Chapter 31: Vegas Baby

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"Annie, wake up." I stir and turn to look at the alarm clock. "Spencer, it is 7 am." Spencer nods emphatically, frustrated that I'm not as stressed as he is. "Annie, we have to be at the airport 3 hours before our flight and it will take us at least an hour to get to Dulles from here with the morning traffic. We have to get going." I groan and roll over and pull the blankets over my head "Spencer have you ever waited less than an hour at the gate for a flight?" Spencer says with exasperation "no because I always err on the side of caution and I'm always very early. Please get up, just the stress from possibly missing this flight is going to give me an ulcer."
     I turn over and motion for Spencer to sit down next to me. I grab his hand, lightly caressing his hand with my thumb and ask "are you nervous about seeing your mom and that's what this is all about?" He seems speechless for a minute, sitting with his mouth open and says "...maybe." I smile softly and say "I should be the nervous one. I've never met your mother, what if she doesn't approve of me?" Spencer scoffs and squeezes my hand as he says "I've told her all about you, she will definitely approve of you. I'm just worried I'm going to disappoint her."
     I give him a quizzical look and ask "Spencer, why on earth would she be disappointed in you?" Spencer says "I'm just afraid she will only remember me as this amazing genius and all that stuff, but I don't feel like I'm as amazing as she thinks." I hum in understanding "sounds like you have imposter syndrome. You are an amazing genius, Spence." He sighs "I just never want to let her down." I nod and say "you won't let her down. I'm sure she is just ecstatic to see you." Spencer smiles and nods "I'm ecstatic to see her."
      I lean forward and kiss him on the cheek "just for that I'll get up at this ungodly hour to ease some of your anxiety." Spencer laughs "it's 7 am, it's not that ungodly." I continue walking towards the bathroom "any hour you wake me up from a deep sleep is an ungodly hour, Spence." Spencer laughs and leaves the bedroom as I start getting ready in the bathroom. I get dressed in my leggings, t shirt, sweatshirt, and brooks tennis shoes. I also put my hair up in a messy bun and opt to wear glasses instead of contacts after I wash my face and brush my teeth. I'd already packed my suitcase and my carry on the night before and just add some of my toiletries to the suitcase that will be checked before meeting Spencer in the living room.
      Spencer looks at me and smiles and asks "ready to go?" I ask "we will go to the hotel before seeing your mom right? I don't want to meet her for the first time looking homeless like this." Spencer laughs "you don't look homeless, you look beautiful," and kisses me on the forehead. I blush and thank him for the compliment. Spencer is in black sweatpants, a t shirt and quarter zip, and converse. I look at him and smile "I'm glad we are both comfy travel people and not dress up travel people." Spencer laughs "I'm not sitting in one seat for hours and walking all over airports in uncomfortable clothes."
      I laugh "me either. I don't think I've ever left Ryder for this long." Spencer hums and gives me a sad smile "he will be happy at the pet lodge and he gets to play during the day with other dogs. I know you'll miss him, but he will be so happy to see us when we get back." I return the sad smile and say "okay, ready to go?" Spencer nods and checks his phone "Derek's downstairs to take us to the airport." I look at Spencer in shock "we could've gotten an Uber?" Spencer shakes his head "Derek offered and he's been waiting downstairs since I woke you up now let's go."
      It's just then that I notice Spencer's bags are not in the living room with us. Spencer grabs my suitcase and backpack while I carry only my purse. I love his chivalry, but I also hate it when he does so much for me because I feel lazy. I lock the door behind us and follow Spencer down the stairs. We get downstairs where Derek is waiting. Spencer pops the trunk and puts my bags in the trunk. I go to get in the back seat and Spencer says "Annie sit in the front, I know you get car sick." I look at him and protest "but Spencer don't you want to talk to Derek?"
      Spencer chuckles "I can talk to him just fine from the back seat. Take the front, baby." I decide not to argue and get in the front seat as requested. Derek immediately greets me with a cheerful "hey, Annie, how did I get so lucky to have such a pretty copilot this morning?" I chuckle and say "I just never should have told Spencer I get car sick easily." Spencer says from the back seat "you never told me you get car sick. You told me to pull over and then promptly threw up on the side of the highway."
      Morgan laughs "was it car sickness or alcohol, be honest?" I scoff "Derek it was a Monday morning on the way to visit the Smithsonian. No alcohol was involved, I promise. Now Spencer is paranoid I'm going to get sick every time we get in the car." Spencer hums "I didn't want to get an Uber and have you get sick on the drive to the airport. Morgan can drive like a maniac but he can also drive smoothly when we aren't in a high speed chase." I laugh "I'm fine when I drive." Spencer scoffs "you drive like we are in a high speed chase if we are just going to go to the grocery store."
     I laugh "what can I say I was raised on Talladega Nights." Spencer and Derek both look at me confused I look at them and say "you know. Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly. 'Shake n Bake.' 'If you ain't first you're last.' Any of this ringing a bell?" They both look at me like I grew another head "oh come on guys! Spencer I have got to show you that movie when we go visit my parents." Spencer laughs and says "can't wait." Derek laughs and says "just when I think I know you, Annie, you throw another curveball at me." I cackle "Derek Morgan nobody will ever know all there is to know about me." I hear Spencer say from behind me "challenge accepted."
     I laugh and continue the conversation with the guys as we pull up to the American Airlines drop off area at Dulles international airport. Morgan helps Spencer get the bags out of the trunk, not letting me help. I look at the guys with exasperation "I may have a uterus but I can carry my own backpack and suitcase." The guys laugh and shake their heads as Derek says "all right I guess we will let you carry your own bags." I say "thank you" and grab my stuff from him. Spencer and I thank Derek before walking into the airport towards the American Airlines desk to check our suitcases.
