chapter 31

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I woke up because of the sunlight and I feel something heavy that squeezing my body I look down to my body I smiled at the sight of my little baby sleeping on top of me. I look at my side and see that it's almost 8 in the morning.

"I need to go down I need some water~" I want water but im still sleepy and my... but trout felt dry!. I careful slip away underneath her and careful put her head on the pillow and tuck her in the comforter. I stand and walk neer the window and close the curtains so it wouldn't too much bring for my lili walk again neer her and kiss her forehead.

walk down stairs and hear people talking in the kitchen, and they are talking about my lili and i know that voice its tae oppa. I walk in across the living room to the kitchen entrance. and I see chu being carried by rosé. we argue for a moment before they left and go back to their room I walk across the kitchen and in to the ref and take some water." good morning mom and unite"I greet them still drinking my water after I drink I torn around and see unnie and tae oppa.

"no good morning for me?"

"how long have you been there unnie?"

"oumm like before you enter the kitchen?"

"ohhh sorry I didn't saw you there. by the way good morning unnie..and you're so early a thought we agreed meeting at 12 so you can have lunch here?"

"about that I didn't get a chance to go home last night so I decided I should just go straight her and rest in the guest room I already talk to auntie before a came here caused your not answering your phone."

"ohh okay you should rest no-

"you know im here too right?? im jealous I thought im your favourite cousin?"

"did you hear that? I think there's a bee here we should call an medical entomologist to kill it.?"I see my mother facepalm her self

"you and jisoo surely a sister,"he said

"okay I change my mind I will burn it my self." I glared at him I heard that he wants to talk to my lili.

"I-I didn't do anything!"

"well not yet and if you do something that will make mad, im afraid the funeral that jisoo's talking about wouldn't need caused they will never see you. even your dead body."said with no emotions. he cringe and hold to my mother. "do you understand taeyung oppa?"

"ye-yes o of course jen.."they are all quiet.

"good to know oppa. don't make me do something to you.... now unnie you should rest first the room is already your you know that right so go on. I will go back to my room I still need to sleep."I said and look at tae oppa one last time before walking away and return to my... me and lisa's room

taeyung oppa is my favourite cousin he is really funny and caring and clingy. but when I hear what they are talking about my lili t makes me little bit mad I don't like a man clinging to my lili it's akay if it's my unnie's or mother. but not to him.. he's still single and I know that we have the same ideal partner, I don't need him liking my lili in romantic way!

I look at our bed and see my lili.
she's still sleeping, I layed beside her and hug her, she snuggle to me her warm body makes me feel relax and a few before i fall asleep. I woke up again its already 11 and my mom who's standing on the door way of our room talking to lisa who's now sitting on the side of the bed saying that we need to getup to eat lunch.

"im up. we're going down after we get ready mom"

"okay and be fast we are almost done cooking! don't be late you two didn't eat your breakfast earlier!"

"okay mom. thank you"

"okay."she walk away closing the door behind her.

"hi lili how's your sleep?"

"it's good nini I dream about you!!"

"really? what happened in your dream huh??"

"we are in the amusement park with mama, jisoo unnie, and chipmunk, irene unnie and seulgi unnie and mommy kim. and we try a lot of rides and you buy me cotton candy and and....... I forgot what happened next"

"hahaha it's okay baby don't worry when nini have some free time we can go to amusement park again!"

"yehey thank you nini" she kiss me on the lips

"wow.... I like that now here my kiss!" I kiss he lips and cheeks a lot she giggle.

"nini that's tickle.let's go and get ready im already hungry nini"she stand up and walk to our bathroom.

"okay wait for me my love."

afeter we get ready we went to the kitchen and there I see all of them sitting and talking and my mom and lisa's mother preparing the food.

"hello everyone hi mama hi mommy kim hello jisoo-nie hello chipmunk hello irene unnie and...."she happily greet them and lastly look at tae oppa curiously

"hello lisa you are so energetic and cute!!! my name is taeyung but you can call me V if you want."he said all smiley.

"hi uncle tae" I want to Lough out loud hahaha.... uncle? does he really look that old to her?.

"that right liss he is your uncle cause he is so old maybe you should call him grandpa hahaha" unnie commented

"im not that old jisoo!"

"if you say so"

"enough with the bickering here's the food!" mom said. I seet next rosé and my baby choose to sit on my and auntie is already sitting in front of us.

"come on lets eat"

"thanks for the food"we all said and start to eat.

"here lili.. say ahh"I feed her and my self

"hubby can you help us later on planning for lisa's picnic party I know you have a lot of place that have a good location for picnic since you and Alice unnie are always on a picnic?"

"oumm sure wifey! I'd love to help and I did have a lot in mind I will show you later the pic that I take in different locations."

"thank you hubby!"

"it feels like you two are in a relationship not me and cha." chu said.

"cause hubby love me more that's why she calls me wifey unlike you she just call you chu hehe"I tease her

"shut up you over cooked mandu!"

"how dare you to insult my cheeks" I said madly...... I admit that im a little... short tempered.. just little (really Jennifer just a little?" yes!! of course... maybe??? (🙂)

"i love nini's cheeks they are fluffy and smooth."my lili comment that makes my mood change in to a happy one

"ohh thank you baby I love your cheeks too!" I kiss her cheeks

"I see someone is head over heels." oppa said I just ignore him and continue to feed my baby.

Readers thank you for voting we already reach 1k vote and 22.2k views🎉🎉🎉. im so happy thank you to all readers even im slow on updating this story you all still support this story.

this is my first story that I write and I still remember when I start to publish the chapters of this story I only have 4 readers. anyway thank you again for supporting my story I appreciate you all.😊😘💖🎉🎊🎇

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