Chapter 22: Cuffing Season*

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       Later in the evening that same day, after I get over my hangover, I'm in the kitchen making my grocery list. Spencer comes up to me and wraps his arms around me. He says in my ear "feeling better?" I nod and say "much better." Spencer hums "ready to take care of those strikes?" I feel my body stiffen and butterflies flying in my stomach at the question. I turn around and look at him "maybe. Depends on what you have in mind, Dr. Reid." He chuckles and says in my ear "go to the bedroom and strip. You can sit on the bed and wait for me. If you aren't fully stripped by the time I get back there I will add another strike. Understand?" I gulp "yes, sir, I understand." He smacks me on the ass and says "good girl, now go."
      I hastily walk back to the bedroom and quickly strip out of my loungewear I had been in. I sit on the edge of the bed with my legs crossed, awaiting Spencer's arrival. He slowly comes in the room, still in his sweatpants and white t shirt. As he walks over to me he asks "do you know what season it is?" I look at him confused and say "fall?" He shakes his head. I try again "Halloween?" He shakes his head and says "we are in what some people call cuffing season," and he whips out what I assume are his work cuffs that he uses on criminals. He chuckles at my shocked face and says "if you don't want to use them then we won't. If you're willing to try and don't like them after a while you know the words."
      I nod as he talks and he asks "what are your safe words?" I gulp and say "green for I'm okay, yellow for stop what you're doing or change something, red for stop all together." He smiles and says "good girl." I suddenly realize I'm sitting here naked in front of him and he's fully clothed. He asks "before we do anything, we've used condoms in the past, do you want to use one tonight?" I nod and say "they told me to give it at least a week to make sure the IUD is working. I bought more condoms while you were gone because we were out before." He nods and says "okay, baby, that's not a problem. I need you to lay down in the middle of the bed." I follow his instructions and lay down in the middle of the bed, my head on the pillows.
      He comes towards me with the handcuffs and says "comfortable?" I nod "yes, sir." He chuckles "good, because you're going to be there for a while. Last chance to say no to the cuffs. What's your color?" I smile and say "green." He says "that's my girl. Give me your hands." I give him my hands and he cuffs one before running the cuffs through the rungs of my iron headboard and cuffs the other one. My hands are trapped above my head. I was not expecting this part. He chuckles and says "you liked it before when I held your arms above your head, now I can do that and have a free hand." Spencer goes over to his bag and pulls out something that I don't recognize at first. Until he switches it on.
       He comes over to me with what I've figured out is a vibrator and asks me "have you ever used a vibrator, Annie?" I shake my head and say "no sir" as he lightly circles it on my stomach. He chuckles and says "then this will be fun for you." He gently runs it over my core quickly and I let out a high pitched gasp. He chuckles "that's the lowest setting, keep your legs apart or I will have to restrain those, too." I gulp and say "yes, sir." He starts to pace in front of me at the foot of the bed and says "so after the conversation about what kinky stuff you liked and didn't like, I've decided to kill two birds with one stone, well multiple birds really, with this punishment. You said before you liked your hands above your head, done. You said before you liked edging and orgasm denial, we are getting there. You said you liked it when I spanked you, also getting there, but maybe not tonight. You also said you liked when I call you princess, did I miss anything, princess." I breathe out shakily, "no sir."
     He chuckles and says "because you have four strikes and we need to work on you holding back your orgasms anyway, I'm going to bring you to the edge and then use the vibrator on you for a whole minute four different times. You will get breaks between the minutes, for how long I haven't decided yet. If you go all four times without coming you will be rewarded. If you do come, I will add another minute each time. If you come four times we will stop and you will not be rewarded, you will receive two spankings for every time you came without permission. You can color out if it gets to be too much at any time. Do you understand, Annie?" I nod my head and say "yes, sir, I understand." He says "good girl, let's get started."
       He lays down on his stomach, his face right at my core. He takes one finger and lightly strokes my heat, between my folds, teasing me. He uses his thumb to rub light circles on my clit. I can feel myself dripping onto the bed. After he's satisfied with his actions he slowly takes his head between my legs and licks a thick stripe from the bottom of my folds up to my clit. He takes his tongue to my folds and takes the vibrator and presses it against my clit before I even knew what was happening. I let out a high pitched moan at the new sensation and try to close my legs around Spencer's head. He lightly pulls my legs apart. He doesn't scold me for it and I assume it's because he knows it's a new sensation to me. With the new sensation I become close fairly quick. I tell him "Spencer, I'm close." He pulls back and says "good girl."
