Episode 043

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The Greenwich district, frequented by the aristocrats, was crowded today.

Wagons were lined up on the streets of downtown. It was a carriage parked by servants of nobles who visited the coffee house.

In front of the first store of 'Orcafe,' which is the largest coffee house in this area.

A wagon stopped there.

“Hmm, there are still a lot of people. Good reservation.”

It was Baron Veronil who got off the carriage.

He, who is a coffee lover and an orcafe eater, has been very busy with the work of the emperor recently, so he has not been able to visit this place for a week.

However, recently, Orcafe started a delivery service, so you could drink coffee here in Imperial Palace.

Besides, Orcafe's cold brew coffee was plentiful in his mansion.

'Still, the best coffee to come and drink. This beautiful interior and elegant music, the sound of people talking, and the aroma of coffee. It's the perfect atmosphere.'

He hurriedly entered the store with a happy heart.

He came to attend a discussion meeting with his acquaintances, but he came an hour earlier than them to enjoy the atmosphere here.

On the second floor, there was a large room for reservation guests, which was divided by a partition, allowing for a more comfortable conversation.

But Baron Vero'Neill, who was about to climb the stairs, stopped.


He turned his head and looked at the wall.

It was the first poster he had ever seen.

However, the content of the poster was quite strange.

'It's not a drug or anything like that...'

Upon closer inspection, it was a promotional poster for the new menu 'tea'.

'A new menu is out...'

In the closet of Imperial Palace's office, he had no time to listen to the outside news because he struggled with documents all week by himself.

He became angry and nervous as he seemed to be the only one who found out about the news of a new virtue target late.

A pretty teacup was drawn inside the poster, and the effects of tea were lined up below it.

'You're not promoting the taste and smell, you're promoting only the efficacy... Doesn't it look pretty tasteless?'

With that in mind, he read the contents one by one.

A mysterious drink from the eastern continent. 'Tea.'

Are you curious about the good drink that makes you healthy when you drink it, the cause of the longevity of people on the eastern continent? This 'tea' has its secret.

Beneath it, the effects of tea were written one after another.

'Like coffee, it clears the head and improves concentration... Insomnia, indigestion, stomach upset, etc... If you look at what is written, it is a very panacea.'

He felt distrust inside, but he was curious about something.

That was then.


A lady at the next table caught the eye of Baron Veronil.

The lady may have ordered a new menu, or was drinking tea from a beautiful teacup.

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