chapter 8

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oh... we didn't expect that hahah im glad that mandu already get her first kiss!! and I can't believe that I see it in my two chicken eyes....

"babe did you see that?" I ask rose
while looking at jennie and lisa's direction. I didn't hear her answer so I look at her and I see that she's holding her phone facing it to jennie and lisa. I look at her phone and it's recording??

"babe what are you doing?"I ask her

"babe im recording this beautiful moment of them!! it's once in lifetime!" she said excitedly. well she have a poit ther but I know her that is not her only reason!.

"you're right, but tell me when did you start recording? and also I know you have another plan about that recording,"I ask her. maybe she'll show it to the gang!

"well I start recording it when kuma and lisa are playing because she's so adorable and cute. and about the other agenda.... Iwilluseittoblackmailjenniesoshewillbuymefoods!"what?I didn't understand what is the last sentence she said

"what can you repeat more slower!"

"I said I will use it to blackmail jennie so she will buy me food!" ohh I was wrong hays... she really love foods why I didn't think about that earlier

"hmm.. I thought you're going to show it to the squad."

"ohh I will. but I need to blackmail jennie first you know her right she's very private person so I will use it and after that I will still show it to the gang hahaha."what the... well she's right about jennie being a private person she never share her feelings to other she always act cold and bitch to other people sometimes even to us!.

"what a plan chipmunk! you are a bad person I should go away from you from now on!!"I said. Im about to move away from her bot she hold my wrist firmly glaring at me she already stop recording she put her phone down and lean towards me. I flitch a little bit when I feel her breath in my right ear.

"try it!!! and you will see hell do you understand jisoo?"she mumble to my ear I shiver in her words. she's so possessive when it comes to me you know im the top but when she use her  other side I feel like im the bottom and I feel so small like ant and I can't do anything.

"I-I..Im just kidding babe you know I will never leave you..." I sead holding her hands.

"okay bab-" she didn't get to finish her word when jennie and lisa appears in front of us I was startled.

"are you two don flirting with each other? we need to go to the mall;"

"ohh common jenduik we're not fl-"

"I dont care chu!. my lili want an ice cream so lets go." she said firmly and walk away still carrying lisa in her arms. wait what happened after the kiss I didn't know what hapend! damn it!! I look at rosé asking her what happened.

"don't look at me like that chu I don't know what happened after the kiss!"

"it's your fault!!"I said she look at me in disbelief

"why it's my fault? you are the one who's in fault!! if you didn't told me that your going away from me I will not going stop the recording!"what so it's my fault now it's not my fault that she's so possessive that even my jokes she'll take it serious!!.

"no it is your fault!! it's just a joke but you always take it serious wh-"

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING!! are you coming or not??"oh my god it's jennie. she's so scary .

"yes! yes.. we're coming with you chipmunk lets go!!" I immediately pull rose towards the garage. lisa is already sitting in the back of the car. why she's in the back she should sit besides jennie wait a minute...

" unnnie drive the car im so lazy."what the the last time I checked im the older between the two of us!!

" jennie im older than you why are yo- I I mean sure it's my pleasure to drive for you hehe😅" why im scared to her im the older. she should be the one who's scared of me but why??

"just drive babe don't ask anymore okay?"

"okay..."hays!! nevermind. I entered the car and start the engine and drive to the mall

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