Chapter 037

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A week later, on the western coast of the continent.

A Curta Lan trade ship bearing the impression of Viscount Tedler was passing through the calm waters.

Some sailors were sleeping on the ship, while others were on deck watching the distant sea.

It was immediately after the pirates appeared, or after entering the route where the waves did not hit too much, everyone was relieved but did not miss the string of tension.

It was because the sea was especially foggy today.

"The atmosphere is gloomy because of the distant fog."

"That's right. Why is it foggy? Out of nowhere, it was fine until a while ago."

Originally, the sea was a place where it would not be strange if the weather suddenly hit.

But today, they didn't have a good feeling. The fog was so thick that the sailors exchanged anxious glances.

At that moment, a sailor spoke up, trying to erase his anxiety.

"By the way, I don't know if I'll be able to get paid properly this time."

"Sheesh. Can I get it? I'll bet one vote for never getting it."

"Damn... I'm done, I wish I could show you the faces of my family."

"That's right, I can't get any money, only my family members are taken hostage...! I have to live like this while going out to sea where I never know when."

"Still, this time, the Captain will tell you well, so let's look forward to it."

That was then.

“Come on, wait a minute. What is that?"

A sailor, standing at the bow, pointed in the distance beyond the mist. The sailors looked over the fog with anxious eyes.

"Well, what do you see?"


At that moment, through the fog, the prow of a huge ship began to appear.

They didn't notice while that huge ship was approaching right in front of them. It was clear that pirates were using the dark magic that had been transmitted through rumors.

"Do it. It's a pirate!"

"It's a pirate!"

"A pirate has appeared!"


'Pirates... right?'

Sailors on the Tedler Trade Ship 1. Thompson looked around confusedly.

By the way, what is a pirate?

They plundered trading ships or travel ships, robbed them of anything that could be of money, drowned sailors in the sea, imprisoned them and sold them as slaves, or demanded ransom for nobles.

But they were a little weird.

First of all, they are all wearing pirate hats..... It was a ridiculously cute design, and it was a pure blue color.

They all had pale faces, but they were quite beautiful. Come to think of it, it seems that they all look a little alike....

Anyway, that wasn't the point.

They were very kind. The pirates were friendly. Does it make sense?

"Hey, old man with a long beard. Do you want more meat? You're not hungry? No, why are you eating so little?"

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