chapter 38

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"Heyy lili eyes up here and you're drooling baby" I wiped the side of her lips.

"boobies..." she said again

"yes they are now come on let's eat it's not good for you to eat late"

"okay" I walk first and stop at the door when I I didn't heard her footsteps

"come on lili why you're still standing there?"


"ohh my baby... you want me to carry you?"

"yes please" I walk back at her and carry her in front of me she hug me like a Kuala

"hmm my baby is gaining weight "

"Is it bad??"

" oh no baby it is good because it means your body is healthy and it makes me happy"

"okay what are we going to eat nini?"

"sofia cook fried chicken and dumpling" I said while walking down the stairs carefully


"why are you giggling baby uhh"

"you are mandu I will eat you nini"..... no IT IS NOT WHAT YOU ARE THINKING don't think dirty  (Jennifer don't deny it you have a dirty mind)  yea right you are dirty but not me bitch

"tumblingss " she said while poking my cheek

"no baby its dumpling not tumbling"


"yes that is right" we're now here at the kitchen and the only person here is Irene and seulgi unnie

"hi guys"

" hi jen ohh hello baby liss how's your nap??" Irene unnie ask her

"good unnie I dream boobies" we all Lough at her answer good she really is addicted  to my boobs

"ohh really and who's the owner of that boobies in your dream hu lis?" seulgi unnie ask her this time

" hmmm chipmunk" my eyes widened what??

"what!?" ask shuck at her she smiled at me

"no just kidding nini" she lean closer to my right ear and whisper " I only dreams of you jennie and I can't wait to see you naked in the bed just for me..." she bit my ear she look back at Irene unnie who's currently giving seulgi unnie a chocolate chip cookies
"cookies!!!" she wiggled her body and I put her down staring at the floor.....

"what that..." I mumble to my self im confuse did she really said that to me?? I look at her she's happily eating a cookies like she didn't said anything bold to me. I thing my baby has a dual personality.

"jen. jennnie"

I can't believe she can say that to me ohh good she just turn me on this girl-


"wa what?"

"thank good your back to earth" Irene unnie said ohh I didn't hear her

"sorry Im just thinking of....something"

"and what is it?"

"no-nothing it nothing.. anyway why you're calling me?"

"hmm if you say so anyway I said prepared your food and also sofia cook a mac and chees it's in the oven."

"ohh thanks unnie"

"were going to sleep bye lis good night" unnie said and hug lisa

"bye lis good night good night jen" seulgi unnie said she also hug lisa

"okay bye mama bear and papa bear"

"ohh new nicknames I like that" seulgi unnie said and wink at her they both walk away andi start preparing our food I put different dishes on a plate so she can choose what she wants.

"so... im they are mama and papa bear who am I now??" I ask he when I place the plates on the table and sit besides her

"you're nini"

"ohh okay" I said I place a spoon and fork in front of her I stand-up again and went to the fridge to get the Apple juice and two glass for the both of us I sit again on the chair but this time im sitting in the opposite chair in front of her.. I admit that im jealous she have a lot of nick name for them it not that I don't like nini you know I did I love it bot im a kim I easily get jealous it runs in our blood, I absent mindedly eat my food I don't even talk just eating and think why im jealous! I was cut off my thoughts when I feen something or rather someone sitting on my lap. I look up and see lisa straddling my my hands automatically move to her waist to support her.

"what is it?"

"you're mad at me?"

"why would I be mad at you? why would you think that im mad at you lili?"

"because you're not talking to me and you sit here instead of sitting there besides me or letting me sit on your lap!" she whine ohh I make her upset

"sorry I didn't mean ups you baby im- im just jealous you know that I get easily get jealous. you gave them a lot of nicknames" I said and pout at her

"ohh you don't like nini anymore??"

"no ilove it bot I also like other nickname that you made for me"

"ohh okay im sorry nini if make you feel jealous don't worry I also have a nickname for you too" she said and kiss my lips

"really what is it?"I ask excitedly and smiling at her. she lean closely to me looking at my eyes seductively her lips is so close to mine that I can feel it to my own lips.. god here we go again

"do you really want to know jennie??"
she ask with a husky voice I squeeze my thighs together god it's turning me on even more

"ye-yes~" I said almost a whisper I grip her shirt because my hand is shaking little bit and I don't know why and I don't what to know.
she didn't talk for a minute or two making it worse for me, she slowly put her hands on my throat then squeeze it a little bit. F*ck that's HOT! she finally talk

"I actually want to use it in bed....
your new nickname is..

she said before smashing her lips to mine.

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now