Chapter 031

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「Hey, that’s terrible! The owner is so... You value me so highly! Ha… That’s a little exciting.」

Of course, before making a contract with that gloomy spirit, she had to sign a contract with Ruby first.

「I'm ready, baby.」

Raphine sighed and said.

"I'll sign a contract for now, but I can't do it right away. My room will be full. I'll do it later when I give permission. You know?"

「I get it. I'll show you my cool side later. Let’s add that as a special contract.」

「The cool figure is a horn…… the theme of the bear.」

Orphana grunted sarcastically, but Ruby skillfully ignored it.

Raphine sat the teddy bear in front of her and prepared herself.

If she makes a contract with a spirit, that spirit can manifest at any time.

And when the spirit first appears, an indelible summoner is engraved on the back of the contractor's hand.

When the summoner is engraved, everyone will know that she has become a spirit summoner.

So, Raphine is the manifestation of two spirits.

She wanted to postpone it as much as possible.

“If the seal is engraved on the back of your hand, it will become cumbersome to explain here and there…”

「Baby, put out your hand.」

Raphine held out her hand, and suddenly a small light flashed from the body of the teddy bear.

And a piece of paper engraved with an unknown character floated in the air.

「It’s a contract with the spirit. Please read it carefully and sign it.」

"No, you have to know what you're talking about before you can read it or not."

Is it an ancient language?

It's curly, what shape is it in the first place? It was also difficult to figure out.

「It’s not an ancient language, it’s an imperial language, and it’s my handwriting.」


Bear, did you use bear paws?

Then... she was able to recognize this bad handwriting.

"Are you going to tell me what it is?"

「Oh yeah. You still can't read Agara properly.」

No. Even an adult can't read these kinds of letters.

Raphine tried to point it out, but waited patiently for Ruby's explanation.

「'Hereinafter referred to as 'A'. and 'Spirit' hereafter referred to as 'E'. will respect each other on an equal footing and keep the terms of the contract.'」

「'Article 1. At the request of A....'」

"No, why's that so complicated?"

She was a little sleepy, so it was difficult to understand what it was saying.

Ruby, unlike usual, mumbled quickly, shooting at the horse. Raphine listened blankly and yawned loudly.

「'Contract can be withdrawn without condition within 3 days from the date of contract. However, within 30 days from the contract date.'」

"Oh, I see. I see! Let's sign it first."

At the end of the day, Raphine couldn't stand it anymore and said:

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