8. The Night Awaited

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For the first time in her life...!!!

For the first time in her life... She is actuallly being loved by someone!!!

Anuj was waiting...

Stuck in this situation with him... Her hands resting on his chest and his hand holding hers. She wanted to do so much but her hands were just not moving. Maybe it was too overwhelming for her in a go and that too when you had never been given such respect of choice and WOMEN FIRST waala chance. Somebody waiting for you to either give in or give a consent... That was literally too much for her after 25 years of a horrible past with an egomaniacal husband and 17 years of her last physically intimate moment...

She stood there and he kept waiting. He could have waited forever for her... just like that... And if we observe closely, he wasn't even waiting for her... he was lost, cause for him being lost in her was above everything else... He was at that time too busy playing with her open hair, bare portion of her back and around her neck with his fingers that he didn't notice that she is lost too just not in him but in her thoughts.

And when his fingers finally got time to reach her face, he with a gentle stroke on her chin lifted up her face and he could see that cluelessness on her face. He saw that embarrassment and perplexity on her face... He just wanted her to make this moment memorable in her own way but he failed to realize that it can actually be too overburdening for her.

She hugged him tightly the very next moment and he could hear a SURI. By now these two dumbheads must surely have lost the count of the SURI and SORRY exchanges between them...

He made her feel even more comfortable by encapsulating her in a warm and cozy hug. He then very gently held her by her arms, making her stand in front of him FACE TO FACE announced, "Why are you being SURII...?"

He kept looking in her eyes till that embarrassment blended into a sultry look. She looked at his abs and they were truly muscular in all sense. Under the fairy lights that brightens the ridges whilst the grooves appear darkened with the shadow the ridges casted, her fingers caressed the grooves of his abs in a rather horizontal fashion that gave her finger the feel of being embedded in between the folds of his skin. His hands entered underneath the fabric of her glittery red saaree and he felt the cold shivers emboldened on her waist. He carefully scratched them with his nails cautious of not hurting her and unaware that nothing he does right now could hurt her, it could only give her the sought pleasure. Her lips let out a needy moan as his nails grazed her skin. He could feel the bulge of her saree tucked under petticoat and he moved his fingers at the border of the saree tucked. This was intense. He turned her around with a jolt and his hands automatically shifted onto her belly. Her back hit his front and she shivered at the feel of his bare chest against her exposed back with no robe to intervene that direct touch. He moved his hands upwards feeling every inch of her skin and his hands lingered around her midriff. He tried holding her in his fist but that tantalizing touch just aroused her even more and an erotic AAAHH, needy enough to bewilder him, escaped her lips... She called out ANOOJ desirably and he pecked on her neck. 

As flirtatiously as he could say, he bit her earlobe and asked in a rather teasing tone, "Kya hua Anu ruk jaaun kyaa...".

She was too flustered in his presence to think of what he asked in what mood, what tone... All she knew was that she couldn't let him stop... Atleast not now... She couldn't afford that... She has to let him do that in which he is so good at. "ANOOOOJ...Naiiiiii...", she said as unknowingly and sounding as desirable as she herself was in THIS close proximity to him.

That tingling sensation was getting her on her nerves. Her mind seemed to be blurring out with pleasure. He wouldn't stop nor would she want him to stop.

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