Chapter 62: Walkthrough*

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Spencer and I made it a little past Bristol, Virginia before stopping for the night. I wanted to push through and keep going but Spencer could tell I was getting uncomfortable. We stop at a pet friendly hotel and I wait in the car while Spencer goes in to make our reservation. He said he was going to request a handicap accessible room just for ease of access more than anything because we don't have a wheelchair to use. I wait in the car with Ryder who I'm sitting next to in the back seat so he doesn't get anxious while Spencer is gone....Okay, so I don't get anxious while Spencer is gone.
       I hate that I really am going to have to rely on Spencer for help because I really can't lift or move anything more than ten pounds, which includes Ryder.  I'm usually so fiercely independent when I'm around him that this is a very humbling experience for me. Spencer walks out of the main entrance of the hotel with a couple of room keys. When his eyes meet mine, he smiles and it warms my heart. Spencer climbs in the front seat and turns to me, saying "we can drive up to a door right next to our room so that will be the easiest for all of us. How are you feeling?" I swallow and nod before saying "I'm good, just tired." I'm actually in a lot of pain, but Spencer doesn't call me on it, thankfully.
      He drives around the hotel towards what I'm assuming is the entrance he mentioned. Thankfully, he finds a parking spot close to the door. He gets out of the car and walks around to help me out. I lean into him a bit because my body is hurting from it being condensed in the car for so long. I let out a high pitched squeak as I try to put all of my weight on my legs and not lean on Spencer so much. Spencer swivels his upper body to help Ryder out of the car. He hands me his leash and the hotel room keys and says "hold this for a second?" I nod, taking it from him. Before I know it, Spencer has scooped me up into his arms in a firefighter carry, and he's walking swiftly to the door.
        He puts me down when we get to the door; he needs both hands to open it because it's so heavy. I unlock the door with the card key and we walk in maybe five steps around the corner and there's our room. I unlock that door quickly and Spencer helps me get in to the hotel room by bearing the vast majority of my weight. Once Spencer gets me settled sitting comfortably on the bed with Ryder, he tells me "I'm going to go back out and get our stuff. Stay here." I nod "couldn't get far if I wanted to, Spence." His lips quirk up briefly at my joke before he gives me a nod and walks out of the room to get our bags.
I sit and pet Ryder who is looking at me with confused adoration. He has no idea what's going on, but he's just happy to have Spencer and me back like normal. Spencer carries in my purse and both of our bags before shutting the door and ensuring the deadbolt lock is latched as well. He gives me a soft smile and walks over to me, leaning down and giving me a gentle kiss. When he pulls away he asks me "why don't we check your bandages and then if you want to shower you can." I nod, not saying anything. I lift my arms and he removes my shirt. I am not wearing a bra underneath the sweatshirt because it would hurt pretty much every single one of my injuries too much to bear. I'm sitting there half naked in front of him, but all he cares about is ensuring the wounds are getting cared for properly.
He first checks where the chest tube was a few days ago. He tells me "it's actually healing really well, fast, too." He moves on to check the incision from my spleen removal and he finds that it too is healing well. The bruising from the broken ribs is getting better, dissipating. Spencer moves to check my back for the wounds from where Harrison whipped me. He doesn't say anything as he gently traces different parts of my back, the pain from the wounds long gone at this point in the healing process. We sit in the quiet for a few minutes as Spencer observes and examines my back. I don't entirely understand what is happening, but I know I need to let Spencer work through this on his own time.
After a few minutes, he says through a choked voice "I'm so sorry." I turn slowly to face him and ask, confused, "what are you sorry for?" I watch as tears slip out of his eyes and down his cheeks while he elaborates "I'm so sorry I didn't watch you walk back into the house. I'm so sorry I didn't text or call you that night to say good night. I'm so sorry I didn't realize you were gone until at least 12 hours after you were abducted. I'm just..I'm so sorry, Annie." I gently wipe his tears as I feel my own slip down my cheeks. I tell him "Spencer, there's no guarantee anything would have been different. It's possible you could've been hurt or worse. If this had never happened then Harrison would still be out there. I'm okay, Spencer. It's gonna take some time, but everything will go back to normal."
Spencer nods just barely, not meeting my gaze. I tell him gently "Spencer, it's okay to be emotional about this. We can lean on each other. We can heal together. It's going to be okay." He sniffles and nods, still not saying anything or meeting my gaze. I tell him "we have so much to look forward to now. We have house hunting and our wedding to plan. It's going to be amazing, especially because we do it together." He smiles softly and briefly meets my gaze before looking back down. I take his hand to my lips, giving it a gentle kiss. I ask him "help me get ready for bed? I want to take a shower."
Spencer nods, moving to stand back up. I tell him "it'll be so much easier to shower with your help instead of my mom's. That was just weird, honestly, but she wouldn't let us shower together and I needed help." Spencer chuckles "I know how hard it was for you to convince your parents to let us sleep in the same bed so I'm not surprised she wouldn't let us shower together." I nod "you think after what happened she would just be happy I was home safe and let me shower with my fiancé. Maybe after we get married things will be different." Spencer chuckles again "maybe," but we both know that will probably never happen in my parents' house.

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