Chapter 26: Secrets Come Out*

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Spencer and I sit staring in shock at the couple in the middle of the room. I turn to Spencer "it all makes sense now. Hotch said during the truth or dare game that he had sex yesterday morning. Jack said Hotch's new friend LeeLee shows him her stethoscope when she comes over. LeeLee is probably his nickname for Killian." Spencer nods "Hotch has been in a better mood the past few weeks. When would they have met?" I shake my head and wrack my brain for when they could've met each other.
     Spencer says "what about when the whole team went to that new bar with me to surprise you after a case?" I think for a second "oh! You mean when you arrested the guy for assaulting you?" Spencer chuckles as he nods "yep that night." I look at him in shock "that was like three months ago!" Spencer nods "Haley only died 6 months ago." I ponder his words "Spence, they had been divorced prior to her death. Maybe this is just about sex for them? Killian doesn't usually do long term relationships. She's too wild for that." Spencer shakes his head "maybe. I don't understand why they're together because Hotch is the opposite of wild. I would think he'd be too boring for her."
     I hum "she has said before she thinks the fbi thing is totally hot. She has been showing some insanely good profiling skills recently." Spencer sips his whiskey "like what?" I chuckle "well she figured out we had sex for the first time by profiling me and my bedroom because she could tell I was hiding something." He furrows his brow in response "How?" I laugh briefly and say "she could tell I was acting different, like you did, and she went through my night stand and bathroom and found the used condom in the trash."
     Spencer nearly chokes on his drink "you never told me about that before." I say "I just didn't want you to feel weird around her. She doesn't care. You know she's also been free to hang out every single time y'all have been gone on a case the last few months. She even left our girls night for a booty call when you had to pick me up. And she looked terrified when I said I was going to invite the team for girls night before she realized it was only the girls."
     Spencer nods "that all makes it sound like they could be in a secret relationship." I look at him "how do we play this? Do we go over to them, do we not say anything and see how long it is before they tell us?" Spencer shakes his head "let's not say anything tonight. Let them enjoy their date and live in their secret a little bit longer. Hotch deserves to be happy." I nod as I snap a photo "just for evidence later." Spencer chuckles as he shakes his head "okay now let's enjoy our date, too." I hold up my wine glass and we clink them together "to apologies." Spencer chuckles "to apologies."
     Our food arrives and it looks amazing. I look up at Spencer "how expensive is this dinner going to be?" I can visibly see him doing the numbers in his head before he says "don't worry about it." I scoff "Spencer if it's an apology dinner I should buy your meal." Spencer shakes his head, "nope, I'm paying." I let out an exasperated sigh "you always pay when we go out." Spencer nods "and you pay for all the groceries without my help because you refuse to let me. We are even. If you continue to argue with me you won't like what happens." I nod and continue to eat my dinner.
     After a minute of eating and dropping the topic I feel his right hand creep up my left thigh. He turns his head and whispers in my ear "good girl," as he takes his hand under my dress and lightly touches my bare core with his finger tips, I gasp in response. "You make a sound, I stop. Understand?" I nod. He kisses my cheek "so good for me, keep eating, baby." I nod as I follow his orders, taking another bite of my salad. He takes his finger from my folds to my clit and rubs it in slow, wide circles. I'm trying hard to keep my breathing even  and not make a sound. Spencer leans in to my ear "I'll make you cum after you finish either your salad or salmon, but you have to stay quiet." I nod as I take another bite of salmon. I decide to focus on finishing the salmon because it will take less effort to cut and chew.
