chapter 12

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=fast forward Monday=

I slowly open my eye when a bright light of the morning sun hit my face, I look at the clock in the bedside table in my right side , it's 6:15 in the morning. I look at in my left side and smile. she's so beautiful she's like a baby while sleeping peacefully. when lisa started to sleep in my room I always wake-up early cuz I want to see her sleeping and I want to prepare her food! im just looking at her remembering the event yesterday im so happy that she loves me back!! oh good im in a good mood whole day yesterday. just remembering her words makes me happy, I hope no one will ruined my day to day. I slowly place my index finger at the tip of her nose I can clearly see her face because she's facing me while her left hands is in my waist. she scratched her nose when she feel my touch. Cute

"hey lili wake up~" I whisper softly and I fallow the trace of her nose with my finger in to her eyebrows and lastly in her lips it's so soft and red, I want to feel it on my lips oh god...

"lili wake it's already morning~"im still looking at her lips and touching it, I can't stop my self anymore. I slowly lean closer to her and connect our lips  ahh~ I love her lips in mine I can't get enough of it, it's like a drug so addictive. I can feel that her body is moving it means she waking up, I slowly break the kiss and I lean my forehead on hers she slowly open her eye and look at me.

"goid morning my love...."she smile softly and snuggle on me , she always do this every morning snuggling on me she loves cuddle and me too but only for her!.

"hey lili don't go back to sleep. come with me we will prepare our breakfast and after we eat, you'll take a bath." I said to her but she still didn't move sometimes she's stubborn but I know how to dial with her. this whole month im the one who's taking care of her so yeah I know her more.
"okay it's your choice lili~ you can stay here in the bed whole day and......... you are NOT going with me in my work anymore😏!" I whispered in her left ear.

"im awake im awake lets go nini and prepare our breakfast!!!" she said and stand in the bed hold my right hand im still laying in the bed I can't stop my self from laughing. I knew it! it really works.

"hahah lili you are so cute. come here give me a morning hug and... kiss."Ii said laying my back flatly in the soft mattress open my arms inviting her for a hug she's just looking at me. I but I thought I sow I small smirk on her lips or it's jus my imagination hays.. forget it! she lower her self and hug me she's on top off me now. I hug her back she whisper in my right ear something that make me blush.

"nini~ why your requesting for a kiss? if you already get it ~"why her voice sounds seductive? oh god jennie-ya its just your Imagination lisa is an innocent she's not thinking to seduce you!! are you crazy?.

"you know that I kiss you?i thought you're sleeping!" I hear her giggle

"yeah I know nini because I feel your lips in mine hehe" she said cutely.

"okay I kiss you earlier but that kiss is for you. now now wher is my kiss??"I pout my lips waiting for her lips to met mine. she slowly lean on me her lips is almost touching mine but she stop moving and look at me in the eyes ohh god that is so HOT!! how can she do that??she's cute and hot at the same time. OMG!! my heart is beating so fast

"what....if.... I don't want to.... kiss you.... my love~"oh my god!!! where did she learned how to seduce me! it's turning me on lili stop that or I might do something to you!

"lisa.. wha-what are you doing??"

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