chapter 3

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"my name is lisa" she said cutely I smiled at her

"my name is lisa" she said cutely I smiled at her

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#just think that luca is not there#

"lisa that's a beautiful name.." she just play with her finger while looking down

"you can call me jennie ah.. lisa??" she look at me in the eye

"je-jennie?" she's like a child she is so cute

"yes baby that's me so... ahh lisa do you want to come with me in my house? because it's dangerous for you  to stay here, don't worry i won't hurt you I promise" I said raising my right hand (jennie ruby jane why would you bring her in to your home instead in a police station😈) what the.... you're back again( I never leave jennie hahaha) whatever!!🙄 (so.... why in the house instead in police huhh??) you don't care if you didn't shut up im not going to talk to you again understand!!!( hupmm okay! you're so annoying.) you're the annoying one and yo-

"okay jennie unnie I will come with you, you will protect me right right you said you will protect me;"she stated, like a child talking to her mother wanting a chocolate.

"yes I will let's go it's getting colder here you may catch a cold." I hold he hand and help her to stand we walk towards the side of the street looking for a taxi.... its been 12 minutes but there's no taxi what the hell!! hays..... im gana call chu I think she's sleeping already but what can I do there's no taxi here and we can't walk my house is a little bit far from the park so.. yeah I will call chu for help.


she's not answering hays!!


=in the other side Kim house=

phone ringing📲

"jisoo-ya~ baby yo~you're phone is ringing ah~" rosé

"don't mind it baby~" jisoo

📲still ringing....

"baby~ stop~ answer you phone ugh~"rosé

jisoo stop on what she's doing"okay fine!! I will kill that person who's calling me!!!" take the phone see jennie's name "its jenduik she's always in a wrong timing😡" jesoo

on the phone

📲 "hello duik why are you always calling me in a wrong time!?" jisoo said in frustration

📲 " im sorry unnie but it's an emergency you need to pick me up here in is the side walk neer the park there's no taxi here you have to hurry it's getting colder here and I'm with someone okay we're waiting unnie

📲"jenduik wai-"

"what the! she hung up the phone after disturbing me she-she just... the audacity hpmmm babe im going to fetch jennie I'll be back soon okay" jisoo said wearing her clothes
#I know you know what they do right right🙃#

"okay babe bye take care love you" rosé

"okay bye love you too"

=fast forward=


we're still here waiting for unnie she said she's neer, im holding lisa's hand she's hiding in my back afraid when thers a person passing by she's trembling I think she has a trauma.
I can see unnie's car she stop in front of us and walk toward us.

"hey duik whats the matter??" unnie ask and look at lisa. lisa immediately hide her self at my back a can feel her head in my back and her hands gripping my shirt she's shaking again.
I look at unnie and sign her to wait for a moment, she just nod and stand there I spin around so I can look at lisa I hug her while brushing her hair.

"hey baby its okay look at me its okay she's my sister she's going to bring us home okay?" I look at her eyes she's scared

"she's not going to hurt you she's a good gay I-I mean she's a good guy..."I look at jisoo unnie and she's glaring at me I just give her a smile hehe why?? it's true tho she's gay and also me and im proud of it lisa hug me too

"she-she won't hu-hurt me nini?"she ask. oh my god!!! she's so cute and nini I like that name and her hug it feel so good to me it's warm I show her my gummy smile and nod my head.

"yes that's right baby" I said she look at jisoo unnie that standing neer the car unnie smile at her and wave her hand to lisa

"hi im jisoo jennie's sister😊"

"you can call her chicken.... I mean chu or unnie or what so ever she loves nicknames anyway."

"he-hello unnie!"lisa said in a low baby voice waving her right hand a little. I hold her hand

"lets go inside so we can go home now" jisoo unnie said I guide lisa to the car and open the dor in the back for her, we both entered the car I sit next to her she's still holding my hands, don't want to let go. several minutes later I feel her head in my shoulder I look at her and she's sleeping I smild she's still holding my hand. I look at unnie she's looking to me with the meaningful smile I know what she's thinking im not like this to other people I dont want them neer me, Im a cold heartted bitch to other people they are scared at me because of my attitude and that's what I want for them.. to be scared at me so they won't disobey me.

we arrived in front of our house lisa is still sleeping so I just carry her she's not heavy I think she's underweight is she even eating??

"jenduek it's late already we will talk about this tomorrow!" unnie said seriously I just nod at her she walk toward her room, I just look at her you know my unnie she have this 4D personality hays sometimes it's scared me specially when she's mad I know im scary but when she is she's...she's worst. anyway I start walking upstairs to guest room so I can put her on the bed.

I already put her on the bed and cover her body with the blanket I look at her face.

"humm who are you lisa? why I feel something different from you?" im mumble to my self while looking at her

"tomorrow I will ask you so be ready... ohh I should send a message to my secretary that I will not going to work tomorrow" I was ready to walk towards the dor bat I hear lisa I look at her end...

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