Chapter 35: Christmas*

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Spencer helped me clean up after most of the party guests left my grandmother's house and we rode home with my parents. By the end of the night I was so tired I just got ready for bed and went straight to sleep, Spencer following behind not long after. I wake up in the morning laying on Spencer's chest. He's lightly running his fingers through my hair, sending shivers down my spine. I grumble slightly as I come out of my slumber. I look up at him and make eye contact as he smiles softly at me. I smile back as I stretch.
He says "hi" in a soft voice and I say "hi" back to him. He asks "did you sleep well?" I yawn and nod "did you? What time is it? How long have you been awake?" He says "it's 7 am, I've only been awake for 30 minutes or so." I nod and rub patterns into his bare chest. After a minute he jumps slightly and says "that tickles." I chuckle and reposition my hand to a less ticklish spot. I look up at him and say "I don't think you meeting my family could've gone any better." He smiles happily "I had a great time. Thank you for bringing me."
I smile warmly "thank you for coming, Spence," I say happily. I look up at him and say "you know, my family typically sleeps in until at least 10 on Christmas morning." Spencer hums in acknowledgment. I look at him, batting my lashes and say "you know you really did look hot last night. You look hot when you shoot. You're so confident." He laughs "what are you implying, Annie?" I hum and look around before looking back at him and say "we could fool around a bit, but we have to be quiet and not wake up my parents." Spencer chuckles "I'm not usually the loud one." I blush and look away "well it's your fault when I do get loud."
Spencer chuckles smugly "well I take that as a compliment, but I don't want to ruin my good impression I have on your family. Especially after your brothers threatened me. I have a feeling the line between hurting you and taking your innocence is pretty thin in their eyes." I laugh "'taking my innocence?' They don't know I was a virgin before you. They probably think I lost my virginity between high school and grad school." Spencer chuckles "still, any of them hearing you moan my name on Christmas morning in your childhood home might not be appreciated, hmm?" I chuckle and nod "oh it will be an awkward morning if that happens, but we can still try and avoid that," I say as I wiggle my eyebrows at him mischievously.
Spencer chuckles and shakes his head as he gently pushes me to lay on my back and kisses me gently. I deepen the kiss, twisting my fingers in his hair and pulling gently. He groans slightly at the sensation. He kisses down my neck and I ask "the door is locked right?" Spencer nods "I locked it last night before you went to bed." I nod "can you please double check otherwise I'll be nervous the whole time somebody is going to walk in." He chuckles and nods as he gets up and walks over to the door. He twists the nob, ensuring it's locked, and gestures to it before saying "feel better?" I nod as I appreciate his silhouette as he walks back over to the bed. Before he climbs back in bed he grabs the footboard and lightly pulls the bed away from the wall and winks at me. I smile and bite my lip at the indication of this action.
It's freezing in the house, so he gets under the comforter before resuming his antics on my neck. He gently lifts my t shirt, but instead of removing it he just lifts it up, uncovering my chest. I raise an eyebrow and he says "in case we get interrupted it'll look less conspicuous if you have a shirt on and if there isn't a lot of time spent getting redressed before answering." I chuckle "hmm you really do think of everything don't you?" He chuckles as he trails his kisses down to the waistband of my sleep shorts. He looks up at me, making eye contact. I chuckle "yes, go ahead."
He smiles as he hooks his fingers in the waistband and gently drags them down. I lift my hips to help him remove them. He looks at me as he moves to slowly lower his head "don't make me gag you for the first time ever on Christmas morning if you can't stay quiet," he says with mock seriousness. I chuckle and nod "I'll do my best, Dr. Reid." With that he wraps his arms around my legs and pulls me down the bed. He licks a single stripe up my heat, making me shudder. Spencer begins lapping with ferocity at my core. I lace my fingers in his hair once again, tugging softly. He moans in response, sending the vibrations through me. He makes eye contact with me as I swallow a moan, trying desperately not to be caught by my family.
He switches his focus to my clit as he swirls his tongue around it for a beat before completely pulling it into his mouth. I'm breathing heavily and trying so desperately to not be loud and alert the whole house that I'm getting eaten out by my boyfriend on Christmas morning in my parents' house. He moans again, the vibrations have me gripping his hair even tighter as I bite my lip and focus on my breathing to not be loud. Eventually he releases my clit and trails his tongue back down to my folds.
