Episode 059

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Rebecca hastily started writing the letter.

Although the ultimate goal of making Antonio the emperor was the same, she did not intend to accompany her father on the journey.

After completing the letter, Rebecca immediately called a reliable maid.

“Deliver this letter to Count Fowlard very secretly right now."

“Yes, Your Majesty the Queen.”

The maid, whose face was full of freckles, nodded loyally and put the letter in her arms.

* * *


On a rainy night, the Oval Office of the Viscount Tedler's.

“It’s amazing.”

The Viscount was ridiculed when he received the letter from the maid who he had planted in the Sepia Palace.

'How dare you try to hold the hand of another noble...'

Viscount Tedler saw through Rebecca's thoughts.

After creating a new support base, she intends to throw away her suffering.

'Heh, Count Fowlard.'

He had already noticed that Rebecca and Count Fowlard had been lovers for a long time.


Like Count Fowlard... He was just a prettier nerd.

However, Earl Fowlard's outward appearance was a rather troublesome family. Because he was one of the nobles who pretended to be Viscount Tedler.

Knowing this well, Rebecca, who wrote this letter to Count Fowlard, felt a great betrayal.

No, this kind of betrayal was already expected in the first place.

'No surprise.'

Viscount Tedler rolled his eyes and tightened his chin.

In my mind, he thought it would be cool to go to Rebecca right away and beat her up.

If Rebecca really joined hands with Count Fowlard, it was only natural that the Viscount's position would become difficult.

He didn't know that all the hard work he had until now would be in vain overnight.

“I have one more thing to tell you. Viscount.”

At that time, Rebecca's maid who delivered the letter said:


The Viscount frowned and looked at the maid.

The maid hesitated for a moment and then came closer.

Then, as if telling a very secretive story, he put his hand to the Viscount's ear and whispered.

The Viscount's eyes widened as he listened to the story, and the corners of his mouth went up obliquely.

* * *

Raphine came to play with Violet and Adrian at the Imperial Palace.

After saying goodbye to the Empress. The three children headed to Zerkan's West Palace.

While waiting for a snack in the drawing room, Zerkan came to visit immediately after class.


“It’s been a long time.”

As Violet and Adrian greeted each other, Zerkan approached with a friendly face.

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