chapter 11

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when the word came out my mouth it feels natural it feels good. I look at lisa she's looking at me in my eye's I can see that there is a shade of red in her cheeks. is she blushing? oh my god!!! she's blushing and it's freaking adorable!... does it mean I have an affect on her? oh my god!!!!!!

"lili?? are you okay why you're not talking, is there something wrong?"I ask her because she's just staring at me, like she's thinking or what??

"lili baby??"



"yes nini?"what the... is this real am I dreaming??(no jennie you are NOT dreaming ) ohh hi there your back..(yeah don't worry I won't make you mad again) that's a good choice. anyway lets back to reality.

"lisa do you know what is love?"

"yes nini I know what is love my mama loves me, she told me what is love she show it to me she let me feel it."she said I look ate her in the eye's I can see that she's saying the truth.

"lisa... i-I want to tell you something"why my heart is beating so fast and im nervous. oh god jennie calm your ass down, you are Jennie Ruby Jane KIM you are a KIM you can do it, you can confess you feelings for her!!

"what is it nini?" she ask me. she lean forward she's so close to me I can feel her breath in my face.lisa you'll be the death of mine.. wait im not saying that she have a bad breath!! what im saying is that my heart is beating so fast and loud like it will explode anytime soon!!

"i-i im ah... I know that I just met you a few weeks ago 1 month tobe exact but we-wen I first met you in tha park I-i feel something for you and it's different,"oh god help me I hope she can understand what in saying!

"is it a bad different nini?" she ask me with worried face she hold my cheeks. ahh her hands are warm I love it.

"NO!! no lili it's a good different, I only feel it for you this is the first time I feel it in my whole life! and I like no I love it!!" I said holding her hands in my cheeks I close my eyes to feel her warm hands even more. I slowly open my eyes and look at lisa's eyes. I can see a soft smile in her lips, I put my left hand on her waist and my right hand in her left cheek, I look at her lovingly.

"lisa... I love you.."she didn't move she didn't say any words just looking at me her hand is still in my cheeks her smile never leave her lips,

"lili it's okay if you didn't feel the same to me or you didn't underst-
I didn't finish my sentence when she lean closer to me. one thing that I know her lips is already in mine. I can't move I don't know what to do but I can feel this kiss..... it's different ther is something on it. she's not moving her lips and I know she doesn't know how to kiss she only know a simple peck in the lips. im looking at her her eye are close, she slowly lean back and break the kiss but eyes are still close.


"nini i i i love you too" she said looking down to her hand that now holding the hem of my T-shirt. im gana die! SHE LOVES ME BAAAAAAAAAACK!! oh my god I can't believe it

"really you sure?? you really love me!! im talking about the love like couple lili not just like sisters or mother and daughter love im talking about you and me being partn-"

"nini I understand I know what you're talking about I understand you and-and you know this past weeks that I stay here in your home in you side I learned a lot of things. and jisoo unnie told me that you love me like how she love chipmunk. that's why I know it. and I love you too not just a sister or mother thing!" I love you" she said to me. you know she's saying it seriously but her voice is like a little kid while looking dow on her hands hahaha what a cutie. I hold her hands

"hey look at me in the eye's when you are talking to me understand?"she lift her head and look at me in the eye's and nod her head.

"I need you voice lisa answer me;"

"okay nini I understand."she said cutely

"good now can you say it again say it that you love me!" I said while smiling like an idiot hehe I can't stop it im really happy right now that I think no one can ruin my good mood today😍I look at her and wait.
"I love you... jennie😊"

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now