He tightens his grip on my legs and takes one hand down to rub circles on my clit. He continues thrusting his tongue as he rubs circles, bringing me closer to the edge. I grip his hair tighter, trying to ground myself and not be too loud. I feel the band tighten within me and I make eye contact with Spencer, trying to ask permission silently. Luckily he recognizes the pleading in my eyes and just nods his head. I remove one hand from his hair, covering my mouth as I find my release. I feel my body convulsing at the sensations as Spencer works me through the orgasm. I'm still lightly shaking as he finally removes himself from my heat and kisses up my body gently and slowly. He kisses me softly and says "you did so well, I'm so proud of you."
I blush as I smile at the praise. He smiles softly back "do you want to keep going or are you wanting to stop now?" I hum and say "let's keep going. Start Christmas off with a bang. Literally." He chuckles and nods as he sits up to remove his pajama pants. His now hard member standing at attention as he does so. He settles between my legs as I wrap them around his torso. He chuckles "you're quite eager for a woman who has already had one orgasm this morning." I smile "but you haven't." He smiles back "let's remedy that shall we?" I bite my lip shyly and nod.
He lines himself up at my heat and captures my lips in a kiss as he enters me. I moan into his mouth as he picks up the pace, but not enough to exacerbate the squeaking of the bed springs. I taste myself in the kiss as he deepens it, causing me to moan slightly. He pulls back and covers my mouth with his hand. He asks quietly "okay?" I nod emphatically. I grab onto his wrist and arm to stabilize myself as he consistently hits the sweet spot within me. I wrap my legs tighter around his torso so he can hit deeper. Spencer gives me a look that says "be careful," and I nod in agreement. The new angle makes it so much harder to be quiet, but Spencer's hand on my mouth helps. If anything his hand on my mouth turns me on even more.
I feel his hips stutter and his thrusts become sloppy, indicating he was nearing his end. He feels how close I am, too, by how tightly I'm gripping him. He takes his other hand to rub circles on my clit, not missing a beat with his thrusts. His hand muffles a moan of pleasure as soon as he takes his hand to my clit. He looks at me and quietly says "go ahead, come for me baby." I nod my head and feel tears in my eyes from the stimulation. My eyes roll back in my head as I tighten my grip on his arm and come hard as he also meets his end shortly after I've fallen over the edge.
I feel him twitch before he releases inside of me and I take my right hand to cover his mouth, too, as he groans in pleasure. He's not quite as loud as I am, but still enough that it would be incriminating if somebody heard it in the house. He collapses on top of me, still inside of me. He groans as he settles his face into the crook of my neck. I kiss the top of his head as I run my fingers through his hair and scratch his back with my other hand. He moans in content at the feeling. I smile softly down at him and say "Merry Christmas, Spence." He smiles and says "Merry Christmas, Annie." We stay like that for a while, laying in quiet post coital bliss.
We briefly drift off in that position. I wake with a start to loud knocking at the door. Spencer wakes in a panic, but, upon waking, my muscles contract around him, making him groan softly in surprise at the feeling. The knocking comes again and I hear my brother Cole say "throw some clothes on kids, mom has some food ready for breakfast." I say sleepily "okay, be out in a minute." After I hear the footsteps depart down the hallway I start giggling quietly and so does Spencer. I say in a whisper "we were quite literally caught with our pants down." Spencer continues laughing and nods. He kisses me quickly and says "stay here, I'm going to go to the bathroom and discretely bring back some stuff to clean you up."
I nod "I'm not going anywhere." He gently pulls out of me, making both of us gasp quietly. He quickly pulls on his boxers and pants and grabs a shirt from the floor before leaving the room. I hear the sounds of the toilet flushing after a minute and the sound of the water running. I start to feel our combined release move to slowly drip out of me, I shift trying to slow it as much as possible. Spencer quickly steps in the room and locks the door. "Hurry, Spence, I don't want to have to explain cum stains on the sheets to any of my family members," I say frantically. He chuckles as he moves the comforter and quickly, expertly cleans the mess he made of me with a wet washcloth like he usually does. He always takes the time to take extra care of me and I really love that about him.
