Episode 056

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On the way home, Raphine grinned.

She finally got Zerkan's confirmation.

Is this the end of a few years...?!

Raphine was thrilled and looked out the carriage window.

It was a beautiful sunset. The golden sun was passing over the hillside.

The scenery she saw often, it was especially beautiful today.

'Fufu. Now I just need to connect Violet and Adrian.'

But she don't even have to do it herself.

Since they started taking classes from the same education teacher, the two of them have grown even closer.

Yesterday, she witnessed a whisper while telling a secret story. It was very delightful.

'Ah yes, Orphana.'


'What did I do separately?'

「Yeah, it worked out well. It must be raining by now.」

'Okay, well done.'

With the power of Orpana, rain is now pouring down on the estates of the Welsh frontier.

And under the name of 'Ravior Tea Garden', the top running OrCafe, they even donated a whole lot for the drought victims.

「Heh, they don’t even know the grace of our master, and they are now talking about the virtues of Her Majesty the Empress.」

'It's all for the bigger picture.'


The higher the people's appreciation and respect for the Empress, the more power will go towards it.

'Besides, it's a good direction between the emperor and the empress.'

The Emperor must be extremely grateful to the Empress for this.

Raphine looked out the window with a relaxed expression on her face as if she had finished everything.

'Now, shall we close the tea business?'

There was still one net business left to make real big money.

* * *

After a while.

Several large, luxurious wagons lined up from the Duke of Aston's mansion.

The Duke and Duchess of Aston and Raphine were riding in the front carriage, while Adrian and the twins were in the following carriage.

Raphine enjoyed the scenery outside the window while carrying a small bag with Ruby ​​in it.

'I don't know how long this has been going out.'

After it was revealed that Raphine was a spirit user, the whole empire was turned upside down.

'A lot of things have happened in such a short time...'

Scholars and wizards who study spirits said they wanted to meet Raphine, and they even came to the mansion and lined up.

On the other hand, some polar believers and priests in the temple who do not like the existence of spirits asked for verification...

'In a nutshell, it was like taking me to see if I was really a spirit user, and to do a living experiment.'

When the emperor heard the story, he said, 'Are you going to take a child and do an experiment? Oh yeah… You guys are great. God will clap and rejoice, isn't that right?' and mocked the temple.

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