out of my face and says "this is probably going to feel very uncomfortable at first, it will probably hurt. If it gets to be too much, you can stop me or tell me to slow down. You ready?" I bite my lip and nod, saying "I'm ready, Spence, I trust you." He nods, kissing me deeply, before lining up at my entrance and slowly starting to push inside of me.
I gasp at the feeling. He's stretching me further than I ever could've imagined, I'm so thankful I had him use the lube. After he's about half way in he says "you still doing okay?" I shakily nod, unable to speak. He slowly continues to push in before his hips are flush with mine, he groans at the feeling. He stops his movement, lightly kissing me and rubbing my side before saying "you okay, baby?" I shakily nod and say "you can move, now." He nods before slowly starting to thrust in and out of me.
The pain slowly starts to dissipate and pleasure begins to take its place. I moan at the newfound pleasure and say "Spencer, please go faster." He nods and picks up the pace before gritting his teeth as he says "God, Annie, you're so tight." I start to moan out loudly in pleasure as my body starts to happily accept the movement. I wrap my legs around Spencer's waist and feel him hit me even deeper than he did before and I feel myself clench around him in response. He gasps and says "please do that again, God you feel so good, baby. So good wrapped around my cock." I clench around him again and moan out at the feeling and at his words. 
Spencer trails his hand down to my clit rubbing it at a fast pace and I gasp as I feel my orgasm building within me. My body starts to shake at the sensations Spencer is giving me and he says "you going to cum, Annie? Cum on my cock like a good girl." I nod as his words send me over the edge, crying out loudly in pleasure "yes, oh my god, Spencer, fuck." I feel my body clench around him as I have the most intense orgasm of my life. His thrusts start to become sloppy as he quickly follows me over the edge, I feel the warmth within me of him filling up the condom inside of me.
He slowly pulls out of me and I wince at the feeling before looking down and seeing some of my blood on the condom. Spencer follows my gaze and immediately goes to comfort me saying "bleeding a little during your first time is perfectly normal, baby. It's not anything to worry about? You feel okay?" I smile lightly and say "yes, Spence I feel great. Just a little sore." He leans down from the side of the bed, kissing me and says "I'll be right back, I'm going to fill up the bathtub and get something to clean you up, okay?" I nod as I watch his perfect ass walk away into my bathroom.
I hear the bathtub running and shortly after Spencer comes out with a warm wet wash cloth and gently cleans me up. I wince a bit at the sensitivity, hoping he didn't see, but he notices saying "I'm sorry, baby." He tosses the wash cloth in the hamper and I say "Spence, I wouldn't want to do this with anybody else. It was going to be a bit uncomfortable the first time no matter what, so I'm glad it was with you." He smiles and goes to pick me up, he takes me to the bathroom, setting me on the toilet and leaves to get us some water. I think he really just leaves to give me privacy, which I greatly appreciate. After I pee, Spencer comes back in to help me into the bathtub.
He helps me over to the bathtub, stabilizing me as I get in. He gets in behind me so I'm resting between his legs, my head resting on his left shoulder. He gently rubs my arms and shoulders saying "how are you feeling now, baby?" I chuckle lightly and say "I feel even better now, sitting here with you." He smiles and kisses my temple before saying "I'm glad you're happy. I was afraid you wouldn't enjoy it or you would regret your decision."
I turn to look at him and say "why would you think that?" He looks down and says "I was afraid it wouldn't be what you thought it would be like after anticipating this for years, or the pain would be a lot worse than you anticipated, or you would regret choosing me." I gently caress his cheek and say "Spencer, there is nobody else I would want to share this intimate moment with. Also, did you not hear the orgasms I had in there? It was a bit painful at first, yes, but both of those orgasms? You did that. That was all you."
He smiles sheepishly and looks down before saying "I did do that." I laugh at his response and say "I love you, Spencer, and I can't imagine my first time going any better than it just did in there." He smiles at me and says "I love you, too, Annie," before kissing me. I turn back around and lean against him, enjoying the moment of intimacy with my boyfriend. He rubs my body comfortingly as we sit in the water together in a comfortable silence.
       I start to feel my eyes flutter closed like I'm going to fall asleep. Spencer realizes how tired I am and quickly gets us out of the bathtub. He gets out first, wrapping a towel around his waist after drying himself off and then he helps me out and wraps a towel around my body. He helps me back into the bedroom and gives me a t shirt of his to wear to sleep and some fresh panties. He puts the shirt on me and I put the panties on myself. He pulls on boxers and a pair of pajama pants and we climb into bed together, both quickly drifting off in our comfortable embrace.

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