After he discards the washcloth, he climbs back into bed and leans over me. "You feeling okay after that?" He asks with happy yet worry laced eyes. I smile softly and nod "yes, baby, I'm perfectly fine. You always take such good care of me, thank you." I kiss him gently before moving to get out of bed. "I should get dressed and we should get out there before they assume correctly." Spencer chuckles and nods, getting up, too. I put my sleep shorts back on and turn to Spencer. "I'm going to go to the bathroom, do you want to wait for me or head out there alone?" I say with a half smile. He chuckles and says "I think I can handle it, go ahead." I nod and quickly head for the bathroom at the end of the hall. I go pee, wash my hands, and brush my teeth before meeting everybody in the kitchen.
I smile sleepily at everybody and say "good morning, Merry Christmas!" My mom smiles "Merry Christmas, honey! Do you guys want coffee?" I smile and nod, walking over to the keurig to make our normal cups of coffee. My mom turns to Spencer sitting at the kitchen island and asks "how'd you sleep, Spencer?" Spencer smiles and says "I slept wonderfully. I'm not quite used to so much social interaction at once, so it really took it out of me." My mom chuckles "leave it to my daughter to find an introverted FBI agent to date." I chuckle at her statement and hand Spencer his coffee. He smiles and thanks me as I turn to make my own.
My mom says "so, Lise, as you know, brunch will be around noon with the family, but I'm sure everybody's at least a little hungry now so we have donuts, bagels, and biscuits to tide y'all over." I nod in understanding. We've always had a light breakfast and a big brunch with the whole family on Christmas Day. After a beat I turn jokingly to my mom and say "well I also slept great, mom, thanks for asking." She chuckles "I know if there was something wrong you would tell me, but Spencer might not."
I laugh and nod "you assumed correctly." Spencer scoffs in mock offense "I just don't want to inconvenience your mother who is such a gracious hostess." I look at Spence and say "honey, leave the buttering up for the biscuits, hmm?" My dad starts laughing from the other room, clueing us in on how much he really is listening to our conversation. My mom turns to me and asks "sweetie, could you take dad his coffee in the office, please?" I smile and nod, taking the cup from her hands.
I walk in and say "Merry Christmas, dad, here's your coffee," and smile at him. He takes the cup happily from me and says "you know your mother makes my coffee every morning? I don't think I could ever make a cup of coffee and it taste good again." I smile warmly and chuckle at that. "I'm doing the same thing to Spencer, I'm afraid. He already says I make his coffee better than he can. He manages when he's away on cases, though, so it's not too bad. Yet." My dad chuckles and nods "that's good. He seems wonderful, Lise, I'm so happy you found such a good one." I blush and smile like an idiot. "He is pretty great," I say grinning so hard my cheeks hurt. My dad smiles at how happy his comment made me. "Don't leave him waiting long, thanks for the coffee," he says with a wink.
I walk back into the kitchen and see Spencer and my mom hitting it off on their own. Spencer has built himself a nice bagel and biscuit set up on his plate and my mom beams at me from her perch across from Spencer at the kitchen island. "Uh oh, my ears are burning, were y'all talking about me?" I say with a jokingly questioning tone. Spencer blushes and my mom sips her coffee. I chuckle "now I'm no profiler, but that's a definite yes." My mom hums and says "it's nothing that you have to know about. You'll find out soon enough." I raise an eyebrow at this but decide to not push the topic.
      I grab myself a donut and a biscuit, adding butter and homemade grape jelly on one half and butter and local honey on the other half. I turn to Spencer "you should really try the local honey, it's from the local farmers market. So much better than the honey at the grocery store." Spencer nods and starts reciting facts about bees and honey. My mom listens intently and nods along, asking questions when she wants more details. I love that she isn't dismissing him and his facts like a lot of people do. It always hurts my heart when I see it or hear about it from him. I listen to him discuss varying facts about bees and honey as I enjoy my light breakfast.
       My brothers barrel into the room to eat some breakfast. George has only just woken up by the looks of it and Cole just got out of the shower. They make their plates and joke back and forth. I bask in the happiness of the Christmas morning and smile as I sip my coffee. My mom laughs at the antics of my brothers and says "okay everybody after everybody finishes breakfast it's time to open presents!" We all respond either physically or verbally. My brothers joke around with Spencer and I'm delighted to see how well they get along. I think my brothers really like him which is something I was concerned about honestly.
