Episode 057

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'I have to aim for the right timing...'

That was then.

“Adrian! Raphine!”

Just then, Violet came to me from afar. Adrian's complexion, standing next to Raphine, brightened.

"You're here?"

"Yes. Did you arrive early?”

Violet seemed to have come with the butler. Watching her family say hello, Rafine shook her head eagerly.

“Then we’ll go do our painting homework.”

As Violet said that, Adrian grabbed a bag of painting tools.

The education teacher who taught them seemed to have given them homework for painting.

After all, the scenery is beautiful, so it was the perfect place to give such homework assignments.

“I will follow you too!”

“Raffine too?”

“Yeah, I’m learning to draw too.”

At Raphine's words, Violet said, "Okay!" and took her hand.

At those words, a moment of worry crossed the faces of Mom and Dad. He seemed to have some anxiety as he had been noisy with Rafine's work recently.

“Don’t worry, I will go with you.”

Count Fitz's butler, who had come with Violet, said kindly.

The Duke and Duchess of Aston did not allow, but allowed Sir Rendell to go with them.

So, Raphine took Violet and Adrian's hand and began to search for a good place to paint.

Raphine was conscious of the butler and Sir Rendell following behind her back and eagerly aimed for the timing.

“Shall we draw here?”

“Isn’t it too difficult?”

“It is, but… It’s easier to draw a tree than to draw a statue over there.”

“That’s right. Then let’s draw here.”

At the end of the meeting, Violet and Adrian decided on a place to paint, and the butler spread out a mat.

Rafine looked at the pictures of the two of them and started eating the cookies the butler had brought.

Sir Rendell and the butler of the Fitz family also watched the painting seriously.

"Wow, Miss Violet, you're really good at drawing."

Sir Rendell admired and praised Violet's painting.

“Is that right? Fufufu. Master Adrian is also very good.”

“Well, of course it’s our master. Because there’s nothing you can’t do.”

The butler and Sir Rendell were proud of each other, complimenting each other.

Raphine looked for when they were obsessed with Violet and Adrian's paintings.

There was a small grassy forest next to it, so it was good to get out.

Raphine crept back and ran into the Udada Forest.

'Orphana, please take care of me.'

Raphine went into the forest and looked around. Fortunately, there was no walking path here, so no one came in and out.

Raphine opened the bag behind her and lowered Ruby, who had been trapped in the air the whole time, on the floor.

'Come on, Ruby. hurry!'

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