Chapter 40: Insecure

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I wake to the sound of Spencer's phone ringing loudly. It has to be like 6 am and Spencer and I both took the day off work for New Year's Day today so whoever is calling is being very rude. Spencer answers the phone with a gruff "This is Dr. Reid." I hear garbled chatter on the phone and can't understand it. I've barely moved since the phone woke me up, I've only briefly opened my eyes. Spencer responds "okay Hotch I'll be there soon." Spencer hangs up the phone and I groan loudly.
Spencer let's out an apologetic sigh before saying "we got called on a case. I'm sorry, Annie." I hum "I knew our bubble of solitude couldn't last for forever, Spence. I just hoped we would have New Year's Day together before it officially ended." Spencer mumbles his agreement. I ask "what time is it anyway?" Spencer hums as he picks up the phone to check the time "Um it's 9:08." I turn to him, shocked. Spencer chuckles "I know I thought it was earlier, too." We sit in silence for a minute, both of us still in the process of waking up.
I turn to Spencer and say "why don't I make you a nice breakfast while you get ready and then we will eat together before you leave? Sound good?" Spencer's face lights up just a bit and he smiles warmly "that would be great, Annie. Especially considering since I'll probably be eating from a vending machine for the next few days." I give him a sad smile and nod. I move to get out of bed, still in just a t shirt and no underwear. Spencer groans and says "please put some pants on or I will be late." I giggle and nod as I grab some pajama pants and pull them on. Spencer thanks me as he heads for the bathroom to shower before he has to go in to work.
Ryder stands up and stretches before following at my heels to the kitchen. I end up deciding to take Ryder out even though I look utterly homeless. I slip on my slippers and take him outside quickly. We get back inside and I get to work on breakfast. I get started on scrambled eggs, bacon, and biscuits and gravy. I also get the keurig heating up to make Spencer's coffee. I'm multitasking with multiple pots and pans, I cut corners with using pre made biscuits I just have to stick in the oven. But don't tell my mom that; she would probably have an aneurysm.
         Spencer comes out about thirty minutes later as I'm finishing up the gravy. I cooked the bacon and made scrambled eggs in the pan with the leftover bacon grease. I hit the button to brew Spencer's coffee and listen to the keurig hum before I hear the dripping sound of the fresh brew and the aroma of coffee fills the kitchen. I make Spencer a plate with a couple pieces of bacon, some scrambled eggs, and I put an open biscuit on the plate and pour the fresh gravy over it. I hand Spencer his plate, which he thanks me for, and get his coffee fixed just how he likes it. He thanks me again for the coffee as I smile and nod while making my own plate.
I actually opt for Diet Coke today and pull a cold can of it out of the fridge. Spencer chuckles and shakes his head. I giggle back "what? You know I like Diet Coke instead of coffee sometimes in the morning." Spencer nods and swallows the food in his mouth before saying "yes I know that, but I still don't understand it." I just shrug and continue eating my food. I ask Spencer "did Hotch say where you're going?" Spencer shakes his head "they're still gathering information. He said to try not to take too long though so it must be important." I nearly snort at that. Spencer furrows his brow. I laugh harder "Spencer, you catch serial killers. Of course it's important!" He laughs at my statement.
After he scarfs down his food rather quickly he turns to me, plants a kiss on my lips, and tells me goodbye before heading for the door. I tell him "I love you, please be safe and make good choices!" Spencer smiles sweetly in the door frame "I love you, too, the rest of your statement also goes for you!" I chuckle and nod before telling him to go save lives. I lock the door behind him and decide to spend the day cleaning up and running errands since I won't be spending it with Spencer.
        Killian calls me and asks me if I want to get dinner with she and Alison later and I happily agree. It'll keep my mind off of Spencer. I offer for them to come over before hand and hang out since I know Killian probably has more free time than she anticipated as well now that Hotch is gone on a case with the team, too. Killian told me she would if she were available but she told Hotch she would watch Jack until Jessica got off of work. Alison also wasn't available to come over before dinner which is totally fine. I decided to spend the afternoon walking Ryder and then cuddling with him while I caught up on some tv shows after finishing up my chores I wanted to get done around the apartment.
