Chapter 012

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"Ra, Raphine?"

Sophia was the first to come to her senses.

She quickly took Raphine and held her in her arms. And she bowed her head slightly to apologize to Zerkan.

"Your Highness, forgive the child's rudeness. Raphine has only returned to her home and is adapting."


Zerkan raised one eyebrow and looked at Raphine in Sofia's arms.


As Raphine muttered a little, a smirk came out of Zerkan's mouth.

To be honest, it was a situation where you might suspect of 'Who ordered it?"

Moreover, Zerkan was the crown prince who would be the future of this Empire.

Although it is said that the power of the Second Prince, who was born by the Emperor's Concubine, is aiming for the position, the current Crown Prince is Zerkan.

As such, there will be many families who are aiming for the future Crown Prince position. However, Zerkan never thought that the Duke had such an intention.

In the first place, the Duke had strong power and wealth even though he did not aim for the position of the Crown Prince, and also...

If you look at the Duke's expression, no one will have such doubts.

The Duke of Aston looked as if the world had collapsed, and his eyes were frozen without even blinking.

As if he were a stone statue.

"It's okay. It's just a kid's joke."

Even though Zerkan replied to the Duchess, the Duchess remained the same.

"Woah, honey...."

Sophia gently patted the Duke's shoulder.

"Ma, ma, ma- marriage?"

Only then did the Duke, who came to his senses, murmured softly.

When the Duke spoke the word 'marriage', it looked as if he was saying terrible words like 'war' or 'death'.

Zerkan looked at his expression for a moment, then pulled something out of his inner pocket and held it to the Duchess.

"By the way, this is a gift that my mother told me to deliver after hearing the news."

"Oh, my. Her Majesty? Thankfully, I will visit her soon and greet her separately."

Sophia answered gracefully and accepted the gift.

Opening the box wrapped in velvet reveals a pretty bracelet with blue jewels.

"Oh, how pretty! Something so precious... Raphine, do you want to try it now?"

Sophia sat Raphine on the chair and tried to put the bracelet on her own.


It's been a while since Raphine was excited about the word 'gift'. She stared at her arm in amazement.

Wait, is this...

The bracelet was a very unique design. In particular, that blue jewel is....

It looks like a normal sapphire, but whenever the bracelet moved, a mysterious light was reflected from the inside of the jewel. Like opal.

Such sapphires were very rare.

「Why? Do you know this item, baby?」

'No, no. I don't think so.'

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