Episode 041

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A few days later, Empress Rebecca invited the Duchess of Aston. She kept her insistence on bringing her youngest daughter, whom she said she had regained this time.

So, she brought a bunch of snacks that her child would love and prepared everything…

The Duchess of Aston was the only one who came to the Imperial Palace.

“You invited us together, but unfortunately, the child has a cold and is ill. She didn't bring it on purpose. It would be a big deal if it was moved to the Empress for nothing.”

“Okay, in that case, there is nothing I can do about it.”

She smiled hard, but the Empress was heartbroken.

For some reason, it seemed that the Duchess had deceived her.

Even so, the precious child was sick, but Sophia's expression was always expressionless.

Rebecca grinded her teeth.

'If it was a real pain, I'm sure she would show a worried expression from time to time. Dare she deceive me?'

Besides, the Duchess was a knight, so she was a very hard and uninteresting person.

Empress Rebecca, who had made all the preparations to befriend the Duchess, was soon exhausted and just let her go.

'A cheeky woman. I barely made a sassy smirk on the subject of the Duchess... Even after I become Empress, I will see if she behaves so arrogantly.'

After the Duchess went away, the Empress cursed herself.

Rebecca was not content with her current position. She had to rise to a position where everyone had no choice but to look up to.

So, it seemed that it would be cool to have her father, brothers, and aristocrats who disrespect her all under their feet and trampled on them.

Meanwhile, the servants outside the door began to tremble at the momentum of the master who seemed to be in a bad mood.

When Empress Rebecca was in such a bad mood, she used to scold and beat her servants as an object of anger.

Unsurprisingly, the sound of glass shattering could be heard from inside.

* * *

Far from catching a cold, Raphine was taking a nap with a bright, bright face.

To be precise, she pretended to be taking a nap, then got up and sat up in an upright posture.

Then Orphana, who appeared suddenly, began to report.

It was a report on the coffee house business. Sales were increasing day by day. The lines were long, so she heard that nobles hire people to line up.

So recently, Raffine came up with an idea.

It started selling coffee in a glass bottle in the form of a cold brew.

That was awesome, too.

Because cold brew coffee is brewed over a long period of time, the mild flavor was excellent.

'If you dilute it with milk or water, it doesn't taste that good. big...'

It was a huge hit when she saw that the lines did not shrink even when people who came to buy the undiluted cold brew and those who drank at the store had to stand in separate lines.

Moreover, from what she heard today, she heard that a delivery offer came from not only the noble families but also the imperial castle.

Unlike conventional coffee, it is delicious and has the same effect on clearing the head, so it was inevitably popular.

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