Chapter 5: Playing Her Game

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I wake to my alarm at 7 am that rudely interrupted me from my dream. Usually I would try to go to the gym before work and get my work out over with so I wouldn't have to plan my day around an hour workout, but I knew after the late night I had last night I wouldn't give it my all this morning. I decided instead I would go after work. Part of me doesn't want to go at all which is why I usually make myself do it in the morning. I get up to take a quick shower and pin my hair up because today isn't a hair washing day.
Ryder stays curled up in bed while I shower in my en suite bathroom; he knows my morning routine well. After getting out of the shower I brush my teeth and go to my vanity to put on some light makeup for the day and do something with my thick mane of hair that looks somewhat professional while also being functional. I'm a big fan of the messy bun, especially on days I don't wash my hair, but I'd rather look professional to my patients. Much like Dr. Reid, people discount my knowledge due to my age. I'm 25 almost 26 and I know what I'm doing. Most people hear speech therapist and think "oh I can talk fine I don't need her help" which is not the case most of the time.
As I listen to Taylor Swift and start applying my makeup I see that there's a text from Spencer I missed when I turned off my alarm.


Good morning, beautiful. I hope you slept well! :)


Aw thanks, handsome. Good morning to you, too. I slept great, what about you?


I slept very well, too. I know you have a busy day ahead of you at the hospital, so don't worry about talking to me but I hope you have a great day!


You too, Spence :)

And with that I finish up my makeup, take Ryder out for a quick walk, and get ready to leave. After crating Ryder and making sure I have my neighbor set up to take him out for a bit while I'm at work I grab a protein bar and rush out the door. I don't usually have an appetite in the morning, blame it on my ADHD I guess, but I know I'll be hungry later so I always have a protein bar on hand.
I get in to the hospital at 8:30 am and go to my office to get ready to prep for my patients of the day. I look at the chart and map out what order I'm going to check on my patients making sure I don't make anybody wait too long for breakfast or lunch. My first patient is a 76 year old woman who just suffered a stroke and is having to relearn how to eat as well as how to speak. I have to see her most days to work with her and update her progress, but I can't be there for every meal obviously.
I knock on the door frame of Mrs. Betty's room and bid her good morning. I go to wash my hands and glove up and ask her "okay Mrs. Betty are you ready to eat breakfast?" She gives me a half smile on her left side due to the fact they she has facial drooping and muscle loss on her right side. The muscles in her mouth and throat are very weak from the stroke and it will take a lot of therapy before she can get back to normal, if she can that is. I start to feed her her strawberry yogurt and she looks visibly relieved even though just the act of swallowing her yogurt is incredibly difficult. She's not aspirating her food and she's doing a great job eating on her own. We finish up and I tell her she did a great job and I'll see her later.
As I'm in my office charting, one of the two other speech therapists in the hospital, Alison, pops her head in and looks at my with raised eyebrows and a smile. She says "I heard you had a date with that FBI agent last night," she wiggles her eyebrows at me and then says "how did it go?" I laugh slightly shaking my head and tell her "you know I really wish the whole hospital wasn't all up in my dating life. It went very well, thank you for taking the time to ask, Alison." She claps her hands and let's out a light squeal and sits in the chair in front of my desk saying "okay, spill! Tell me everything!"
"Well we just got drinks at the Pink Lotus. He's very smart and very funny. He held the doors for me and insisted on paying the bill. He walked me to my car and texted me to make sure I got home safe," I told her. She furrows her brows and says "wait you didn't sleep with him?" I roll my eyes and say "No, Alison I don't sleep with guys on the first date. What if he's a serial killer or something?" Alison rolls her eyes and says to me "girl you need to get some, it has to have been years since you last had sex." I lightly laugh and say "yeah something like that." I get ready to go see some more patients and walk with Alison on the way there, thankfully changing the subject.

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