Chapter 64: Telephone*

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       I go in to work for a few hours the next day just to get reacquainted with my job. I don't even see patients in person, I check up on charts and see how some patients are still doing, many were even discharged in my time away. The majority of my time there is spent talking to people who show up to hug me and tell me they're so glad I'm okay and that I'm back even in short time periods. I appreciate the warm welcome, however it is exhausting.
       Whenever it's nearing lunch time, which is the time I had cleared it with my boss and with Alison to leave before the day even started, Alison comes in my office and sits down. She's 7 months pregnant now and pretty big. I sit down at my desk and ask her "you get your bridesmaids dress figured out while I was otherwise engaged?" She chuckles "you mean otherwise engaged surviving? Yes, I managed to get that accomplished." She rubs over her stomach like pretty much every pregnant woman does. I smile warmly and ask her "did you ever find out the gender? I'm sorry I'm so behind on literally everything in my life." She smiles and nods "you're fine, Annie. It's a boy. We are naming him Elliot Jackson." I smile "Elliot Jackson Alvez." Alison nods, happily rubbing her stomach.
         I look at her and say "well, it's been fun, but I'm exhausted and I think I'm going to have to have phone sex with Spencer tonight or he's going to either murder somebody on the team or be murdered by somebody on the team and they all know how to make it look like an accident." Alison chuckles "why is murder on the table?" I sigh in exasperation "because Emily came back from the dead and Spencer is mad at JJ because of it." Alison blinks at me and I tell her "I know, I don't really get it either but I have to be supportive because he's been very supportive to me through this whole process and all of my irrational moments." Alison nods "fair enough. Keep me updated. I love drama that doesn't really involve me." I smile and tell her "you got it."
       I leave my office while she goes back to hers. It works out perfectly timing wise honestly because around the time I'll be ready to come back full time, she will need maternity leave and we will probably take on a new clinical fellow for me to supervise as well. Fun times. As I'm leaving the hospital I get a call from Spencer. I answer "hey, baby, you okay?" I hear him grunt in exasperation as he says "I'm just so pissed at JJ! She didn't have the decency to tell me that Emily was actually alive while I cried with her and with you about it for 10 weeks." I nod to myself and respond "baby, I need more information, I've been up to date with this part."
        He sighs and slows down "I know. She confronted me about being angry with her. She thinks I'm mad because I didn't see through them at the time so I'm mad at myself about my profiling skills not being good enough. I told her that the only reason I didn't see through her was because I trusted her. I also told her I thought about taking dilaudid again. She said I didn't and I told her that I thought about it and left." I nod to myself again as I get in my car "okay, I'm up to speed. Where are you now?" He sighs "outside of the police station. Where are you now? It sounds like you're in your car." I hum "um, yeah I went into work for a few hours actually."
        Spencer asks "what? I thought you were going to wait until I got back?" I tell him "yes, that was the plan, but I needed to get up to date on patient charts and stuff. I didn't see any patients today. I really only saw coworkers who just fawned over me like I was a porcelain doll who could break any second. Oh and I found out Alison is having a baby and they're naming him Elliot Jackson." Spencer responds "I'm sorry I'm not there for you today. I'm happy for Alison and Luke, next time you see her, tell her I love the name." I nod and smile to myself. I tell him "hey, I have a surprise for you actually. Get Morgan or Hotch or somebody to teach you how to use FaceTime by bedtime tonight. That's all you need to know. Just trust me on this." Spencer just says "okay, but only because I trust you." I chuckle to myself, for a kinky genius he can sure be oblivious sometimes.
       We say our goodbyes and I feel better about sending him back off to be on the case around his teammates again. I'm still driving home, so I call Morgan. When he answers I ask immediately "don't say my name, Spencer doesn't know I called you, right?" Morgan chuckles and I hear a door shut. He says "I didn't tell anybody you were calling me. What's this about?" I sigh and tell him "promise me you won't make fun of Spencer or me." He chuckles and I say "Derek Michael Morgan, Spencer told me all the comments you make to him about me only liking sex with him because I was a virgin before and you're lucky I didn't hurt you for them yet. If you make fun of this I will make you regret both of those. Believe me."
       He let's out a whistle and says "damn, okay, what do you need?" I sigh and say "1. Get other sleeping arrangements or at least just be out of the hotel room until I tell you otherwise." Morgan says "uh yeah I can just crash with Hotch, why?" I sigh and say "2. Teach Spencer how to use FaceTime." Morgan says "oh I see where this is going." I chuckle "yeah, I'm going to try to help y'all out because I know Spencer is extra pissy right now. We've talked about phone sex but never implemented it. After talking with him a couple of times I'm going for it in hopes of preventing a murder within the team." Morgan laughs "he is about to get voted off the island. Consider the hotel room his for the night and I'll be sure he knows how FaceTime works while we eat dinner. Should I give him tips for phone sex or do you want it to be a surprise?"
       I sigh "you probably know more about it than he does, but Derek Morgan, I swear to God, if you make any virgin comments to him or make him feel inadequate in any way, I will hang your balls as ornaments on our Christmas tree this year." Morgan coughs and says "noted." I nod to myself "good. I'll call him 9 pm y'all's time in Oklahoma, so it'll be 10 pm here. I don't expect anything from him except for him to be alone in the room and not pissy." Morgan responds "understood, I'll make sure he's prepared." We both say our goodbyes and hang up the phone. As soon as I get home I take care of Ryder and plan to take a nap before tackling all the things that need to be done like shaving pretty much everything, painting my nails and toes, picking out lingerie, moisturizing, makeup, hair, pretty much just everything that'll make Spencer tick in a good way.

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