Chapter 65: Groom, Best Man, or Groomsman?*

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        My lip trembles and my heart stops at what I just heard come from Spencer's mouth. I look at Spencer in confusion and with a hurt expression as I ask him "Spencer, what are you talking about?" He's seething as he talks to me "don't play dumb, Annie. I heard him. He called you a whore and told you to get on the bed. You were out of breath when you picked up the phone. The only plausible explanation is you were cheating on me!" It all makes sense to me now. I never hung up the call. Spencer thinks I spent the afternoon having sex with another man. I mean, he did see me naked, but it was purely professional.
        I look at Spencer and tell him "it's not what you think." He rolls his eyes and slams the now empty glass down "really? That's all you've got?" I say to Spencer through tears "it's not what you think! It's for your surprise!" Spencer scoffs "what a load of crap, Annie." I cry as I argue back, nodding "you can ask the girls, they were there with me!" Spencer narrows his eyes "what the fuck did you do today?" I sigh, defeated, and tell Spencer "now it won't be much of a surprise, but the girls went with me and helped me do a boudoir shoot so I could have some pictures made for you before the wedding." Spencer looks confused but still angry. He says "wait wait, who was the guy I heard?"
       I answer "that was Christian, the photographer." Spencer's eyes grow wide as he asks me "another man took photos of you in lingerie?" I nod and tell him "again it's not what you think." Spencer scoffs and walks over to the door, picking up the bag "we're done." I cry and shake my head, blocking the door so he can't leave. I tell him through sobs "Spencer, he is GAY! Emily knows him and trusts him. He has no interest in me like that and JJ was in the room the whole time." Spencer looks a bit relieved at that, taking a step back. He asks me "of all people, you want me to trust JJ?" I look at the floor before looking at him "Spencer, I expect you to trust me. I would never cheat on you. I don't want anybody else. This is a wedding gift for you. Please believe me, I have never lied to you."
        Spencer's face softens a bit as he takes my face in his hands "you really didn't cheat on me?" I shake my head and say with a trembling voice "no, never, I never will cheat on you, Spencer." He searches my eyes for the truth, wiping the tears as they escape my eyes. He nods and closes the gap between us, pressing my lips to his. I kiss him back in response, holding on to him as if he may disappear if I lighten my grip in the slightest. He pulls back from me, pressing his forehead to mine. I feel wetness on his cheeks and realize he's been crying, he was probably crying while he packed his bag and spent the better part of an hour thinking I was sleeping with another man.
Spencer says through a choked sob "I just don't know what or who I can trust anymore. It felt like everybody else was lying to me and going behind my back, so of course why wouldn't you, too?" I pull back and wipe his tears as I search his eyes. I find evidence of a man who has built up a fortress of walls to protect himself, fortified with anger. He's been hurt by the team and by Emily to the point where he doesn't know who he can trust. I say to him "Spencer, baby, you can trust me. I'm so sorry this misunderstanding got so blown out of proportion. I know you've had such a hard time with everything with Emily, I never wanted to add to that."
Spencer sighs and pulls away a bit "I heard him call you a whore and heard you laugh and then I just couldn't bear to hear anymore so I hung up the phone and threw it across the room. I decided it was over and packed a bag." I ask him "Spencer, where were you going to go?" He shrugs and says "the house I guess. I just didn't want to be here with you, I was afraid I would do or say something I would regret. And...if it were true...I would've been too embarrassed to stay." I put my lips together in a line and nod "Spencer, I promise, absolutely nothing happened. I have been with at least one of the girls at all times today, from leaving the apartment to Killian dropping me off at the complex. He was a professional, I was comfortable."
Spencer nods "I believe you, I still don't like that a man took pictures of you in lingerie." I give him a half smile and tell him "Spencer, the man is gayer than a twirler in the pride parade. You have nothing to worry about. I never would've done it for a straight man, not after everything that happened. I've barely been ready for sex with you since everything happened, how on earth could I have run off and fucked the nearest man so easily?" Spencer chuckles and shrugs "I just couldn't think of anything else in which somebody, a man, specifically, might call you a whore and tell you to get back on the bed." I chuckle and nod "that is not something you hear from just anybody. JJ was there, I'm surprised you didn't hear her laugh?"
