Episode 058

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Seeing the terrified Rebecca, the Viscount let out an even breath, as if his anger had subsided a little.

He opened his mouth as if he had more to say, but when he saw Rebecca's trembling shoulders, he shrugged and walked out.

Queen Rebecca, left alone, clenched her fists and trembled until her nails dig into her.

It was embarrassing and humiliating.

And all the causes of this...

The arrow of resentment she lifted naturally headed towards her son, Prince Antonio.

'If Antonio hadn't lied in the first place...'

There would have been no need to torture an education teacher for nothing, and there would be no need to go to the Empress and criticize it as 'the work of the education teacher she put in place'.

Rather, if she had summoned a child named Raffine and questioned the truth…

'I would have been able to find out that the child was a spirit user first and keep a close relationship with them...!'

As if the empress was using the child now.

Rebecca suddenly changed her gaze and got up from her seat, and opened the door.

The servants who were waiting followed her in amazement.

The place where Queen Rebecca was headed was the villa where Antonio was staying.

Rebecca, who arrived at the detached palace, said to the perplexed attendant of the detached palace.

“Call all the servants who insulted the teacher in front of me last time and made fun of me. And bring Antonio too.”

After a while, the servant chief of the detached palace took all the servants who made fun of the Queen at that time and made them kneel.

Antonio stood next to the Queen, terrified.

The Queen gave orders to the strong knights, holding a whip.

“You must pay the price for disgraceful of your master by making fun of your mouth.”

“Sah, please save me! Your Majesty, please...!”

The servants trembled and begged for help, but the Queen did not blink an eye.

The knights started beating the servants, and Rebecca made Antonio watch the scene.

When the beating was over, the other servants dragged them and took them to prison.

Rebecca asked, still holding Antonio's shoulder with an angry look.

“Prince, answer wisely. Why didn't you tell the truth? It wasn't the teacher who bruised your arm. It was that girl."

"That is…”

“Do you know how hard this mother suffered because of you? How dare you deceive me?”

“Uh, mother…”

“Why did you disgrace me? Why?!”

When the Queen shouted loudly, Antonio shrugged his shoulders.

In general, Queen Rebecca was kind to her son, but often, when she was angry, she couldn't contain her anger and poured it all out.

“I am hated by His Majesty the Emperor because of you, because of you!”

Rebecca rolled her eyes and wrote evil. She smashed and smashed the ornaments erected next to it, causing a riot.

But no one came forward to stop Queen Rebecca.

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