Chapter 15: Aurora*

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     While Spencer is gone on his case one night after I get home from work I text Alison and Killian and see if they want to go out this weekend. We decide on going out Friday night to dinner and then want to check out a new club that just opened up in the area called Aurora. I call Spence to see how the case is going and to make sure that my plans don't interfere with his possibility of coming home.
      Spencer answers on the second ring "hey, Annie, everything okay?" I smile to myself and say "I'm fine, Spence, everything is great. Are you super slammed right now with work?" He hummed and said "eh a little bit, but I can talk for a minute. What's up?" I hummed in response and said "okay I'll make this quick then, babe, what's the earliest you think you'll come home by?" Spencer responds "probably this weekend, Saturday or Sunday most likely."
      I say "hmm okay well I was talking to the girls about going out to a club on Friday night and just wanted to make sure you wouldn't be coming in from the case that night or anything." I can almost hear him shaking his head in response as he says "no that should be fine. I don't mind you going out to a club with your friends for a girls night but please be careful. Use the night cap scrunchie thing I got you."
      I chuckle at his overprotectiveness and say "yes I'll be careful and yes I'll use the night cap. I'll even bring extras for the girls. Feel better about it? I know it's because you care and because of your job that you worry, baby." He says "thank you for listening and taking my concerns seriously, babe."
      I say "no problem. Is there anything you want to talk about before I let you get back to work?" He chuckles and says "hmm does missing you count?" I laugh and say "well I believe that would be a fairly redundant conversation, Dr. Reid." I hear his breathing hitch in his throat as he says "don't do that to me, please." I bite my lip and giggle as I say "do what, Dr. Reid?"
      His voice lowers as he says "you know exactly what I'm talking about. Stop or you'll regret it." I decide to take my chances and challenge his threat and say "okay I'll stop, Dr. Reid. Good luck with your case, love you!" He starts to say "Annie I mean it yo-" and I hang up on him. I laugh evilly to myself as I turn to cook myself some dinner. I hear my phone beep as a text comes in on my notifications.

Spence ❤️

That's 3 strikes, Annie. Hope they were worth it.

      I think to myself that I don't fully understand what he means, but I am definitely intrigued to this new side of Spencer. I don't respond because I know he's busy and he doesn't need anymore distraction than I've already given him. I continue cooking and immediately forget that conversation with Spence. He does not.


     It's Friday night at 6 pm and Alison and Killian are getting ready with me at my apartment before we go out to dinner and then to the club. I'm sitting at my vanity, Killian is sitting on the floor in front of my big leaning mirror, and Alison is in my bathroom as we all apply makeup and do our hair with music playing in the background.
     Killian turns to me and says "so Annie, do you have any tea for us?" with a knowing glint in her eye. I give her a quizzical look in the mirror and say "tea? What are you talking about?" Killian fully turns around and says "Alison told me Spence went down on you. I was just curious if you had any tell us about?
     I roll my eyes, smiling, and say "what exactly do you want to know?" Killian stands up rushing over to me, clapping her hands excitedly in the process. She stands behind me and says "I want to know everything! Have you had sex yet?" I shake my head "no, we haven't had sex yet." Killian looks disappointed and she says "did he only go down on you?" I feel my face heat up and I say nothing, she says "oh my God did you go down on him?"
      I look down and feel my face grow redder as I nod my confirmation and say "okay that is the extent of what I'm telling you!" She said "wait but is he big? Is he packing like we thought he is?" I look at her and say "I mean I don't have anything personally to compare it to but it wasn't an easy feat, I'll tell you that." Alison comes out of the bathroom while putting earrings in and says "scale of 1-10, 1 being a shot glass and 10 being a hydro flask."
      My jaw drops at the range and say "Um I'd say a 7 or 8. I guess it was like the size of a water bottle, but not a hydro flask." Alison laughed and said "good, if he were the size of a hydro flask you might would never walk again when you finally do the deed." I gulp as I nod and say "it's honestly terrifying to think about." Killian laughs and says "oh honey, after the first couple of times it shouldn't bother you at all." I nod and say "whew, well I hope you're right. We ready to go?" The girls nod as we grab our purses and head out the door.

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