     After I open up my mouth to take another bite of the salmon, Spencer gently plunges a finger into my heat and slowly moves it in and out. I jump but I don't make a sound. Spencer chuckles next to me at my self control. "If you cum without permission you will be punished when we get home." I nod, still not speaking because he told me not to make a sound. I have a couple bites of salmon left and Spencer plunges another finger into me and moves them in a "come here" motion against my g spot. I try to close my legs, but Spencer pulls them apart again with his left hand "no, baby. Keep them open. You're so close." I think to myself "oh you have no idea." He continues pumping his fingers into me and begins rubbing my clit again with his thumb. I grip the edge of the booth and try to concentrate on not making a sound and not coming. Spencer chuckles and says in my ear "you better finish your salmon if you want to cum." I nod and pick up my fork to eat one of my last pieces of salmon, right then he hits my spot and my clit at the same time just right and I accidentally let out a small moan of pleasure.
      Instantly Spencer pulls his hand back, wipes it on the napkin on his lap, and goes back to eating like he wasn't just knuckle deep inside of me. I take a deep shaky breath and try not to scream at him out of frustration. I say quietly "I'm going to go to the bathroom." Spencer grabs my wrist harshly but not forcefully "don't even think about touching yourself." I nod my head "yes, Spence, I know I just need to clean up a bit before it starts dripping down my leg." He nods and kisses me on the cheek before turning back to his food "don't be too long." I nod as I walk to the bathroom on wobbly legs.
     I go in the bathroom and pee as I let out a shaky breath. I want to groan loudly and let out some of the tension but I'm afraid I'll draw too much attention to myself. As I'm finishing up in the stall I hear the door open and heels clicking up to the sinks. I hear humming and don't think much of it. I'm about to exit the stall before I hear the door open, close, and lock. I hear the lock and am instantly afraid I'm about to be murdered. This is a nice restaurant, I can't be murdered here, right?
     I hear a familiar voice say "Aaron, this is the ladies room, what are you doing here?" I hear footsteps follow her to the sink "looking for you." I hear sounds of them kissing and instantly want to claw out my ear drums. I hear Hotch say "what about a quickie in here?" I hear Killian laugh "I would much rather go home so we don't have to be quiet." Hotch groans "you've been teasing me under the table all night, Li." I hear Killian hum "what do you want me to do about it, baby boy?" He groans "suck me off." I hear a loud smack and Killian says "that's not how we ask." He says with a waver in his voice "please suck me off, ma'am." She hums "much better," and I hear her get down on her knees.
     My hand is over my mouth and I try to sit very still and not give myself away. This is already so awkward, but it would be even more awkward if they knew I was here. I hear the sounds of Killian sucking Hotch's dick and Hotch moaning and groaning. I pull my phone out of my purse and turn it on silent. I see a text from Spencer asking if everything is okay. I quickly text him back and tell him I'll be out in a sec. the last thing any of us needs is for Spencer to come looking for me in here then Spencer catches them and they catch me. I would much rather lay low and use this for blackmail if I need it. I hear the moans and gasps from Hotch and I hear him reach his climax.
     I hear the sounds of them putting themselves back together and Killian says "happy now, baby boy?" He groans slightly "yes ma'am ." Killian washes her hands and I hear the sounds of her heels clicking and Hotch's heavy footsteps leaving the bathroom. I still wait a minute or so before moving. Out of caution or trauma I'm not sure which, yet. What just happened? I get out of the stall and quickly wash my hands before quickly walking back over to our table with Spencer. Spencer looks up at me when he sees me coming and smiles but quickly changes to a concerned frown when he sees my facial expression. I sit down and tell him "I um just ran into Killian and Hotch." Spencer looks relieved but shocked "oh is that why you look so pale?"
      I nod "well, ran into isn't the best term to use. I...uh...overheard them in the bathroom." He wipes his hands on his napkin before putting it on his now empty plate "anything good?" I hum before saying "the jury is out on that. I'll tell you more in the car." He nods and motions for the waiter, asking for the check. I eat my last couple bites of salmon and leave my salad as it is. I quickly down my glass of Chardonnay because I definitely need alcohol after what my ears just witnessed. Hotch and Killian didn't go back to their table, thank God. I don't think I'd be able to face them right now. Spencer pays the bill, leaves a generous tip and we get up to leave.