      We finish eating breakfast and all slowly make our way to the living room to open presents. My dad sits in his recliner as my mom moves to give out gifts. Spencer and I take the love seat while my brothers take the couch. I have my legs tucked up on the couch as I lean into Spencer's side. My mom gives out gifts one at a time like she has done every Christmas my whole life. My brothers really only asked for money, but they got little gag gifts and essential gifts. My mom always gives us de-icer for our cars, gum, candy of some sort, a bottle of our favorite alcohol and maybe an accessory of some kind in our stockings. I also asked for money this year, but I got a few small gifts my mom thought I would like, like some books, some lipstick, some hair ties, and a new water bottle. My brother Cole gave me a gift card to subway and my brother George gave me a sweatshirt from NYC.
I didn't expect to get anything from Spencer, at least not here at home with my family, because of the expensive tourmaline necklace he gave me a few days ago. Spencer excuses himself to run to the restroom and I didn't think anything of it. We are all chatting and just enjoying each other's company when Spencer comes in to the living room carrying a very large and heavy looking box. I'm in shock and don't know what to say. My whole family is looking at me expectantly as if they know something I don't. Spencer sets the box in front of me and smiles warmly. "This took quite a bit of coordination and collaboration from your family, but we managed to pull it off without you knowing anything," Spencer says with a mischievous grin.
I look at Spencer in shock. "Oh my goodness what did you do, Spencer?" I say with a nervous laugh. He looks at me expectantly and says "open it!" I chuckle and nod as I begin ripping away the wrapping paper. After I rip away enough wrapping paper I see a familiar logo. I gasp lightly and rip away the rest of the wrapping paper revealing the kitchen aid mixer of my dreams. I cover my mouth in shock and laugh excitedly and look at Spencer with wide eyes. He chuckles at my speechlessness. I look at Spencer and say "Spencer this is too much. These are really expensive!"
Spencer chuckles "don't worry about that, Annie. Remember after thanksgiving when your wrist seized up in pain because you did so much hand mixing? When you mentioned the one you wanted was expensive I reached out to your mom to make sure I got the right one. No more hand mixing if you don't want to now!" I nod, smiling, and accept the sweet thought in the gift. I stand up and give him a kiss in front of my whole family. My brothers cheer and my dad hides his eyes while my mom watches the scene happily.
I turn to Spencer and say "well, I didn't involve quite as many people in my Christmas gift to you, Spence." I get up and grab my gift from under the tree with Spencer's name on it. Inside is a signed first edition copy of his favorite book The Sign of Four. Spencer opens the present and proceeds with shaking hands once he discovers the contents. He opens it to reveal that it is in fact a signed first edition and 100% authentic. Spencer is speechless for a moment before saying "oh my god, Annie." In that moment I'm afraid that he doesn't like it or it isn't actually authentic. He has tears in his eyes that he wipes away before they can fall.
He says "I'm sorry for getting emotional, this is just something I've always wanted, but never took the time or means to track it down." My family members all provide supportive comments and I hug Spencer. I say "I had to find something to entertain myself with while you were gone on cases." Spencer chuckles and says "Annie this has to have cost you way too much money." I smile softly and say "well with the mixer and the necklace I'd say we are pretty much half way even, bubs." My mom suddenly goes "wait a minute there's a necklace, too?" I chuckle as I pull it out from under my shirt. My mom comes to examine it and gasps in awe at the beautiful necklace. I say "it's tourmaline, Spencer's birth stone."
My family examines and compliments the necklace, hopefully not guesstimating how expensive it is. I look at Spencer with happy eyes and say "there better not be another surprise box around here for me from you." He chuckles and shakes his head "no there's not." I smile and nod "at home I got you some new work clothes and stuff, too, but I was going to wait and give you that at home so I didn't have to pack it all up and wrap it and then find a way to give it to you and then get it back to DC." Spencer nods "I shipped the mixer to your mom and we are going to ship it back so we don't have to drag it home on the plane." I let out a sigh of relief at that knowledge.
      My extended family arrives shortly after we finish with the presents and I enjoy greeting them all and reintroducing them to Spencer after they all met him the night before. We enjoy the brunch and my family accepts Spencer, including all of his quirks and differences, with open arms. They all get along together so well and really seem to enjoy each other. Honestly this is everything I ever wanted in a partner and I'm so happy I finally found it in Spencer. While sitting at brunch Spencer holds my hand and squeezes it. I look at him and smile, basking in the bliss of the day spent with my love and my family.

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