Episode 052

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At that time, the Empress Palace.

Raphine was drawing hard with a brush.

Today was a day to learn painting from a court painter, so she came alone instead of with her mother.

And it was in the middle of painting a picture with the empress in a friendly way. Suddenly, the Emperor came.

“Hmm, Raphine. You are here too.”

“Hello, Your Majesty the Emperor.”

“What did you come here for?”

When the Empress asked the question coldly in embarrassment, the Emperor coughed in embarrassment and said:

“Aren’t you so displeased that I came to visit the Empress?”

It was a tone of voice with a hint of sadness. The Empress was bewildered.

“It’s not that I…”

“I came here because I was wondering if the painting I gave you is well kept.”


“Are you sure you are keeping it well? It's not a picture of this kid himself."

When the emperor pointed to Raphine, Raphine was perplexed.

'Why are you talking to me all of a sudden...?!'

The Empress sighed deeply and said.

“Obviously well kept.”

“Tell me to bring it. I just found a frame that fits the picture perfectly.”

Having said that, the Emperor sat down on the sofa in the parlor. As if he's the owner of this place.

The empress called the maidservant and ordered her to bring the painting and sent the court painter away for a while.

“Raphine, come here and sit down.”

“…Yes, Your Majesty.”

Raphine approached the Emperor's call and sat down on the sofa. Then the emperor spoke loudly, as if trying to hide his embarrassment.

“As you requested, I delivered the picture to the Empress. Are you done now?”


Raphine looked at the emperor with cloudy eyes.

When she glanced around, the empress sitting opposite me was grimacing and looking out the window.

It was just a look of disappointment.

The temperature in the drawing room tickled somehow.

‘These two people, why is the atmosphere like this in a few days...?'

A subtle and cute air current felt in this gloomy atmosphere.

Is she the only one feeling it?

Before long, the handmaiden brought the picture, and the emperor had his attendant put the picture in the frame he had brought.

Then he said.

“It is a very cute picture. Why don't you hang it in this parlor?"

“…Your Majesty do whatever you want.”

The Empress replied, pretending not to be interested.

"Hmm. Then let me hang over there.”

The emperor handed the painting to the servant and said, "It was a very nice location."

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