     Spencer guides me out of the restaurant and to the car. Spencer keeps asking "what is wrong with you? Why are you shaking?" I tell Spencer through gritted teeth "wait until we get in the car." I walk ahead of him and get to the car, not waiting for him to open the door for me. He gives me an odd look and unlocks the car from about ten spaces behind me. I get in and let out a shiver I had been holding in. Spencer gets in the car and says "Annie, what happened?"
     I let out another shiver and practically scream "I overheard Killian suck Hotch off in the women's bathroom!" Spencer's eyes go wide as his jaw drops to the floor. He lets out a shocked laugh and I nod with an embarrassed grimace and say "and that's not all!" Spencer practically yells back "there's more?!" I nod with my grimace "he said she had been teasing him under the table all night and he wanted her to do something about it. He asked her to suck him off and she slapped him." Spencer almost looks mad "are you kidding me?" I shake my head no and say "after she slapped him she told him 'that's not how we ask' and then Hotch said 'please suck me off, ma'am.' When she was done she called him baby boy. I know way too much about their relationship now."
     After a moment of silence Spencer says "I never thought Hotch would be submissive in a relationship." I turn to Spencer "I want to claw my ear drums out of my skull and that's what you have to say?" Spencer chuckles "he called her 'ma'am'! I always thought he'd be dominating at home like he is in the office." I shrug "maybe that's what he had to be with Haley and when Killian came along he tried being submissive for the first time. Maybe it's an outlet." Spencer starts driving home now and says "that makes sense. I like to be dominating with you because I feel like I don't have any control at work. He probably feels like he has too much to control and would rather take a break from controlling."
     I nod "I bet he is a switch." Spencer turns to me "since when do you know what a switch is?" I laugh "Spencer, I know a lot more about BDSM than you think." Spencer immediately pulls the car over and looks at me, almost offended "wait a minute I thought you were a virgin before me?" I laugh "yes, Spencer I was a virgin before you. How do you think I lasted this long as a virgin?" He shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders "sheer force of will? Spite? I don't know?" I laugh "Spencer, I've been reading smut and watching porn since I was in high school. I had an outlet for it so I could wait longer but that definitely wasn't as good as when I'm with you."
      Spencer is silent, calculating, for a long time before saying "you watch porn?" I chuckle "used to. Ever since we started fooling around I stopped pretty much." He catches my choice of words "what do you mean 'pretty much'? You aren't supposed to touch yourself without my permission." My eyes go wide "um..." I look down without saying anything else. Spencer isn't having any of that, he lifts my chin a bit harshly. He asks "have you been touching yourself without permission?" My lip quivers and I nod "I..I didn't think you would find out." Spencer's face is red and he's seething. I try to make myself as small as possible in my seat, feeling like a scolded child.
     Spencer says "I thought sometimes when I came home from cases there would be small stains on the sheets and sometimes the toys were rearranged. I didn't think much of it. You've always been a good girl for me, I didn't have to think there would be any reason for you to not ask me. Why didn't you?" I look down and don't say anything. He takes in a big breath and breathes out slowly "baby, I need you to answer me when I ask you a question."
      My lip quivers and my voice cracks as I cry answer his question in nearly a whisper "I was embarrassed and I thought you would just say no." He gently moves my chin up and says "Annie, that's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's completely natural and healthy. As for the second part, I will always have a reason for saying no, not just because I want to for fun. If I am on a case I will almost always give you permission, but you have to ask first. You can ask in advance the day of, but I always want you to ask first. If I am home I might say no because it's my job to satisfy your needs. Not yours." I nod my head and say in a small voice "I'm sorry."
     He drives the car back onto the road and makes one sarcastic laugh and says "you will be." My head snaps up and my eyes go wide at that statement. He looks at me and says "you're going to be punished for what you just told me, for not wearing panties tonight, and for your attitude and pouting earlier. Tell me you understand, princess." I nod my head and quietly say "yes, sir." He says "louder." I nod my head and speak louder "I understand, sir." He says "I'm happy to be reminded you can be a good girl, but apparently it's only when you want to be."
