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"hmm yes lili what is it?"

"im so so so happy"

"oh really? and what is the reason you are happy?" I ask her and hug her from behind, we are currently sitting on the blanket that was placed on the ground resting neer a tree after we play different games.

"because of you and our friend and family"

"im glad tobe one of the reason you're happy today baby love" I replied and smile I kiss her head and look to where my friends and family, they were looking at the prize that the winner won earlier. it's a Kawasaki ninja 1000sx it's just a small prize for me but may secretary says otherwise she's the one who choose the prize so I don't have a sayto it you know sometime I feel like she's the boss and not me...

"jennie..."lisa whisper her voice is not the usual her tone is lower and sounds more dominant than her usual self, its the same one she use in the restaurant its like she's a different person but at the same time it's still her? do you get may point?

"ah.. yes lili?" I ask her slowly, im afraid she might just punch me if I make a wrong move. I can't believe that this girl can make me feel different things that I never experience before.

" today is a special day" she said with a small smile on her lips " thank you for preparing this small celebration for me I really appreciate this. We can be happy all day today... but in the next day you should put your guards up don't let small thing pass." she saidin looking at me in the eyes with a serious look while im still hugging her from behind.

"ha? lili what are you talking about? what's going on, why your behaviour suddenly change?" I ask raising my right eyebrow at her

"oh how I wish lil- I mean I can tell you now my love but no not today but soon I will. do you trust me jen?"

"I - you- your making me confuse but I trust you. you will tell me everything right?"

"yes hon everything" she said and smile at me and I smile back.

"well that's good to know. I love you lili"

"I love you too nini"

"ohh now may baby's back hah,?"

"hahaha nini I never left you"she said laughing and she leans and peck my lips "can i have nugget?" I giggle on her cuteness.

"well baby you Don't even need my approval. goo eat everything that you want love"

"okay thank you!" she leans to reach the picnic basket and take the container full of nuggets and take off the lid she take three pieces of nuggets and shove it all on her mouth.

" no lili! slow down eat it one by one not like that you might choke" I said and take a hold of the Tupperware I also took the other three nuggets on her other hand. " I will just feed you okay so you won't choke." I place the Tupperware on my side and take a wet wipes cleaning her lips and hands.

" there you go all clean here drink this it's Apple juice." I said and place the straw on her mouth she sipp a little and continue munching the nuggets-" your so cute! here ahh~" I feed her a nugget. I continue feeding her until she gets full amd fut the container back to the picnic basket.

"nini im exited to go to school!"

"thats good im so happy that you are going to start studying! I promise I will be the one who will bring you to university every day and we will eat launch together okay?"

"okay and I will make friends a lot of friends sounds fun right!?"

"yes lili and im sure a lot of people will like tobe your friend because you're so cute, adorable, and sweet and beautiful and supper supper kind and lovely an-"

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now