chapter 40 - Birthday

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I'm sitting here on bead besides lisa and smiling like an idiot here while looking at her sleeping figure. I woke up like one hour ago and im don doing my morning routine, and im just here staring at her face it's already 7:15am i need to wake her up soon.

I slowly trace my index finger on her eyebrows to her nose, her eyelids ,cheeks and lastly her lips I lean closer to her and peck her lips again and again she slowly open her eye and look at me. I wait for her eyes to adjust when she smiled at me I can't stop my self from smiling too.

" hi baby happy birthday!!" I said excitedly and peck her lips again

"thank you nini" she said ang kiss me on the lips I smiled on the kiss and pull away after I minute or two.

"this is your first birthday with me and I have a gift for you!!"

"really I have a gift yeeyy can I see it now nini!!?"

" no baby you need to wait... (she pout  hearing that she can't see her gift for now I kiss her lips and continue talking) for now go to the bathroom and take a shower and get ready we are going to celebrate your birthday!!"

"okay nini" I help her stand up and hug her first.

" I love you so much lisa" I said and kiss her whole face while saying "happy birthday" she giggle cutely

"I love you too nini and thank you" she replied I continue to kiss her face "hahaha nini stooooop it tickles hahaha"

"okay okay go on take a shower I will prepare your clothes" she entered the bathroom and I walk to our luggage and take some underwear for her and look for a dress and I find a white dress with black polka dots in it.

"okay okay go on take a shower I will prepare your clothes" she entered the bathroom and I walk to our luggage and take some underwear for her and look for a dress and I find a white dress with black polka dots in it

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after twenty-five minutes she's done and walk out of the bathroom with a towel on her body and her hair is still drifting wet. I walk inside the bathroom to take another towel and a hair dryer to dry her hair I walk back to her and let her sit on chair I dry her hair first using the towel and when it is dry enough and not drifting with water anymore I dry it completely with the hair dryer.

"lets go on the bead lili your clothes are in there" I said and we walk neer the bead

"nini help me wear my clothes"

"okay baby just sit on the bead first I will get some lotion for you" I take the lotion out of my bag and start putting it on her skin I take off the towel that wrap around her body I already use to it seeing her naked cause I usually help her to wear her clothes.

"stand up baby and hon on my shoulder" I bend down in front of her and help her wear her underwear and stand up again and put her bra and last ly her dress. i also do her hair style

"okay all don lets go and have a breakfast with them"

"okay thank you nini"

"your welcome my love" I kiss the side og her head

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now