    I know Spencer would never hurt me, but I am still so terrified for what he has planned. I sit in silence in the passenger seat, naively hoping if I stay quiet he will forget what just happened. He has an eidetic memory, there's absolutely no hope for that. I stay quiet for the rest of the drive home, probably the most quiet I've ever been. He parks the car and we both get out. He takes my hand and grips it only slightly tighter than normal and we walk to my apartment together. I feel like I've been holding my breath the entire time. We get inside and I follow Spencer to the bedroom with my tail tucked between my legs. Spencer quickly goes to the bedroom and moves Ryder and his crate to the guest bedroom and shuts the door.
     He talks to me softly when he returns "I'm not going to hurt you in the way I think you're afraid of. I am going to spank you but I will go easier on you than I would if you were more experienced at this." He gently pulls the zipper of my dress down at the side and pushes it off my body so it falls to a puddle at my feet. I still breathe erratically. Spencer gently lifts my chin up and gives me a gentle kiss "I love you, Annie. If you really don't want to do this or want to stop at any time you can color out. I won't be upset. Tell me you understand." I nod and take a shaky breath in "I can color out and you won't be upset." He kisses me again "good girl."
     He bends down and undoes the zipper of my shoes gently and helps me step out of both of them. When he has removed the shoes he turns to me with a hand out "take off your jewelry, too." I comply and take off every piece of jewelry I'm wearing. Spencer tells me to stay where I am and I watch him go put all of my jewelry up in all the right places where they belong. He comes back with a hair tie from my vanity, "put your hair in a pony tail." Before I take the hair tie I reach back and remove the Bobby pins that were holding part of my hair back. I give him the Bobby pins and put my hair up in a ponytail like he requested.
     Spencer is still fully dressed and sits down on the edge of the bed and beckons me over. He gently pulls me down over his legs so my ass is displayed in front of him. He gently caresses my ass and I flinch at the contact. He asks me "tell me your color." I sniffle "green, sir." He hums "good girl. You're going to get six hits. Count them for me." I nod and don't say anything. He immediately slaps my ass hard and the wind is knocked out of me "use your words Annie. That one didn't count towards the six." I nod as I say "yes, sir." He hums and takes his hand down to lightly stroke through my folds "now that I know you've been holding out on me with your knowledge of BDSM, why don't you call me daddy instead of sir?" I moan and say "yes, daddy." He chuckles as he continues to play with my folds "sounds like you like that name huh princess?" I moan again "yes, daddy."
     He chuckles darkly "good girl," and he removes his hand before I feel another hard smack on my right ass cheek this time. He says "count, princess." I say "1," with trembling lips. He rubs my ass before smacking me twice in quick succession "2....3." His hand goes back down to my folds and also plays with my clit at the same time. The stinging in my ass and the pleasure radiating from my core is honestly a delicious mix that I didn't expect. He chuckles darkly for a second and before I register he's removed his hands from my heat he slaps my core. Hard. I cry out loudly at that and feel my legs tremble. Spencer says "count, princess, unless you don't want that one to count towards your six." I shake my head " daddy, I'm sorry." He hums and smacks my ass one more time, I say in a trembling voice "5." He rubs my ass "last one, princess, you're doing such a good job. What's your color?" I tell him "green." He hums and says "last one," before he slaps my heat again and I cry out "6!"
     He gently lifts me up and has me sit up on his lap, straddling one leg. He gently wipes the tear from my cheek that fell at that last one and he says with a gentle smile "you did such a good job, princess. I'm so proud of you. What's your color?" I sniffle and say with a trembling voice "green, daddy." He kisses me gently and starts to bounce his knee underneath me and I take a shuddering breath at the sensations it's giving me. He grabs my hips and moves them back and forth as he continues to bounce his leg beneath me. I'm moaning in pain and pleasure at the sensations. Spencer hums "does that feel good, baby?" I nod and say "yes, daddy." The pleasure is building within me and I can feel myself getting close. He hums "are you going to cum for me?" I moan and nod my head he hums again and says "no," before pulling me off of his leg.