        About an hour before our dinner plans I get ready. I put on basic makeup and leggings, uggs, and a sweatshirt since we aren't going anywhere fancy. We agreed on cozy homeless before hand so at least we will all look cohesive. We decide to go to get Mexican food. Originally we were going to get sushi, but then remembered that Alison can't eat sushi now that she's pregnant. I'm so excited for her, she will honestly be the best mom. I drive over to the restaurant, excited to see my girls.
        We all meet in the parking lot and get seated together. I ask Alison if she minds if Killian and I get margaritas. She waves her hand and chuckles lightly "I don't mind at all." I nod and smile before asking her "so how did Luke take the news?" Alison beams with joy at the memory and says "he was so happy. I didn't try to do anything elaborate I just went home with the positive test and told him. We've agreed not to tell people yet. You two are the only ones that know besides Luke and me." I smile softly and nod "I haven't even told Spencer, and I tell him everything."
Killian adds "I usually would've told Aaron but I was so excited to have my negative test back I went home and jumped his bones immediately. I didn't think about the tests again with him. I was afraid to tell the profiler the story and that he would see right through me about why we were taking pregnancy tests at work in the first place." We laugh at Killian's words. I ask Alison "have you made an appointment with your doctor yet?" She nods her head "yes I'm leaving early on Friday for our appointment because that's Luke's day off." I nod and give her a big smile. I grab her hand and say "I'm just so happy for you. I know y'all have wanted this for a while. You'll be great parents."
She blushes and thanks me for my kind words. Our food arrives and Alison asks me "so a little birdie told me your birthday is on Friday." I shake my head and laugh "let me guess. That little birdie's name is Killian or Spencer." Killian just raises her hand and says "guilty." Alison chuckles and says "well you've had such a stressful last couple weeks with the holidays and the attack in Vegas, Killian and I want to take you to a spa for your birthday one day this week. When's your day off?" I chuckle nervously and say "I think it's Wednesday this week." Alison nods "well that's great because that's my day off this week, too!" Killian nods "I'll switch around my shifts with somebody so I can make it. It'll be so fun!"
I blush and smile at my friends being so kind and thoughtful. I ask "what all will be involved with this spa day?" Killian says "a one hour full body massage, a European facial, a mani pedi, and a lash lift and tint." My eyes go wide "guys that has got to be really expensive. Let me pay for mine." Killian shakes her head and says "how about instead you and Spencer watch Jack one weekend when the team is home so he and I can have some time to ourselves?" I smile and nod "deal!" I turn to Alison and say "any time you and Luke need some time together after the baby is born I would be happy to help out. It would also be good practice for Spencer and me to take care of a newborn together." Alison nods with a warm smile and tells me she will definitely take me up on that.
Alison then asks me as she dips a chip in the bowl of salsa "so what does Spencer have planned for your birthday?" I shrug my shoulders and say "I think we are just getting dinner the night of. It's no big deal." Alison gasps and says "honey, yes it is! We should also find you a new dress for your dinner with Spencer! We can do that on the spa day, too!" I chuckle and shake my head "I have plenty of dresses. I don't need a new one." Killian dead pans "when is the last time you bought a new dress?" I say "um...when I bought a dress to wear in Vegas." Alison asks "what happened to that dress?" I think for a second and realize I have no idea. I know Spencer put everything in a bag when he got me the more comfortable clothes from the gift shop but I don't remember seeing the clothes or the shoes ever again.
I look at her and say "I honestly don't know. I haven't seen that dress or the shoes since I was in the hospital." Alison nods "that's probably for the best. Alright it's settled! New dress and shoes for Annie for her birthday dinner." I laugh along and concede. We spend the rest of the night talking about work, our love lives, and Killian makes fun of my being tipsy at the New Year's Eve party. We finish up dinner and split the bill. Killian and I only had one margarita each so we are good to drive ourselves home. I text Spencer as I'm getting in the car letting him know that I'll be home soon if he wants to talk before he goes to bed. I don't even know where he is or what time zone he's in. I haven't heard anything from him all day and I hope he's okay.

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