Episode 050

48 0 0

Raphine nodded her head innocently.

“Yes, Her Majesty said you fished it yourself and caught a fish.”


The emperor coughed in embarrassment.

Not long ago, Raphine heard this story while looking at the paintings of the Empress.

Raphine turned to the next page after seeing the emperor's faint eyes.

“What is this painting?”

The emperor immediately asked with curiosity.

The painting depicts dying people and a beautiful woman like a saint who saves them.

Of course, it was a little messy because it was a picture tailored to the level of a child.

Raphine explained by imitating an innocent child.

“This is a secret. Her Majesty gave grain to those dying on the frontier.”


“Yesterday, I overheard Adrian and Violet talking.”


The corner of the emperor's lips rose sharply.

He, too, was aware of the report yesterday afternoon.

The Empress seemed to have taken care of the matter, knowing that there was a problem in the support phase. The emperor immediately ascertained the truth and ordered that those who committed corruption be arrested.

However… When he heard it again through the child's mouth, he was somewhat annoyed and angry.

'Then why did the Empress not tell me earlier and make people misunderstood and upset people? Shit…'

The bloating broke out. The Empress never said anything properly.

The emperor grunted inwardly, then pointed to the picture and asked.

“Then is this the Empress?”


“But why is the Empress turning her back on those people?”

The woman in the picture was coldly turning her back on those who said thanks.

“That’s it. It is because Her Majesty the Empress is shy.”


“If you do a good deed, you should tell Mom and Dad right away, but there are people who can’t because they are shy. So does my Older Brother Adrian.”


“She must be ashamed to say something that deserves praise. She can do it well!”

The emperor's expression softened at those words.

'Yes, the Empress is like that.'

Unlike the emperor, who likes face recognition, the empress had the opposite personality.

When he was young, he was envious of the empress's such character. Now it seems like he's going to die of frustration because of it.

Raphine glanced at the thoughtful emperor with a curious expression.

In the original story, the emperor visits the empress after learning the story behind the incident.

'And the couple fights again.'

The emperor asked, saying, 'Why don't you tell me that beforehand, and make people weird?'

The empress stared at the emperor and shut her mouth.

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