     I'm in shock and my legs are like jello beneath me as he pulls me up to stand. My body is trembling from all the different sensations. I feel a tear leave my eye, Spencer gently wipes the tear away and says "on your knees, baby." I nod as I get down on my knees slowly in front him. He pulls his hard dick out of his pants and it stares me in the face. He says "let's see if you can make me make the same sounds Hotch did in the bathroom tonight." I nod and take his tip in my mouth, swirling my tongue around it before taking more in my mouth. I try to move quickly and loudly because that's what I heard from Killian in the bathroom. I work what won't fit in my mouth with my hand and take my left hand to massage his balls. He moans in pleasure and says "such a good girl for me. Taking me so well."
     I take that as encouragement and continue bobbing my mouth up and down on his cock. I try to take more after my mouth is somewhat used to his size and gag on his length which makes him moan loudly. Once he starts breathing heavier and I feel his cock twitch in my mouth I take my hand that's on his balls down to his perineum and rub my thumb up and down it forcefully. He grips the bed on either side of him and groans loudly as he cums in my mouth. I swallow what's in my mouth and Spencer helps me stand up in front of him. He says "open." I open my mouth and show him the evidence that I swallowed all that he gave me. He says "good job, princess," and crashes his lips on to mine. I kiss him back with ferocity before he pulls us apart.
      He says "lay down on the bed on your stomach, kitten." That one is new. I go to follow his orders and before I can lay down he stops me and goes to get a towel from the bathroom and lays it down on the bed. I don't say anything and go to lay down on the bed. Spencer grabs a pillow from the ground and says "lift your hips for me." I do as he says and he puts the pillow under my hips, propping up my ass. I hear the tell tale sound of his cuffs and he takes the cuffs and locks my wrists in them behind my back like we have done before. He gently runs two finger tips down my spine, making me shiver.
     He goes to the closet and grabs a few things but I can't see what he's grabbing. He comes back over to the bed and grabs my left foot. He ties a knot around my left ankle and I feel the rope pulled almost taut to the bed post. He does the same thing to my right foot. He hums and says "try to move for me, baby." I try to move but can really only slightly move my upper body side to side. He says "good, what's your color?" I say "green." He says "good. You cannot come without permission. Remember that. Do you understand?" I nod and say "yes, daddy." He caresses my sensitive ass and I jump, he says "good girl."
     He trails his hand down to my heat, separating my folds and I can feel some of my wetness drip out of me. He chuckles "looks like you enjoy being punished, princess." I nod my head. He takes two fingers and begins to rub figure eights on my clit. I moan at the feeling. He takes his fingers and gathers some of my wetness on them before taking them back up to rub the figure eights on my clit again. He moves slowly and my legs start to tremble. Right as I feel I'm getting close to the edge he pulls his hand away. I groan in frustration. He chuckles darkly "what? Were you close?" I nod my head and hum an affirmative response. He chuckles darkly again and says "too bad, kitten." I feel my wetness drip out of me and onto the towel beneath me.  I'm so glad he remembered to put a towel down, I do not want to do laundry tonight.
      He takes the same two fingers and plunges them deep in my heat and begins to slowly pump them in and out, hitting my g spot every time. He begins to pick up his pace and my legs start to tremble again. He quickly removes his fingers. I groan in frustration at the denial. I hear the tell tale buzzing sound of a vibrator and my eyes snap open in alarm. Spencer takes the vibrator on a medium setting to my clit and runs slow circles on it. My legs are trembling and I'm moaning at the feeling. I beg Spencer "please let me cum, daddy." Spencer hums "why should I let you?" I sniffle "because...I've been such a good girl for you tonight." Spencer hums in thought "you have been tonight but what about your attitude today and the fact that you've been disobedient for months behind my back." I sob and cry out "I'm so sorry, daddy. So sorry. Please. Please let me cum I'll be so good I promise." Spencer hums for a second and I'm hopeful that he will let me come "No."