     He blows lightly on my dripping heat and says "ready, baby?" I breathe in shakily and say "yes sir." He hums and attaches the vibrator to my clit, the feeling is so intense. Within 10 seconds my orgasm is trying to claw its way to the surface. I'm grinding my teeth and holding on to the rungs of the headboard trying desperately to hold my orgasm back. My legs are shaking uncontrollably and I feel like I'm about to lose control over my orgasm before Spencer takes the vibrator away.
      He lightly rubs my stomach and says "you did such a good job, baby. Three more times." I think to myself that I can't handle it but I nod. Spencer wipes a tear from my cheek that I didn't even realize I had shed. He says "if it's too much you can color out and I won't be disappointed." I shake my head and say "green." He gives me a quick kiss and moves back down between my legs. He keeps the vibrator on the same speed and attaches it to my clit again. I cry out at the intense waves of pleasure it's sending through my body. I bite my lip and try to take steady breaths because holding my breath only makes it worse. I let out little whimpers as I hold on to the bed frame. My toes curl and my legs shake as I hold back my orgasm. Finally Spencer pulls it away from me and I cry out in relief.
     Spencer gives me a couple of minutes to recuperate. He caresses my thighs, hips, and stomach and tells me sweet words of encouragement. He gives me a soft look and says "you ready?" My lip quivers and I nod my head. He holds the vibrator against my clit and I try to have steady breathing and focus on something else, but when he starts to move in slow circles I'm done for. I have one of the most earth shattering orgasms of my life and I had no control over it.
     As wave after wave of orgasm and then aftershock overcomes my senses, I come out of my orgasm and start crying because I hate that I failed Spencer. He shushes me sweetly and wipes away my tears and says "if you can go one more time and not come I will still reward you. We will consider that a warning. I know you're trying your hardest. If you come again without permission I'll have no choice but to punish you. You can do it. Be my good girl, Annie."
     I breathe in shakily and nod "I can do it." He smiles and says "if you want to color out I understand. I won't be disappointed." I whimper and say "but I want the reward." Spencer chuckles and says "okay, baby last chance." I take in a deep breath and nod. He nods before placing the vibrator back on my clit. He immediately moves it in circles. I am full of determination to hold it back. My legs are shaking and Spencer notices. He takes his hand and starts to thrust a finger in my heat. I am biting my lip so hard I taste blood. Spencer looks at me and says "10 more seconds." I nod my head and hold on tighter to the bed frame and count in my head until Spencer rips the vibrator and his hand from my body before I can succumb to the sensations.
     I instantly cry tears of relief, my body is wracked with sobs. Spencer unlocks the cuffs and pulls me into his arms, holding me and giving me sweet kisses as he massages my wrists where the cuffs have chafed them. He says "I'm very proud of you, you did such a good job. I could tell that was very difficult and I'm proud of you for not giving up. Do you want your reward now or later?" I smile mischievously and say "Spencer Reid if you don't make me come tonight I might go crazy." He chuckles and says "so you're ready now?" I nod and say "yes sir." He smiles and slaps my bare ass "lay on the bed, face down ass up, princess."
     I quickly and excitedly move to the position he requested. He says "good girl, give me your hands," and he cuffs my hands together behind my back. I hear him stripping his clothes off and leaving them on the ground. I smile with anticipation and wiggle my ass. Spencer chuckles "don't get greedy or I'll have to punish you again." I bite my lip and say "I'm sorry, sir." He chuckles and I hear him rip the foil of a condom wrapper behind me and says "you're forgiven," as he slams into me with no warning. My breath catches in my throat at the feeling.
