chapter 25

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"mommy you didn't hug me!"

"ohh common you're already a big girl now stop acting like a baby!"

"what you don't want me anymore?"I said and pout my lisp and look down

"of course not your still my baby, im just excited to meet lisa"she said and hug me

"nini you are so cute"

"lili you more cuter than me"she smile shyly at me. my mom brock the hug and hold lisa hand

"come on I cook food for dinner lets eat!" my mom said excitedly and drag lisa with her towards the kitchen.

"okay mom wear just going to put this bags in our room!"unnie said

"okay sweetie"she yelled in the kitchen I followed unnie upstairs and put all the bags in our room. we came back to the kitchen and see rosé and my mom siting on the  chain's and my baby is on my mom's lap looking like a mother and  child.

"what is happening here?"I said little bit jealous... lili is mine!

"hi honey we're just talking while waiting for you two to come back here.. she's so cute honey and innocent"my mom said in awe.

"I know mom and she's like a baby too"

"yeah I can see that... ohh rosé honey can you give me some napkin?"she ask and rosé give her and that's when I noticed that my baby is eating a cup of ice cream and my mom wipe some ice cream stains in the side of her lips

"mom she just eat ice cream in the mall"

"she want it so I give her some..."she said and put the napkin in the table"okay now that you two are here lets eat the food is getting cold"I sit on my chair ang look at lisa

"come here lili sit with me" she stand up and and sit next to me I put foods in her plate. "do you like to have some dry kimbap?"

"yes nini thank you"she peck my cheek and start to eat. "hmm it's so delicious mommy can you cook this again for me?"what what?? mommy I look at my mother wow she's fast than I thought!

"sure sweetie tomorrow I will cook delicious breakfast and lunch for you!"

"thank you mommy"

"mom lisa's birthday is neer and also her mama will be here tomorrow and stay here.... you can be friend with her"

"yeah sure and what about lisa's birthday do you have any plans?"

"ohh I was planing to have a small party with the squad and us"

"that's good chu do you have any suggestion?"

"ohh yeahh im planing for the game's and also implaning to cook a lot of chicken" ohh god...

"im okay about you planing a game but not about a bunch of chicken, it's a birthday party no lt chicken party!"

"hmm I will still cook chicken you can't do anything about it"

"okay fine but not too much just enough for us not for the whole city"i remember when oppas birthday. she said she have a surprise for him and a delivery food truck came in front of his house full of bucket of fraid chicken. poor thickens they have to sacrifice their life for this chicken head.


"lili after we eat you should take a bath so ypu can rest"

"okay nini"

"by the way how old are honey?"

"im 18"

"ohhh so you're turning 19. don't you want a big party for your birthday?"

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now