Chapter 039

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"Eh? That's completely bullshit. Well, it's true that it's harmful to children."

"What? Rumors?"

"Yes. It's similar to alcohol. It's okay if you drink it in moderation, but if you drink too much, it's harmful to everyone. Isn't there a saying that alcohol is only harmful to women?"

"Well, is that so? But in the beginning...."

It was the Tedler family who monopolized the import of green coffee beans and distributed them to the market.

And Viscount Tedler……

'He was a terrible discriminator...'

The younger generation is said to be getting better these days, but there are still many discriminators among older people like Viscount Tedler.

Among them, Viscount Tedler was very famous for being very stern and discriminating between men and women.

That is why the young nobles in the Imperial Office sometimes called Viscount Tedler a 'dual braid'.

This was because, while discriminating against daughters and sons, he supported the ancient traditions of the old days and raised his eldest daughter as the Emperor's concubine.

When Baron Vero'O'Neil realized what he had forgotten, he went blank as if he had been hit in the back of the head.

At that moment, the blue-haired staff member said as if giving a tip.

"Coffee is only harmful to women? I didn't know that there were still people who believed in such an outdated idea......"

Baron Vero'O'Neil's face turned red as he looked at the back of the employee who suddenly disappeared after saying that.

'Damn it.....'

Baron Vero'O'Neil has lived with pride, valuing himself as a young scholar who is awake in his own way.

But they were discriminating against each other, believing only unfounded stories.

While his face is hot with shame, for some reason, this place is better than other coffee houses.

Those who had come together were busy coughing and turning their heads when their eyes met.

"Try it first."

Baron Vero'O'Neil took a bite of the sweet cake and gulped down the cold coffee.

It was a fantastic blend of sweet and savory and moderately bitter coffee.

"The coffee here tastes very different. Is it because it's cold?"

"I ordered hot coffee, but this coffee also tastes different. It's less bitter and it's savory? Hmm......"

"It smells very good. It's not burnt, it's very fragrant."

“I saw earlier that there were various kinds of coffee...."

“Hmm, how about having our next meeting here?”

When Viscount Vero'O'Neil asked, one or two people said they liked it and started to agree.

And the table right next to Viscount Vero'O'Neil.

Raphine, who was sitting opposite Zerkan drinking coffee, smiled as she looked at them.

'Combination of sweet cake and iced americano. It's delicious, right?'

The coffee will also be very savory and delicious.

Raphine was a coffee fanatic who once fell in love with drip coffee in her previous life.

So, through Orphana, he passed on all her skills to reliable employees.

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