chapter 28

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"You're having fun aren't you?" the man in black suit is just looking from afar smiling to him self " i will get you back and when that day comes i'll make sure that you can't go away from me" his sitting at the back of his car looking outside the window watching the happy family who's having Barbecue party in their back yard. his car is parked in a dark side of the road so no one can notice him

"your dad failed to luck you up to wait for me! But i will make sure when i get you i will luck you forever!"hi mumble "and that girlfriend of yours! She have nothing to stop me... I will kill her if she try!" he smirk "well shes just a trash for me."

"sir your meeting is going to start in 30 minutes"his driver inform him he close the window of the car

"hmm let's go"

"yes sir"

"inform my men to continue monitor their movement and if anything happened inform me" he look at them onlast time "i will get you!"and they left the place.


we are now in the guest room im with my mama we are in the bead talking

"mama how are you?"

"lali im fine and im so happy that im with you now. look at your self you gain wight huh... And you look more beautiful with out those bruises and most of all you have a girlfriend im happy for you"

" thank you mama and im so happy too! that you are here with me. i need to thanks nini cos she save you and bring you here"

"ohh yeah i forgot to thank her too lets go down and talk to her and i want to know who's my only daughter's girlfriend!" we walk out of the room and went down stairs i look around but there's no one here

"where are they?"

"lets look at the kitchen" mama said we are about to walk but someone call's me and its jisoo unnie

"liss we are at the backyard we are having a beautiful party to celebrate your reunion with your mother!!!"

"really i love barbecue!!"

"thats good and rosé is already here she arrive when you are in the guest room. Anyway come with me!" unnie said i fallow her at the back of the house with my mama besides me.

"nini!!!" i squall and run to her she's preparing some food on the table mommy kim and chipmunk is grilling some meat.

"baby don't run"i hug her and kiss her cheeks and lips repeatedly she giggle

"thank you for bringing my mama here thank you! kiss thank you! kiss Thank you kiss!"i kiss her every thank you im very happy today

"okay okay... Hahaha stop it your making me blush lili" she hide her face on my neck. I think she's shy to my mama who's looking at us smiling.


"oh- oh yes ma- ma'am!"

"drop the formality just call me auntie or mama if you what to"

"hehe thank you auntie"

"you don't have too. Im the one who should thank you! You save my daughter and me. Im so thankful that you help us even you didn't know us"

"it nothing Auntie. I know the first time i laid my eyes to lisa i know that i will be head over heels to her, and im ready to do anything for her" she said while hugging me. I smiled at her statement. I really love my nini i look at mommy kim and i see that shes holding a plate of  cooked barbecue it looks so delicious. I look up to nini with pleading eyes and she look back at me with confuse on her face.

"what is it lili?"

"can i go to mommy so i can i want to taste some barbecue pleasssss......"

" hehe okay but give me a kiss first" i pout her lips asking for kiss i lean and kiss her.

"hmm okay you can go now bot dont run" i nod my head and brake in to the hug

"thank you nini..." i walk to mommy kim

"hi sweetie"

"mommy can i have some? i want to taste eat!"

"sure honey her be careful its still hot" she gave me one stick of barbecue it still hot so i blow it and bait.

"WOW!! this is os good mommy.. This is the best barbecue i taste in my life!!" i jump a little in happiness

"ohh really did you try many different barbecue befor"

"ohh the first time i ate barbecue is when i went to amusement park with nini and jisoo unnie and chipmunk!"

"ohh really is it taste good?" chipmunk ask while grilling the bigger meat it smell so good

"yes but for me you and mommy kim's barbecue is more delicious!!"

"ohh we're happy to know that you love our barbecue more because of thet here!" chipmunk cut a little on the meat the she's grilling slowly blow it and feed me.

"hmm yumm.. yumm" they both giggle i look around the place and i see from far from us there is a black car that already moving away. I shrugged my shoulder my be its just passing by i look back to nini shes having a conversation with mama and they look like they having fun..i look around again i didn't saw jisoo-nie

"where's jisoo-nie??"

"ohh i think she's inside getting some food" chipmunk said

"okay i will go to her" i start to run toward the house

"lisa! No runing" i stop and look back to nini and show her a peace sign while smiling brightly and i just walk no running my nini said so walking it is.

"unnie what are you doing?" i ask her she's getting something on the ref

"lisa.. Im preparing fruit salad for our desert later. Did you try fruit salad before?"

" yes is it the one have different fruits on the bowl that nini prefer for me every morning?"

"oh no this one is different it has chees and condensed milk and also cream. Its taste good specially when its cold."

"really im so excited to taste that unnie"

"hmm later after we eat diner we need to cool it first okay"

"okay" i watch her put the salad on the freezer.

"unnie do you have maids here?"

"why do you ask so random question?"

"cos in chipmunk house there are  maids to clean the house. their house is big but this house is bigger who clean this house? Cos i didn't see any maids here from the first day i came here till now "

" ahh we have a maids but they only came here to clean the house and they will cook when we are busy and also you didn't see them cos they clean every time we are not here.

"hmm that's why i never see a maid here i thought there's a ghost here and they are the one who clean the house." i said she look at me with wide eyes

"there's no ghost here!!"

"okay.... but onetime i saw someone walk in front of our bead room doorway i thought it's chipmunk but its not" i said she immediately colse  the fridge and stand up.she look's at me

"how did you know that it's not rosé?"she ask me she looks pale and treambling a little bit

"well i ask her if she went out of your room but she said no But last night i-"


- learned that it's mommy kim....."
Why unnie is runing away??
Hmmm never mind

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now