I don't even try to hide my sobs and I can't control the shaking in my legs. I hear Spencer peel off his clothes at the foot of the bed and I am hopeful that maybe this time he will let me come. He asks "do you want me to wear a condom, princess?" I say softly "no, daddy." I do love that he always asks and doesn't just assume it's okay every time. He asks "color?" I answer "green." And he slams in to me. He doesn't give me time to adjust, repeatedly slamming in to my cervix at a fast pace. I cry out in pain at the feeling. I feel my orgasm coming on once again after a few minutes and I ask him "please let me cum, daddy." He asks "do you deserve to cum?" I shake my head and cry. He groans "Then no, don't fucking cum. Quit asking." I groan in frustration, fighting to maintain my self control. His thrusts become sloppy and I feel him twitch inside me before I feel him fill me with his warmth. He moans and pulls himself out of me.
He quickly unties my ankles and grabs the key to the cuffs from his pants. He unlocks the cuffs and gently rolls me over, pulling me to sit up in front of him on the bed. He pulls me into his lap and rubs my upper arms and back "you're all done, you did such a good job, I'm so proud of you. I love you so much." I look at him and feel my lip trembling as I blubber out "b-but...but I...I didn't.." Spencer knows what I'm trying to say and he shushes me, nodding "I know, baby, I know. Not tonight." I ask softly, a little embarrassed "why won't you let me cum?" He gives me a soft smile before saying "disobedient brats don't get to cum. Disobey me knowingly like that again and you won't cum for a week whether I'm home or on a case. Understand?" I nod, sniffling and look down. He gently lifts my chin "I need words, Annie, you know that." I nod and say "yes, daddy, I understand."
He rubs my back and says "hold on to my neck, let's get you cleaned up." I do as he says and he lifts me from under my knees and takes me to the bathroom. He sits me down on the bathroom counter before turning around and starting to fill the bathtub. I rest my head against the mirror as he adds bath salts to the water. He turns around and says "hey check in with me, how are you doing?" as he gently rubs my arms. Myy body is trembling just a bit as I give him a half smile, still pissed that he edged me all night with no release.
     He gathers that the half smile is enough and gets a wash cloth and warms it up in hot water under the sink. He comes back between my legs and gently runs it between my legs and over my folds. I cry out at the sensitivity and pull back from him and feel my lip and body trembling again. He shushes me and rubs my back and he just says "I'm sorry, it's over okay? I love you." I sniffle a few times before saying "my pony tail hurts." He looks confused for a second and lightly pulls the hair elastic out of my hair, letting it fall. He lightly pushes a strand of hair behind my ear and asks "better?" I nod and say "can you just hold me for a second?" He hums his approval and holds me as I lean against him, nuzzling my face into his bare chest. After a few minutes of comfortable silence Spencer says "let me take your makeup off, you look like a drowned raccoon." I laugh lightly and lean back as he takes a makeup wipe and gently removes the makeup from my face.
      As he's finishing up removing the makeup he asks "I know you might not be happy with me right now, do you want to take your bath alone or do you want me to join you?" I pout and say "I am not happy with you right now but I want you to join me." He chuckles and helps me down from the counter. He sits down in the bath first and then I sit down between his legs and lean against his chest. He takes my loofah and puts some soap on it before gently cleaning my body with it. I moan in pleasure at the feeling. It doesn't feel sexual, it just feels like he cares. He washes my hair using the detachable shower head and also washes his own. After he's finished with that he wraps his arms around my waist and holds me tight against him and kisses the top of my head. He says "Annie, I love you so much. I know it's hard to feel that way right now, but I do." I nod as I hum in content "I love you, too, Spence. So so much."

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