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"WHAT!!!" I immediately put my hands on my ears to block their loud voice. we are all here in the living room. I talk to everyone and told them what I've learned about lisa and lisa's father Auntie chitthip is also here she's also shock to what I told them.

I ask lisa- well pranpriya tobe exact last nigh if I can tell to everyone what she said to me and she agreed to it, that's why we are here now. well lisa is sitting besides me not saying anything just continues playing on the phone... is that my phone?

"lili??" I call for her

"baby?? lili what can you say about the things that I said? do you remember what we talk about last night?" I ask her looking at her intensely waiting for her response



"ne~" hah?? that's all she can say

" lili so yung know about pranpriya?"


"lili can you explain to us?"

"nini don't disturb me please I playing!" she whines at me she slowly stand up still playing on my phone and walk to Auntie chitthip and sit on her lap I jast watch her ignore me.... wow now she's ignoring me?

"it's okay jen may be next time she'll explain it to us." jisoo unnie said

"lisa honey?" Auntie call for her snapping her fingers it successfully get her attention she immediately put my phone down on her lap and look at auntie... wow that's fast I'll try that when I want to get her attention to me hehe

"yes mama?"

"okay sweetheart can you explain to all of us about you and pranpriya please?"


"okay mama. well ahh I ahh we one??."

  hah??what ? oh no I think my brain will collapse anytime soon

"lis can you explain it clearly we don't understand you." rosé said lisa look at her titling her head a little bit on the side. I thing it's going tobe hard

" well. I know some of her memories but I don't care I just want food and safe place for me and mama that's why I don't think that much about her... every time I pass out and woke up in different place I know that she controls my boddy and then the next thing happened I will remember some of her memories but I can't think that much about it cause papa will come again in the basemen and will hurt me and I will forgot pranpriya and her memories. that's why I don't think about pranpriya that much," she finished her explanation

"mama can I play again?"  she ask looking back at Auntie

"lili where's your phone why you have mine?" I ask her finally remembering about my phone

" it's besides you nini you can have it I I like your phone more" she said and continue playing

" but that's mine lili and also whe have the same phone what's the difference?" I ask her just to messs with her cause she won't gave me her full attention. and also I know that she'll gave my phone back and she will complain saying that my phone is no fun because the casing is so plain because it's all black and nut pink like hers and doesn't have a bunny ears

"no different so you take my phone it's yours and this mine now. no talking back nini I'm playing!" she said I just chuckled at her she leaned her back against aunt's front body.

" jen stop messing with her" mom said.

"okay. ahh lili can i call your real father?" I ask she just nod her head I take her phone " I got to her phone book" what's his name in your contact number baby?"

"Old man." I look at her with my mouth open haw can she call her father like that. "nini don't look at me like that priya name him like that I call him daddy or papa sometimes" she said.

"so you already talk to him?" I ask her

" yes cause I got to remember about priya when I met you cause I don't stress that much and I can eat a lot and mama and I are safe so I don't forget about her anymore so when she calls daddy I remember it. so when im back and can control my body I call him too and we talk. " I just nod my head and look back to the phone I found the name and yeah she's right it really is the name of her father in her contact number with the emoji of an old man  it's funny actually.

I look back at her and look at auntie" auntie do you  want to talk to him first or you want me to talk to him?" I ask her she smiled at me

" you can talk to him. I will talk to him when we met again." she said

" no mama." lisa said and we all look at her she stop the game and look back to Auntie and smile at her " I remember last time daddy really want to talk to you but he said he will wait for you to know everything first before he can talk to you. now that you know about it I want you to talk to him now." she said seriously

" but sweetie I don't think a can talk to him."

"no mama talk to him now or I will not talk to you." she said and cross her arms ohh she's using her card against her mama.. " please??" she add and do a poppy eyes ohh another card!! she's good at this.

"okay okay.. you are so silly how can you use that poppy eyes to me your a big girl now and I still can't resist your poppy eyes" auntie chuckle at her

"because im your forever baby!" she said and smile so big I can't help my self and smile too.

"well correction OUR baby." I said I stan up and gave the phone to Auntie and carefully lift lisa and carry her she wrap her legs around my waist and encircle her arms on my neck while holding my phone on her right hand. I go back to my sit and let auntie to stand up and went to secluded area of the house to have some privacy we all stay here and they continue talking about random things and sometimes about pranpriya.
I was just quietly looking at lisa she start to play again and very focus on the game I just smile on my self, she's so cute I love her so much.

we have to create a plan to get that man who wants to get lili from me. I will make sure that he will regret every minute of his life  and regret being born in this world. and also I won't forget about marco of course, oh how exited I am to see him suffer and plead for me to end just his life.

just wait for me, we or should I say ' I '  will have some fun for sure.

double update! sorry for not updating I've been having a hard time to actually write a new chapters. my schedule is fool I got so busy in college.

thank for still supporting this story even though I rarely update.

thank you!!!😘

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