Chapter 34: Christmas Eve Shenanigans

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      We land at the Nashville airport and make our way to baggage claim. Upon arriving there I'm surprised to see both of my parents standing there waiting for us to come pick up our bags. My mom is so excited and my dad is recording my mom's reaction. She runs the last few feet to me and we hug tightly for about twenty seconds. When she releases me from the hug I turn to my dad and hug him, too. I turn after hugging my parents and see Spencer standing alone and smiling.
       I realize how rude I've been and say "oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. Mom, dad, this is Spencer. Spencer this is my mom and dad, Lauren and Richard." Spencer, for once, attempts to overcome his phobia of handshakes and reaches out his hand to shake hands with my parents. My mom ruins that though and immediately embraces him in a hug. She pulls back and says "thank you so much. You've made my daughter so happy, I can hear it in her voice on the phone." Spencer blushes and says "It's not a problem, Mrs. Winters, I love her and want nothing more than for her to be happy." My heart swells and I give Spencer a smile as I blush.
       My dad says "I'm not as much of a hugger like my wife is, and Lise told me you don't like hand shakes. What makes you most comfortable?" Spencer chuckles and says "how about a fist bump?" My dad chuckles and nods as I watch them fist bump and can't decide if I love it or hate it. The light blinks and the alarm sounds alerting those near the carousel that the bags are about to start going around to be picked up. My dad and Spencer move forward to get ready to grab our bags. My mom sidles up to me and says "you really did pick a cute one." I chuckle and nod "he's pretty adorable." My mom laughs "hard to believe he's an FBI agent." I look at her and laugh a bit before saying "mom, please don't say that to or near him. He's very insecure about how young he is in the field. Everybody assumes he isn't the doctor on the team because of his age and all that."
      My mom smiles softly and nods "noted, honey." After a few minutes of idle chatter, my dad and Spencer come back with the bags. We make our way to temporary parking where my parents parked. As we are walking I ask "how did y'all know when the plane was landing and what carousel and all that?" My mon says "oh Spencer sent us the information and said it would be great if we wanted to surprise you." I shake my head and look at Spencer "you didn't have to do that, Spence." He nods and smiles "I know, but seeing you so happy and surprised to see them was very much worth it." I blush and give him a side hug as we continue walking.
      We approach my mom's GMC Yukon and my dad and boyfriend load up the car without letting me lift a finger. It's sweet and I'll enjoy it for now. Spencer and I climb in the back. I sit in the middle of the middle seat and buckle in, Spencer sits to the left of me. My dad is driving and my mom is sitting in the passenger seat. My mom looks back at us and says "I bet y'all are starving, what do you want to get to eat while we are in the city?" I look at my mom and smile and turn to Spencer. I say "I'm not hungry, still a little motion sick from the flight, wherever Spencer wants I'll just find something to get to eat to settle my stomach or eat it later when my stomach is actually settled."
Spencer says "oh, here," and pulls out an extra ginger ale from his bag. I look at him and just want to kiss him for having an eidetic memory. I smile and say "thanks, Spence, this will probably help a lot." He smiles and puts his right arm behind my shoulders, snuggling in. My mom says "so Spencer, what are you craving?" Spencer says "you know what, just take me to your favorite local fast food or takeout place and we will decide from there if that works for both of you?" My dad nods and says "coming right up, sandwiches okay?" Spencer nods, smiling, and says "perfect."
      As soon as my dad says we are going to get sandwiches I know exactly where we are going - Hogan's. It's not owned by anybody named Hogan or anything it's just a joke because they sell hoagies and other sandwiches. It is really good and one of the places I've missed most since moving away from home and to the DC area. Spencer holds me by his arm around my shoulder as I lightly grip his leg trying not to get motion sick. Sitting in the middle seat of the Yukon isn't ideal but as long as I can watch the road I'm okay for now.
      We pull into the parking lot and file out of the car and into the restaurant. My father has established rapport with the workers because he comes here so often, sometimes making the hour drive just to go to this restaurant. It's that good. I order just a grilled cheese to settle my stomach a bit with a Diet Coke and Spencer orders a Nashville Hot Chicken sandwich, despite my protests, because he has never had one and wants to try one. My dad orders an Italian sub sandwich and my mom orders a chicken gyro. We order at the counter and sit down with our number and wait for the food to arrive.
      My mom smiles and asks excitedly "so how was Vegas? Did y'all have a good time?" Before Spencer can say anything I say "we had a good time! We mainly spent time with Spencer's mom. She's a pretty wonderful lady." Spencer smiles warmly and says "she really enjoyed the company." My mom furthers the conversation "did you see any shows or do anything fun and Vegas-y?" I smile and nod "we did some sight seeing in Vegas and went to a nice dinner one night. Honestly, we wanted to take advantage of the extended time together and spent a lot of it in the room resting and just enjoying each other." My mom gives me a look like she wants to say something suggestive and I'm so glad she didn't.
       My dad and Spencer really enjoy each other. My dad received a bachelor's degree in math before going to law school, so they both have a shared interest that way. I watch and listen, and honestly learn a bit, listening to them talk. About 10 minutes after the intellectual banter between the two our food arrives. Sitting still for just long enough has given me some of my appetite back. A grilled cheese sounds just perfect right now. I take a bite of the sandwich and want to moan in pleasure at the hallelujah chorus resounding from my taste buds. I try not to eat too fast or too messily, but nobody would have noticed with how pink Spencer's face has turned from how hot his sandwich is.
      I giggle and say "Spence, is Nashville hot chicken too hot?" He coughs and nods his head "it is a bit hotter than I'm used to." I chuckle and say "yes we make them hot here." He nods and doesn't say anything, just guzzles water. He looks up and asks "do you think they have milk here?" I furrow my brow and say "I'm not sure, why?" Spencer clears his throat and says "milk is actually the ultimate remedy for hot food and burns. Water actually exacerbates the burning sensation, making it worse." I nod and rub his back "okay baby I'll go ask for some milk." Spencer nods as I get up to go ask if they have milk.
       The woman at the counter nods and hands me a couple of bottles of milk that I'm pretty sure are reserved for kids meals. I walk back over and hand them to Spencer. He nods and begins to drink them. I smile and rub his back "now you see why none of us ordered that sandwich. It was one and done for all of us." My mom giggles and says "I guess now you're officially part of the family." Spencer smiles and nods, finally getting some relief after the hot sandwich set his mouth on fire. We sit and talk for a little bit before deciding to leave. I'm very happy to see Spencer hitting it off so well with my parents.
       We get in the car and prepare for the hour drive back. Spencer returns his arm to behind my back, rubbing circles on my arm as the car drives through the urban jungle of Nashville. The driving in Nashville can be crazy, but as soon as we get on the interstate everything calms down. It's nearly a straight shot home from here. Eventually the quiet lull of the car, the muffled voices on the radio, and the conversations between everybody in the car soothes me to sleep, resting my head on Spencer's shoulder.

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