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" what? what do you mean your real father?" I ask her im confused I thought she didn't know I thought she was locked up by her stepfather? how did she knows about her real father?

"hon...." she mumbled " I want to tell you something"

"wha- what is it?" I stutter a bit she's a little bit intimidating when she's acting like this all serious, I never feel intimidate to anyone except her!

"I'm pranpriya"

"ha? what do you mean? I thought you're lisa?" im so confuse right now

"yes and no"

"lili can you explain it to me it's making my head hurt im confused."I said looking at her

"okay ahh listen carefully. do you know what is DID?" she ask me. it's familiar but I can't remember what it is so I just shake my head " okay so... D.I.D Strands for Dissociative Identity Disorder. it is a mental health condition,  can you still fallow what im saying hon?"

"yes you can continue." I said

"okay so. The various identities control a person's behavior at different times. The condition can cause memory loss, delusions or depression. When under the control of one identity, a person is usually unable to remember some of the events that occurred while other personalities were in control. The different identities, referred to as alters, may exhibit differences in speech, mannerisms, attitudes, thoughts and gender orientation."

"so your telling me now that you have D.I.D and you are pranpriya and not lisa? am I correct?" I ask her

" Yes your right I've been hiding this information to everyone to keep lisa safe she's different from me I know you already noticed that." she point out and I nod my head yeah I get what she's saying those times when she become like matured or something like that

"yeah I noticed the difference between you and her. the behaviour the way you speak and act."

"that's righ. but our case are different than the other people who have D.I.D I can remember all her memory and she can remember mine but she act like a childish and so innocent because she is innocent I'm the one who act more matured and have a lot of knowledge I'm also not easily get scared."

"can you explain to me what happened why you have D.I.D?"

"well most often develops during early childhood in kids who are experiencing long-term trauma. This typically involves emotional, physical, and/or sexual abuse; neglect; and highly unpredictable interactions with caregivers. and you already know what happened to lisa when we are still in that house, with that man." she explained to me

" do- do you also experience se-sexual abu-"

"No! no hony don't worry he may be a bad stepfather to me but he never do something like that to me and im very thankful to that."

"okay that's good to hear." I said and breath properly I'm thankful for that. " anyway about your real father how did you know him? I thought your stepfather lock you up in your house since you were child?" I ask her knitting my eyebrows getting curious of how did she know her real father.

" well about that there's this one time that we got switch. if your curious what is switch is , it is the time when we switch personality. so that time my stepfather marco beat lisa you remember the time lisa talk about marco beating her because he lost his money and he is drunk and also beat mama?" she ask and I nod my head I remember that lisa told me that. " that couse our switch to happen then after marco leave the house with mom to bring her to the hospital, I was left alone in the house but there's still  guards arpund the property so I can't just run and also my body hurt so much that time so I thing of other options it is to call an emergency hotline but before I can call 911 the phone ring so I answer it to ask for help. but then I found out that the person who's calling is my real father he explained to me that his been looking for my mama and me for a long time but he can't find us." she stop for a moment and look at me before taking my  right hand and intertwine it with hers.


" and he said that he didn't know that mama and marco left Thailand that time that's why he can't locate where we are and he can't contact mama. and he also told me that he doesn't have enough money to haired private investigator to find where mama is. from that day I make sure to remember his number so that when I got a chance I can call him"

"why he let you stay there and not get you out of marco's house with your mom?"

" well he want too. I told him we can't talk for so long cause I know that marco will be back home anytime soon and he can't call me I told him that I will think of a way to call him when I got a chance. but I can't just call him easily couse lisa and I can't switch that easily it's on lisa's control actually not on me. and for all I know know she already forgot that I exist! because you know she act more like a child sometimes I bet ice cream is more important than me, her other identity hahaha" she Lough and I giggle on her statement well she have point actually, I bet if someone ask lisa to exchange me for ice cream I bet she will agreed to it.

"anyway after a long time when we switch again I take the phone that I luckily found it belongs to one of the guard I think they accidentally left their phone in kitchen, I look for a charger in so I can use it again when we switch again... I make sure to hide it under the wooden floor. but  it's been a long since lisa and I last switch so we didn't get a chance to talk more for me to escape. I call him when we switch again and we start planning how I can i escape with mama. but the plan didn't get a chance to be use because lisa and I switch again and the next thing I know is im here with you all and with my mama." she end her story and look at me smiling I smile back at her

" so how's your real father? did you already talk to him?" I ask her. I carefully pull her towards me so she's sitting on my lap

"yes I did and thanks to you that you also gave me phone I call him again and start telling him what happened and he is so happy that im with you."

"really? you tell him about me?"

"off course hon and he already know you. and I know that you already know him"

" ohh really how so?"

"he become a successfull business man after working hard so he can look for mama and me. he have his own company with different branches around the world." wow thats a big surprise to me but I can't think of the right person I know a lot people who's powerful and successful like that.

" then can you tell me who is it?"

"do you know LM?"

"yes. that's the second rank from the most successful business company in Asia next to our kim empire. they also have branches in different count- wait... do you mean your father is the owner of LM!?" I said

"ahh yeah he is. his name is
Liam Manoban..."

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