chapter 5

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"why?" I asked her frowning my eyebrows in he statement, she's still laying down the bed looking at me.

"because I always sleeping in the floor! this is the first time I sleep in  bed nini" now I understand why she doesn't have a good sleep.

"oh okay... lisa getup lets eat breakfast and after we eat I wi-" I got cutoff on words when she ask

"nini what is breakfast is that food?"

"oumm.... lisa.. it is a meal eaten in the morning, the first of the day."I explained to her

"okay nini lets eat breakfast!!! im exited!!" she said squealing and jumping like a kid. she's so adorable!!! I want to keep her...(yow is th-) the annoying brat is back (Jennifer im part of your brain so you can't do anything about it, just let me talk to-) stop okay I have a beautiful moment with lisa okay just stay quiet!!!(okay im sorry. author it's your foult she scolded me again!!! im just quite here bot you give me a line again!) yeah that right author. # what the... okay im SORRY you brain I will never give you a line again EVER# that's better author thank you # you're welcome jennie# (wait im not saying author that I want to be quite forev-) -AUTHOR REMOVED BRAIN FROM THE STORY-
okay back to my lili....

"nini can you carry me in your back please please..."she said with puppy eyes and pouting lips. cute

"okay come on!!"I said energetically and showing her my gummy smile. she excitingly hop at my back, while working towards the stairs she's looking around

"nini. is this your house?" she asked still looking aroud the house

"yes this is my home and also my family?"im walk down the stair carefully afraid to drop her

""I sense sadness in her voice. I think she miss her family?


"yes nini?"

"after we eat breakfast can you tell your story to me where you live, and who is your family?"I asked her carefully not to trigger her emotion

"hmmm...I will nini. you know nini you're the only person I feel safe except mama.." she whispered quietly neer my ear. we already arrived at the kitchen cho and rosé stop eating and look at the two of us. I just smile at them, lisa is quite in my back I look at my side so I can glance at her she's looking at rosé and...

"chipmunk!!" she said loudly.. wait she know rose??

"you know rosé?" unnie ask her

"who is rosé??" she ask confuse

"her she's rosé and you just call her chipmunk and that's what we call her!"unnie said while pointing her index finger to rosé. rosé look at lisa confuse

"ohh her name is rosé?? not chipmunk??" lisa ask unnie

"yes but we call her chipmunk sometime. do you know her?" I sead walking towards the table. I pulled a chair for lisa and I put her down she sit first before answering my question.

"No..." she said huh??

"then why you call her chipmunk?" I ask her preparing a plat for her and me. she shrug her shoulder

"because she looks like a chipmunk, like the one I saw in the park yesterday!!!" she said giggle cutely. I Lough at her cuteness I saw unnie and rosé smile at her cuteness. well no one can resist that smile and Lough of her because it's so adorable. I look at her again and she's looking at the food in front of her.

"lili what do you want to eat?" I ask her she point the bacon, hotdog and, friede rice. I gave her the food and she looks at me waiting?

"why baby??" I asked her curiously

"can I eat this?" she ask point at the plate with food in front of her

"yes lili you can eat that all"I said I see unnie and rosé looking at lisa

"you're not going to be mad at me and hurt me if I eat the food?" she ask looking directly to my eyes why would I be mad?? and hurt her... I really need to know what happened to her!

"hey lili I already told you last night before we go home that I will never hurt you and I will protect  you right? so stop thinking that we will hurt you because it will never happen!! go on eat your food no one going to be mad okay?" I assured her

"okay nini. thank you for the food!!" she said excitedly in a kid like voice and start eating her food.. she's hungry I can see it

"eat slowly lili you my choke." I warnd her she just nod her head and eat slower this time. I start putting my food in my plate and eat.

=fast forward after thay eat=
at the living room


now we're here sitting in lisa is sitting in my right side while cho and rosé sre sitting in front of us. we're going to ask lisa abouts her and what happened to her.

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now