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Im talking to lisa's mother when i saw her running towards the house i scold her she just put a piece sign and walk inside the house. She's always energetic runing around jumping when she's happy or excited. And it makes her cute.... (wiped nini)

"shes such a kid" auntie said smiling "she is so pressures. this world don't deserve her"

'you are right but i will make her happy and protect her"

"that's good to hear jen"i smild at her she smiled back but her smile change in to a serious look it makes me confused "are you really ready to do everything to protect her jen?"i look at her in the eyes so she'll know that im true to my word

"yes without a  doubt!"

"i want to tell you something"

"what it is auntie?"

"it's also the reason why i told lisa to run away"

"okay im all ears"

"her father... He want to m-"

"ahh....." we got startled screaming and running out of the hous i got worried cos i know lisa is with her. I can see the worries and panic on lisa's mom.

"what happened!? where's my daughter? Where is she?" she ask looking at unnie who's panting because of running

"she's there" unnie said and point the direction of the door we all look at where she is pointing and see my girlfriend looking very happy while eating ..... Wait is that Ice cream??

"lili you need to eat diner first before you eat ice cream how can you eat dinner if you  are already full?"i said she walk neer me and hug me i can see auntie is already calm now she saw her daughter is fine she go back to her sit earlier.

"sorry nini.."

"its okay but no more ice cream yoi need to eat real food not just ice cream okay?"she nod her head

"hmm okay"

"anyway unnie why are you screaming?" i look at unnie who's drinking some water.

"lisa told we that she saw a ghost in the house!"

"i didn't say i see a ghost unnie i said i saw someone walk in my and nini's bead room doorway. That i thought its  chipmunk but she said no"

"it is just same!" unnie said

"no its not unnie!"

"liss is this story is the one happend last monday?" chipmunk ask

"yes!! that one"

"ohh it's me right" mom said

"you didn't tell me that its mom lali..."
Unnie said she look embarrassed on her act.

"i was about to tell you but when i said the part the its not chipmunk you already running away unnie!" they are cute

"ohhh sorry i carried away" she said and scratch her head embarrassed  when we lough at her

"okay ladies the food are ready let's start our dinner!!" mom said the food is already on the table. There are different types of barbecue there's chicken, beef and pork. We also have rice, lettuce, different type of fruits. For the drinks we have wine and fresh orange juice, and water. We eat happily and have shared story we're having fun that i totally forgot about what aunties about to say earlier.

=FAST FORWARD= (how i love fast forward😂)

..... Im alone tonight...... Why??? Cos my lovely girlfriend choose to sleep with her mom. I think i wont get any sleep tonight, i already miss her its already 1:30 am but im still awake looking blankly at the ceiling if i close my eye i only see her face and it making mo crazy so its better when it is open so i can stay sane when the sun comes up.

20 minutes had pass and my eyes are now hurting but not tired enough to let me sleep. I hope my suffering will end soon very very soon.

Like the lord hear my wishes. There's a feint nak on my door i look at it i didn't move i know who's there. I can her the twisting of the knob i didn't lock the door earlier in case she need to get something here. She slowly open the door i know she can't see me clearly cos the light are off the only light in the room is the light coming from the moon. And add it the her eye sight is not that good.

She close the door and walk towards me i close my eyes but not fully close i just want to know what she will do in a situation like this.

She sit besides me and touch my left cheek with her right hand "you're so beautiful..." she whispered i if its not dark in here im sure she already saw my blushing cheek. "i can't sleep cos you are not with me~"she move and lie in the small space besides me snuggling on my side instead of laying on her side of the bead, she choose the small space, she really love to cuddle.

"you really can't sleep without me?" i hug her she flinch a little but hug me tighter

"omm~ i can't cos i miss you..."

"same with me baby. Same with me...." i kiss her on the lips "lets sleep good night lili i love you."

"good night nini i love you too~" and just like that we fell asleep sharing the warm of each other."

Guys did you watch the mv of BLACKPINK "PINK VENOM"? It is so cool !!! I watch it so many times and i still want to watch it!.

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now