Chapter 63: Cockblocker*

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My jaw drops as I process what Spencer just said to me. I look at him, confused, and ask "but I watched her get stabbed with the wooden plank. They said she didn't make it off the table?" Spencer nods "they must have faked her death to protect her or protect somebody. I don't know why else Hotch would lie to us like this." I nod and reach for him "can you..can you help me down?" He nods and moves over, helping me get down from my perch on our new kitchen island without hurting my injuries that have finally almost healed. I lean down once both my feet are on the floor and start pulling my clothes back on while I process the information. Spencer does the same thing, I think, because we both get dressed in silence.
        Once I'm dressed I start to get excited to see my friend again when I never thought I would, but then I stop myself when I think about maybe it's not true or maybe she's hurt somehow. I don't know, I just don't want to get my hopes up to see my friend as she was before she "died" and think things can pick up how they were like three months ago. I look at Spencer and smile "we should be excited, who else gets to have their best friend come back from the dead?" He smiles briefly, nodding as we go to head to the car. This is not at all how I was expecting our first visit to our new house as homeowners to go.


       Spencer and I arrive at the BAU, rushing to get to the round table room. Spencer holds my hand as he leads me through the building. I kinda know the way from the lobby but we are going a completely different route from the parking garage. Once we make it through the glass doors of the BAU office, we beeline for the round table room. We walk in to see that it's all true, Emily is in fact alive. My eyes water when I see her and I run over to hug her, Spencer following behind me.
      Emily tells us "I am so sorry I had to lie to you guys. I only did it to protect you from Ian, and to protect Declan from Ian." She looks to me separately and says "I'm so sorry I couldn't be there when..everything happened. I'll make it up to you, I promise." She turns and hugs Spencer who I can tell is having conflicting feelings, but in this moment I think he's happy to have his friend back. Emily was called back in to track down Declan, the son of Ian Doyle who Emily fake killed to protect. I sit back and watch while the team works their magic to find this missing boy. Ian Doyle is in custody and they've been interrogating him for hours.
       I look around and notice that Ashley isn't anywhere to be found. I stand and walk over to Hotch, asking where she is. He tells me "she transferred to the domestic trafficking task force after a sex trafficking ring was discovered. We worked with that unit a couple of weeks ago while you were still recovering. She's happier there, I think." I nod, happy to know she didn't feel ousted by the group or anything. I'll have to reach out and check in with her at some point.
       Emily interrogates Doyle and the team works together to figure out the main unsub we are trying to find is Declan's mom who took him to get back at Doyle. Apparently he forced her to have Declan and chained her to a bed for months and all that. It's horrible, really. Spencer goes with them once they think they've tracked them down to a plane, and I once again sit with Penelope to stay somewhat in the loop. Spencer ended up shooting Chloe Donaghy, Declan's mom, and I think it ended up being fatal. In the end, Declan gets saved and we have Emily back. Hotch sends everybody home once everything is resolved, saying they can finish their paperwork later.
        Spencer and I leave together shortly after and I can tell he is pissed about Emily and Hotch lying to him. We get in the car and I let him process his feelings, I can almost feel the anger and frustration radiating off of him. After a few minutes, I gently squeeze his hand and ask him "do you want to talk about it?" He sighs with exasperation "how could they lie to us about that? Do they have any idea how hard it was to lose her? It strained our relationship so bad that you had to leave. If you hadn't had to leave then...then maybe..." I nod and finish the sentence for him when he trails off "maybe I wouldn't have gotten hurt?" He nods and sniffles, trying to suppress tears.
We are now parked in the complex parking lot, just staring out the windshield. I tell him "Spencer, you can't blame Emily or yourself for Harrison's actions. Even if I didn't go home then he probably would've done the same thing the next time we went back to visit my family." Spencer nods and looks down. He fiddles with his fingers and says "I need to tell you something." My stomach twists into knots at his statement, scared for what he's going to tell me, especially given the topic at hand. I nod and say "okay, what is it?"
Spencer gulps and says "Harrison had hired a private investigator to follow your every move in DC. He even followed you to Boston when Emily died. Harrison was planning to get you here somehow before you went home and gave him the perfect opportunity. We don't know what the end goal was here but we found that he purchased property under a pseudonym and applied for a job as a pharmacist in your hospital. He was going to get you one way or another. He just couldn't resist the opportunity when you came home. So, we think he spent the four days you were home planning an alternate approach and when I went to visit you at your parents' house, it triggered him into taking you much earlier than he originally planned, making the plan a lot more flimsy."
My heart is beating in my ears as I process this information. I wasn't just a victim of opportunity, I was his target, his end game. He would've abducted me and hurt me no matter where I was. I feel the tears before I realize they've built up. Spencer leans forward and pulls me into his embrace. He tells me "they found out his plans to move here after we came home when they were doing a deep dive on him for the reports. I didn't want to tell you then because you were doing so well and I was afraid it would make the healing process so much harder. I planned to tell you sometime this week if I felt you were in a good state of mind, but with Emily coming back I just didn't want to keep anything from you. It just felt wrong."
I nod and pull back. "I'm glad you waited to tell me. I'm somewhat relieved and terrified to know it would've happened eventually whether I went home or not. It's not your fault or Emily's fault or my fault. It's Harrison's fault and his alone. End of story." Spencer nods "I know, but I still don't like how they lied to us for three months." I nod "I know, bubs, it's gonna be okay, though." He nods in response, then we both get out of the car and walk up to the apartment, ready to sleep the stress of this day off.

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