     I help Spencer with the tech kiosk and print our luggage tags and we wait in line for about 15 minutes before checking our bags. We walk hand in hand towards security, IDs ready from checking our bags. We slowly move through airport security. Spencer is required to travel armed at all times so that definitely makes security a bit of a hassle for us. He has all the necessary paperwork though so it's over fairly quickly. It actually takes about an hour to get through all of it. I can tell Spencer is less than thrilled about having to remove his shoes and we sit putting them back on before following the signs to our gate and hopping on the AeroTrain to get there. We stand on the train and wait for it to start.
      It starts with a fast jolt forward. It zooms around and I can feel my motion sickness kicking in as the train moves. I try to hide it but Spencer notices "look at me. Breathe in through your nose out from your mouth. Focus on my eyes and breathe in...breathe" We continue to breathe together, people probably thought we were crazy, until the train stops at the stop for our gate. We get out and I immediately go to sit down at a nearby bench. I check the time, 10:07 am. Spencer sits next to me "we've got plenty of time, our gate isn't far, take all the time you need."
     I shake my head, burying it in my hands "I'm sorry Spencer, I think it just caught me off guard." Spencer shushes me "would you be upset with me if I were feeling sick?" I shake my head and say in a small voice "no." Spencer nods and says "then let me take care of you. Do you need anything?" I take a deep breath and say "why don't we go get some ginger ale and something to settle my stomach. I didn't eat breakfast." Spencer nods "that's a good idea, let's go do that."
     We walk towards our gate and find a food court along the way. I look around and see an Auntie Anne's Pretzels. I nudge Spencer "I think I want a pretzel, do you want one or do you want to go somewhere else?" Spencer chuckles "you're the only person who wants pretzels at 10 am." I chuckle and say "no, I'm not, there's other people in line!" Spencer chuckles as we get in line to get pretzels. We each get an order of pretzel bites and some cheese dipping sauce. Spencer gets a water for himself and for me and I'm still on the hunt for a ginger ale.
     We find a little news stand shop that sells bottled drinks, included is ginger ale. I buy a ginger ale as well as a cosmopolitan magazine to read on the plane. Spencer got us seats by the gate while I went to make my purchase. I make my way back over to him and sit down, taking my pretzels back. Spencer notices the magazine and scoffs "I can't believe you read that." I chuckle and say softly "hmm you wouldn't cum as hard as you do when I give you head if I didn't read this magazine." Spencer's eyes go wide as he looks around to see if anybody heard us.
     I chuckle "Spencer, nobody can hear us and even if they did nobody would care enough to listen to our conversation." Spencer hums and continues to eat his pretzel bites. I look at Spencer and ask "are there any do's or don'ts with your mom I should know about?" Spencer chuckles "she's great. She can take anything you throw at her. Just don't be offended or upset if she's having a bad day while we are there and she lashes out at one or both of us." I nod in understanding and grab Spencer's hand "Spence, in the hospital I treat a lot of people with degenerative diseases. I know how it goes and I know how to handle it. We are going to have a great time, okay?"
      Spencer smiles and nods, giving me a quick kiss "I love you." I giggle "I love you, too, Spence." We finish our pretzel bites, I throw the trash away for us and start reading my cosmo as Spencer reads a book he brought with him, shocker. After an hour or so the flight attendant announces that we will start boarding soon. Spencer reaches in his bag and hands me my ticket. It says "first class." I look at Spencer in shock and say "Spencer Reid, you did not buy first class tickets!" Spencer chuckles "it's a long flight and I want us to be comfortable." I chuckle and roll my eyes "Spencer, you didn't have to spend your money on this."
Spencer shakes his head "I wanted to spend the money because I wanted to ensure we had the best possible experience traveling. I have the money for it so don't worry about it." I drop the subject as requested and follow Spencer to the flight attendant to board early. I whisper to Spencer "I feel like a snob." Spencer chuckles "you're not a snob." The flight attendant lets us board the plane and we walk through the tunnel onto the plane and show the flight attendant on the plane our ticket. She shows us to our seats, two seats together at the back of first class, against the wall. We have our own row and I'm grateful it's towards the back so we can have some privacy and it will be slightly darker.
I let Spencer have the window seat and I take the aisle. We get settled in and talk while everybody else boards the plane. Spencer and I talk and the time flies by until we are about to take off. The plane starts moving on the tarmac and the flight attendant gives the safety demonstration. The movement outside of the window is making me sick and I ask Spencer quietly to shut it which he does with no complaints. As we take off I grip Spencer's hand. He gives me a concerned look "are you nervous or are you feeling sick?" I close my eyes and respond "a little bit of both."
Spencer nods "once we get level in the air why don't you take some Dramamine?" I let out a shaky breath and nod. The plane levels off in the air and Spencer hands me Dramamine to take. I smile and take the medicine from him "if I didn't know any better, Dr. Reid, I'd say you're trying to drug me." Spencer chuckles and nods "only to treat your motion sickness, nothing else," and kisses my forehead. I read my magazine for a bit after taking the medicine. After about 10 minutes I start to feel drowsy and fight to keep my eyes open. Spencer notices, like always, and says "here, lean on me, it's fine. You'll be more comfortable."
I think about arguing but ultimately decide that I don't have the energy to argue and just nod. I take my glasses off and put them securely in my purse before I lean on Spencer and nuzzle into his arm. I'm thankful he's wearing a quarter zip so he's cushioned just a bit. I reposition slightly and put some headphones in to listen to music and drown out other sounds and slowly drift off to a Dramamine induced sleep.

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