     He gives me a few seconds to adjust before he sets a relentless pace, slamming into me over and over again. My body is overcome with sensations after being edged for so long. Spencer is holding on to my bound wrists by the cuffs and he snakes his free hand around my body to rub my clit. My eyes roll back in my head at the sensation. Spencer says "god you looked so hot trying not to give in to me. You did such a good job." He continues at a fast pace and I feel my orgasm approaching even quicker. I moan and say "oh my god, Spence, please can I come?" He chuckles and says "yes, princess, come for me." I feel my legs shake and my toes curl as my orgasm splinters throughout my body.
     Spencer doesn't slow down, if anything he picks up the pace. I'm not given any time to come down from my orgasm and my clit is aching at the overstimulation. Spencer pulls his hand away from my clit finally and I feel relieved. Until he presses the vibrator to my clit again, rubbing it in circles. I scream out at the overstimulation. "Is this what you wanted? Everybody thinks you're so innocent, sweet little Annie. But you're not. Not anymore. You're my dirty little girl now." I whimper at his words and feel tears form in my eyes at the overstimulation.
     Spencer pulls my back up against his front with my hair and holds me tight as he says in my ear "give me one more and then we will be done. Come with me, Annie." I nod and give in to the release quickly brought on by his words and actions. I feel him release into the condom as my walls contract around him. He continues slow thrusts, working us both through our orgasms.
      Spencer lightly places my torso back on the mattress and unlocks the cuffs. He rolls me over and massages my wrists again before saying "how was that for a reward? Are you happy?" I nod in a haze "it was so good. I'm very happy, thank you, Spence." After he gets the blood circulating back in my wrists again, he kisses me on the cheek before saying "I'm going to get a few things I'll be right back, okay?" I nod sleepily, still in a fucked out haze.
       He returns with a warm wet wash cloth, some aloe, a water bottle, and ibuprofen. He gives me the water and ibuprofen and tells me to take it. After I do that, he takes the wash cloth and cleans up the mess between my thighs. After he's cleaned me up he taps my thigh lightly and says "I need you to flip over, baby. I didn't spank you a lot but when I did it was hard." I slowly flip over and once I'm fully on my stomach I hear Spencer chuckling. I look back at him "what is so funny back there?"
      He laughs a bit harder and says "it's just, yo-you kind of have a h-hand print on each ass cheek." I try to look back at him "what?! You spanked me that hard?" He chuckles as I hear him pour aloe into his hands and says "yeah I'm sorry, I got carried away." I chuckle myself and say "don't be, I liked it." He is speechless for a second as he gingerly rubs aloe on my sore ass cheeks before saying "my Annie. You're kinkier than I thought. Or have I corrupted you?" I chuckle "a little bit of both." He lightly rubs his hand over my hip and says "okay, princess, you can roll over now." I nod and sleepily turn over. He lays down next to me and I curl up with him, both of us still naked.
     After a few minutes I start to feel sad for no reason. I feel myself starting to tear up and I can't control it. Spencer notices and sits up to look at me. He looks at me with a concerned expression and says "hey, princess, what's wrong? Did I hurt you?" I shake my head and go to talk. As I think of what to say I start sobbing and Spencer pulls me into his arms. He shushes me and caresses my hair as he holds me. I say "I don't even know what's wrong with me. I enjoyed everything." He shushes me again and says "this is normal. Your hormones are dropping from a very big high. You've been on a high from adrenaline and dopamine and serotonin but after you sat still for a minute it started to drop quickly. There's nothing wrong with you, your body just has to adjust. I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere, I love you." 
      I nod as I sniffle and come down from the feelings. He wipes my tears off my cheeks with his thumbs and says "you feel better now?" I nod and say "thank you for staying with me through my crazy emotional times. I know I can be a lot." Spencer chuckles and says "baby you aren't crazy emotional. You're human and you have emotions. It's my job to take care of you when you are hurting. You don't have to thank me." He kisses me on the cheek and says "it's late, we should probably go to bed. Let's get you to go pee and get ready for bed. Then we can cuddle some more."
      I groan and he says "baby I just don't want you to get a UTI. It'll be quick come on." I groan as I get up from the bed and go to pee in the bathroom. Afterwards I brush my teeth and everything before putting on just a shirt of Spencer's and climbing in bed. He climbs in bed with me soon after and pulls me tight. He kisses my temple and says "I love you, Annie, good night." I smile and say "I love you, too, Spence. Sweet dreams."

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