Chapter 008

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Adrian returned to the mansion very late.

It seemed that he had eaten at the Count's until dinner.

After washing up with the Duchess, Raphine dried her hair with a soft cloth and changed into a soft pajamas.

Sophia did not drop her daughter, which she had recovered after six years, from her arms.

She felt sorry for her daughter, who was much smaller and skinny than her peers because she couldn't eat properly.

So after Raphine came, the Chefs of the Capital Duke (the Mansion) gathered their heads and had meetings every day to plan a nutritious diet.

Raphine's cheeks were plumper than when she first came, but she was still far from growing up to be her age.

As she entered the bedroom, Sophia whispered into Raphine's ear.

"Let's stay in this room with Mom until this week. Raphine's room will be completed next week."

"A room?"

When Raphine asked, Sophia smiled sweetly and nodded her head.

"Yeah, Raphine's room. Mom will also sleep in Raphine's room for a while."


Raphine followed Sophia and smiled and nodded her head.

It was also a good thing that my Mother's arms were good.

The first time I hugged my mother, it was very warm and soft.

She smelled good, and when I felt the warm body temperature, I felt at ease.

Violet's arms were good, but the arms of an adult Mother were more stable.

I was worried that my Mother's arm would hurt, but for some reason I wanted to pretend that I didn't know.

'But then, Duke Aston, no... Dad?"

If Mom keeps sleeping with me, what will happen to Dad?

Raphine thought to herself, but then shook her head.

'Let's pretend we don't know that for a while.'

For the time being, I wanted to monopolize my Mother. It was a big deal as I became more and more greedy.

I haven't called out 'Mom' out of my mouth yet, but I'm still practicing inside, so it'll be possible soon.


'Would you really like me if I called you Mom?'

「If you call me by my proper name rather than mother, I'd love it, baby?」

Ruby lying on the bed whispered to her.

'If you're going to treat me like a baby, I won't talk to you.'


After coming here, there was no time to feel hungry.

Shortly after eating, sweet milk made with honey and grain was given, and cookies made with healthy ingredients were also given.

After eating, I ate a fresh fruit and drank a fresh fruit.

Having lived without being hungry like that, now, like a child, losing reason is less and less.

I was very happy.

Knock, knock.

Then, a knock was heard on the door.

Raphine was momentarily startled and hid behind Sophia's back.

「Heh, if you look at how scared you are, you're still a baby...」

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