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we went straight to the hospital to see our doctor to confirmed that lisa is pregnant. im so excited!! by the way im carrying lisa right now her legs are wrapped around my waist and her arms around my neck. she won't let me put her down she did not let go of me since we're in the zoo until now. such a clinging big baby. now i would have 2 babies if she's ready is pregnant. Irene and Seulgi went with us cause i can't drive and you already know why... the others already went on their own ways they have things to do but they remind me that they would call me back for more information.

"hi miss. Kathy we have an appointment to doctor Lee" i said to the receptionist.

"Miss. Kim! doctor lee is already waiting in her Office!" She said smiling brightly i nod my head

"It's Mrs. Kim!" i was startled when lisa yelled at her then she proside on hugging me hiding her face back on my nect "It's Mrs. kim. Mrs.Kim" she mumbles on my neck I look back to miss Kathy who now has a shock expression on her face. welp me too!! it's unusual for her to act like this, i think it's because of her pregnancy.

"Im sorry miss.Katty she's not usually like this." i apologize ever since I met lisa my attitude towards other people change, now i know how to apologize without anyone forcing me to do so. and i have more respect to other people.

"it's okay ma'am I'm used to it. I've already been there before, it's her mood swing affecting her."

" we're going now thank you miss. Kathy." i said

"Sorry miss Kathy" Lisa look back to miss Kathy crying... yap definitely mood swing.

"oh no sweetheart it's okay. don't cry please your okay" miss Kathy comfort her. she stop crying and nodded her head before going back to my neck. I'm glad that miss. Kathy is older than us she's already in her 40s and she's very understanding and she knows how to handle different situation's " You can go now doc.Lee is waiting"

"okay thank you" we start to walk towards Doc.Lee office.

"we don't even need an OB to know that she's pregnant hahaha." Seulgi said, and chucked

"Want chocolate Ice cream nini"

"After the check-up i will buy you okay?"

"ne~ and cookies too"

"yup and cookies too". i knocked on the office door before we came in.
"Hi doc.Lee" i greet her.

"Hi Mrs. Kim" she said grinning when i look at her "yup i heard her. i don't want to be yelled at!" she said the last part in a hushed voice and i chuckle. "Come on sit-down." she gestured to the bed and i sat on it with lisa still on my lap.
"Oh hello to you two! Bae you owe me a dinner you haven't visited for so long!" she said

"Hey! im here! haw can you ask my wife on a dinner! " seulgi complained "and correction it's Mrs. Kang hmp!" Doc. Lee grabs a plastic empty battle and throw it to seulgi.

"you bear you owe me a drink after you gave birth to Jane you never came you ungrateful brat!" Did I forget to mention that were thay they are best friend since college they both studied medicine and graduated at the same time.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I will treat you a drink later!" Seulgi said shielding her self when doc. Lee tried to throw another plastic battle on her.. where's this battle coming from??

"You better be. anyway where's Jane?" she ask them while preparing the material she would use. Jane is seulgi and Irene Unnie's daughter she's 3 years old now the seulgi is the one who carried her for 9 months.

"Oh she's with Kim's they barroud her for 2 days!" IRene unnie replied. my family really loves her and they always want her to stay in our house

"Yup and it's good for me! don't get me wrong okay! i love having my daughter but i need a break from her supper energetic little budy or my back would be the one who will break! at least i got 2 days to rest" she explained

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