Spencer shrugs "I probably thought it was you. Why did you pick JJ to stay with you?" I look down at the floor as I say "well she saw me naked when they did the rape kit. I was in much worse shape then than I ever have been. Today, in front of Christian and the girls, I felt confident, even comfortable in front of them. I'm healing, I'm working through things. This photo shoot has really helped boost my confidence back." Spencer smiles and says "I'm glad." He pauses and looks down and away as he says "I'm...I'm really sorry I jumped to conclusions and behaved the way I did. I was just so...hurt...and angry. I just saw red and lost control." I turn his face back to mine gently. I give him a soft smile as I look into his eyes and say "I would've been angry, too, baby. I'm just glad we talked about it before we started cancelling vendors for the wedding and stuff."
Spencer laughs once and nods "yeah, I may have been a bit too hasty." I shake my head "hasty would've been a million different things. You talked to me. You communicated. You did the right thing. It's okay to be angry, especially when the situation warrants it and this situation would've definitely warranted it." Spencer nods and moves closer to me again. He wipes the remaining tears off of my cheeks with his thumbs as he asks "so are we okay?" I give him a half smile and nod "we're okay." He smiles back slightly and asks "are you still going to marry me in a week?" I smile wider "absolutely." Spencer smiles wider, too, before gently leaning down and pressing his lips to mine.
I lean into the kiss, so thankful for the positive physical contact from the man I love. Spencer pulls back and I ask him "is it wrong that you being so angry turned me a lot?" Spencer throws his head back in laughter "I don't think it's wrong. What's in your bag? Something sexy you wore today?" I bite my lip before I ask him "wouldn't you like to know?" He nods "oh I would, very much." I tell him "why don't you go get situated in our room and I'll change in the bathroom and let you have a sneak peek of what I did today?" Spencer smirks and nods "hell yes." We walk back to our bedroom together, parting ways so I can change into one of the lingerie sets for him. I decide on the red set. It's an almost sheer bra and panty set, really the bra is more like a cropped corset. There's garters attached to the panties and I think Spencer is going to love it.
I put on the set and just decide to put my hair up in a pony tail and out of my way. I decide not to add makeup or anything else, Spencer loves me as is. I stand by the door and ask him "you ready?" I can hear the glee in his voice "ready." I slowly open the door and walk out. Spencer is completely naked, sitting up against the headboard in the center of the bed. He's stroking himself, and, by the look of it, he has been while I've been changing. I try to lean against the doorframe in a sexy way and ask him "what do you think?" His jaw drops at the sight as he says, almost drooling, "I love it." I smile and walk over to the bed. I crawl up the bed and straddle his lap, burying my hands in his curls.
I smile at him "this is much more what I had in mind tonight, Spence." He smiles a giddy smile and nods "me, too, angel." He starts kissing my neck as his hands cup my ass cheeks. I start to grind my hips against his hard cock and he aids in my movements with his hands on my ass. I moan out at the pleasure, my body feeling like it's on fire with passion. I gasp as Spencer moves his mouth down my sternum, leaving sloppy kisses all the way down. I say through short breaths "Spence, please, I need you inside me." He chuckles before he flips me over onto my back, unhooking the corset bra in one try at the same time. He says "in due time, let me unwrap my present first." I giggle at his words and also at the feeling of his tongue swirling around my nipple.
Spencer looks at me with wild eyes and says "you are mine. Nobody else's." I nod and whimper as he removes the panties and garter belt in a slow and delicate fashion. Once I'm bare beneath him, he runs his hands softly up my calves before reaching the backside of my knees. He pulls me down the bed and places my legs on his shoulders, inching down to my heat. He looks into my eyes and says "this pussy belongs to me." I nod and he says sternly "say it." I nod as I gasp out "my pussy belongs to you, Spencer." He smiles and nods "very good, princess, now I'm going to reward you for being such a good girl for daddy." I let my head fall back with a breathless "fuck," knowing I'm probably dripping for him.
