chapter 17

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after we talked, the doctor came in and check her condition for the last time.

"she can now go home miss kim just make sure that she won't skip her meal, and also this are the vitamins that she need to take." doc. Park gives the vitamins to me and put it in my bag

"thanks doc."I said

"thank you doctor"lisa said cutely doc. Park smiled at her and walk near her and bend a little to level her because she's still sitting in the bed, doctor park look at her in the eye's

" your welcome little one it's my job anyway promise me you will take care of your self I don't what to see you laying in this bed okay?"

"okay I promise doctor"she raise her right hand they both giggle im just watching them they look like a mother and daughter I smiled at my thought. I already call my driver and hes waiting in the lobby.

"were going now doctor park thank you again"I said

"okay bye miss kim and bye little one take care, and.... I should go too I need to check my other patients.."she smiled to us before walking out of the room. I look at lisa and she smiled at me

"I like doctor park nini"i was taken a back in her statement

"yo-you like her?? I-I I thought you like me!" my heart is pounding so hard like it will burst out in my chest.
then she giggle

"hihihi nini I like doctor park but it's different from you I like you more because you are my girlfriend." i over reacting??? (don't ask!! I know you already know the answer ruby jane.) yah... yah I know. yes! im over reacting so what?

"good im glad you know that you are my girlfriend now come on lets go home."I walk near her and intertwine our hands and walk side by side.

"nini you said you will buy me chocolate ice cream?"ohh she have a Sharp memory

"yes lili. do you want anything else to eat or buy?"

"hmmm I what gamjatang!!!"

"okay! what lili want lili gets!!"

=fast forward 1 week later=

"lili!!" shout at her she's already far to me "stop running come back here."we are here in amusement park with unnie and rosé.

"nini come on faster lets ride that one!!" she run back to me and push me towards the roller coaster and all the colors on my face drained I look at unnie and she looks exactly like me.

"ahh lili... it's not fun there you will be scared and dizzy you know what about..... there!!" I point the carousel

"yeah I agree to jennie lets ride that one😅"unnie said

"don't tell me that the both of you are afraid in roller coaster?" rosé commented and I glared at her

"no Im not im just concerned to my lili!" I argued

"me too im not scared what if lisa get scared in there and faint?"

"but nini I want to ride the roller coaster please..."

"lili in just co-"

"hmpp!! you said what lili want lili gets but now you don't want to let me ride the roller coaster!!"she's now solking hayss... what no I think I need to ride that damn roller coaster!!

"okay!! lets ride roller coaster!" I said defeated

"but jenn-"

"don't argued with her chu and I also want to ride the roller coaster!"rosé said and pull her to the line but before ther get so far unnie look at me first and mumbled

"WHIPPED B*TCH!!"I just roller my eye's at her and walk with lisa to hell.... I mean towards the ride😅.

please someone save me here I
im already shaking. we are already sitting it the sit of roller coaster in I think this is my last minutes in Earth!

"nini are you ready!!?"she's so excited I smiled at her and reply


"woooo it so funnnnn nini!"

"you're right lisa it's so fu-
!jisoo-ya!! jisoo!! wake-up!!"

"JENNIE I think jisoo is dead!"


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