chapter 27

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We are now here in seulgi's office lisa is now sitting on sofa with irene unnie they are talking. And seulgi just looking at them, they are instantly close to each other.

"jen do you have any schedule today?" unnie ask

"well actually no i dont have"

"can we hangout after her checkup? I want to spend time with this cute liitle princess here. actually we have a plan to go to park and have picnic there after her last schedule which is you two"

"hmm yeah sure unnie that would be fun we never try to have picnic"

"yess we are going to park and have picnic later lisa!"

"yeheyy can i get ice cream unnie?" they are already close to each other. Well i cant blame my baby unnie is an ideal sister shes so sweet and caring and also lovely but scary at the same tame dont mess with her if you still want to stay here on earth.

"oh sure sweetie. By the way what happened earlier?"

"well unnie that man is is up to no good at all his trying to flirt with me and saying inappropriate things to us" i said crossing may arms on my chest, my blood is boiling remembering what he sad

"and you punch her?"

"no!! Why you're blaming me when it comes to violence?" i said sulkily i heard lisa's giggle. I point my finger to her "she did it" she look at lisa and smile

"im so proud of you lis. You so strong but you should not do it again if its not necessary okay?? Im afraid you will hurt your self"

"okay unnie. I just dont like the way he talk to nini"

"whos nini?" unnie and seulgi ask unison. They didnt know our nickname for each other and i dont need to tell them. They all know im not a showy when it comes to my feelings or anything...... But that was before

"its me." i said proudly they both look at each other and smile

" and she calls me lili"

"ohh~ that's cute! just like me and seulgi i called her bear and she call's me rene." unnie said "im happy that our mandu is changing in a good way" i just smiled at her.

"humm that's right its cute unnie cause nini is cute too and shes the one i love the mose except my mama."

"so cute...anyway bear start the checkup so we can go to the park and have some picnic."

=fast forward=
After the checkup

"okay thats it ill just ask my assistant to deliver the item to you first thing in a morning" seulgi said i nod my head.

"sure. Now get ready so we can go look at those two they are so exited that they are ready to leave the two of us here" i said cause they are literally walking out of the office.

"oh-ohh yeah wait for a minute" she said and change her clothes to a comfortable one


"this park is beautiful nini" we are walking around the park with unnie and seulgi in front of as we are looking fo a good picnic spot. "but the park were you found me is more beautiful for me" i look at her confuse. This park is way more beautiful than that park

" huh?? But why this park is mor beautiful than that park lili look thers a lot of flowers and trees"

"that park is more beautiful and special nini"

"and why is that?" i ask looking at her in the eyes we stop walking

"cuzzzz you found me there, and save me and look at me now im in a good shape and meet a lot of people who cares about me and take care of me and i have you as my girlfriend, you help me to learn different things, and most of all you love me." she said smiling brightly wipping my cheeks with her thumbs i didn't realize a tears scape from my eyes. I hug her and buried my head on her neck "i love you jennie so much and you are also stack with me forever" she said and hug me back

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