He chuckles as he holds my legs open and begins a slow sensuous torture through my folds and to my clit, going back and forth slowly and driving me crazy. God, his mouth feels so much better than anything I can do on my own. He sucks my clit into his mouth, moaning around it, the vibrations making me nearly come off the bed in response. He chuckles and I ask him "fuck, daddy, please can I cum?" He chuckles "already, baby?" I nod, breathless "please?" He chuckles again and says "cum for me baby." I follow his instructions effortlessly, gripping onto his wild curls to ground myself as I ride out my high on his mouth. The orgasm is so intense that my legs shake around his head and I nearly scream in pleasure before falling back into the sheets, shaking in the after shocks.
       Spencer leans back, proud of how quickly and how hard he just made me cum. He rests his head on my hip as he lays on his stomach between my legs. He lightly caresses my thighs and travels up to my hip bone occasionally. He smiles lazily at me and after a few minutes he asks "you okay?" I give him a lazy smile back and nod "mm hmm." He chuckles and asks "you want to stop here or do you want to keep going?" I nod "keep going, please?" He smiles and nods, readjusting to hover above me. He strokes himself as he lines up at my entrance. Before he moves further, he asks me "I know we didn't use one last time, but do you want me to use a condom?" I smile and shake my head "Spencer, we are getting married in a week. If I get pregnant now while still getting the injection then fuck it." Spencer chuckles, nodding, as he slowly slides into my heat.
He and I both moan in pleasure at the initial contact, it still feels a bit tighter than normal which is why I think he's moving so slow. I hiss slightly in pain once his hips are flush with mine. He gently strokes my cheek and kisses my lips before he asks me again "you okay?" I nod "it's still just an adjustment." Spencer hums "you're really fucking tight," he groans before continuing, "you're squeezing me so hard, like the perfect fit." I moan in acknowledgment, kissing him some more to take my mind off of the burning between my legs. He slowly trails a hand down to my clit, rubbing it in slow circles. He groans as I clench in response to the initial contact.
        His ministrations on my clit cause me to relax a bit more. Spencer begins to slowly move out of me, once he can tell I've relaxed, before thrusting into me again. He moves in a sensuous and gentle rhythm, but I know he's just holding back for my sake. After the burning sensations have ebbed away completely, I nearly beg him "faster." Spencer looks at me in concern "baby, I don't want to hurt you." I nod "please, faster." Spencer contemplates my request for a second before nodding and picking up his thrusts. I moan loudly and scratch down his back in response.
       Spencer says to me "you belong to me. You are mine - fuck - nobody else's." I nod and say through a strained voice "I'm yours, only yours, Spence." He nods "you're damn right." I moan as he picks up the pace again. I hold on tight and wrap my legs around his torso as I say "I love you, Spencer." He grunts in response "love you, too, Annie. I love you so much." I hold on tight as he thrusts into me, feeling the familiar pressure in my lower abdomen. I ask him "please, Spence, can I cum?" He nods "yes, cum with me baby, cum with me right now." At the same time, I come undone around him, milking him of all of his release. He moans out in pleasure as he releases his seed inside of me, the spreading of warmth giving me an all new sensation.
        Spencer stays inside of me as he kisses me briefly. He asks me "are you okay? Did I hurt you?" I smile and shake my head "you didn't hurt me baby, that was fucking amazing." Spencer chuckles "you deserved it after my behavior tonight." I chuckle "well maybe that's a little true." We both smile and laugh together. All is right with the world as we engage in our normal routine after sex, Spencer cleans me up, we shower together, and remake the bed. We cuddle together after it's all said and done, and I'm all the more thankful tonight for Spencer.

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