88. The Day After

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NoTe:- KeEpiNg SuPEr bUSy. KiNda sTuck. UpDaTes WiLL bE sLoW. ReAd slOwLy- sLowLy PlEase.


Anupamaa's eyes opened slowly. She had never felt this lazy and crushed before but she loved it all. The tiredness, the slight back ache, the nakedness and his essence overlapping her that still seem to be touching her all over - she smiled feebly, removed his leg from atop her waist, made for herself a more comfy-cozy pillow of his hands and hugged him sideways gently.

She didn't feel like waking up and glanced at the clock wishing it's not yet the time to leave the bed. And she was right to wish so. It was 5 am and she yawned again. Her body pressed against his naked abs, she pursed her lips, tucked the sheets under her waist, covering herself up from the sides, looked at his calm face, that still had a faint smile plastered to it and rested her knee atop his crotch gently. She blushed at her own little act.

When the urge became irresistible, she kissed his cheek and nuzzled her face in his neck. His sleep made everything easier for her and she loved being entirely free from his stare even in his presence.

But she was already too tired to do anything. The entire day of wedding rituals and then the family drama including a decent argument with him and then the night and him. She went scarlet bringing back the memories from around two hours back. Her husband ensured she sleeps fully tired and he succeeded. Her eyes began to droop again but she let her mind run free through a slew of emotions and notions that are supposed to be the basic pillars of marriage - that her husband had ensured she gets to feel.

That he has shown in her despite her shortcomings, faults and mistakes. He makes her believe that too err is human and being Anupamaa doesn't mean she has to push herself beyond her limits for being what everyone expects of her - PERFECTION! The first person of her life to love her for her imperfections and not crush her under the weight of his seeking perfection from her like others. She is allowed to make mistakes too just like everyone else and get an apology not punishment, get a gentle hug and a sweet talk over a cup of tea and not insults and abuses. She isn't a criminal... Just a human... And he finally succeeded in making her a human by removing the burden of some divine devi-alike expectations off her mind. She doesn't have to be perfect 24×7.

With which he had dealt with her - EVERY SINGLE TIME. Knowing already the weight of her traumas and it's impact on her own gentle heart she had yet let go of no moment to share the pain with him. He had loved her for that too and she had seen that love growing in his eyes with every word she says about her not-so-distant but painful past she chose to share with him. He had heard her without losing his sanity or respect for her. He had been kind. He is mature enough to handle her traumas maybe even better than her. He knows well pain is not about how others perceive it but how you feel it. For others their foot injury might be more elephantine than someone's half life that got discarded. But he... Is not that other in her life but the one - for whom her pain is equally painful.

Which he does all for her like he never did for anyone else nor would he do for anyone else. She loved the complete care he showers her with making her realise every single second that only SHE could be SHE in his life.


Of handling the situation in the most righteous way when her own mind failed to offer any way out of the crossroads. She wondered what would she have done of the kids situation without him. She would definitely have left them back in the Shah House without thinking of the repercussions because this was what her mind was capable of cultivating but not this time... She has got him to correct her decisions and mistakes without trying to impose it on her or overburdening her with his expectations of seeing changes in her.

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